10 Scientific Theories To Explain Why We See Ghosts | Do ghosts exist?

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10 Scientific Theories To Explain Why We See Ghosts | Do ghosts exist? | Channel Yu

We’ve all heard at least one ghost story in our lifetime. It seems that everyone and every place has come in contact with the paranormal. Statistically, around 45% of Americans believe in ghosts, and as many as 18% of the American population says they’ve actually come in contact with a spirit. That’s a pretty significant number for what could be considered by some as a total hoax. Many theories have been proposed as to what ghosts actually are. Are there possible scientific explanations for that shadow following you in an empty house? How about that tingling sensation on the back of your neck in a dark room? Lastly, what about demons? Do they really invade our world to leave claw marks on our backs while we sleep? Hello everyone, this is the TOP Yu channel! Let’s investigate ten possible theories for these paranormal wanderers that are rooted in science rather than the supernatural.

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There is no such thing sa ghost! The Bible: And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul. He did not breathe and extra like form into man because when he gave the decree about the Tree of good and bad: But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” If we had a part of us that lived on that wounds have made God a liar. And we know and the Bible states it is impossible for God to lie. 18 in order that, through two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to the refuge may have strong encouragement to lay hold on the hope set before us. (This is found in Hebrews 6:18)


Sleep paralysis is not dreaming with my eyes open I'm awake when I have sleep paralysis I've had it before I went to sleep okay I've had it when I wake up I can I have the effect it's almost like having a seizure

Best way I can describe it sleep paralysis because I I get that sometimes sometimes more than often I get that actually sometimes I get so much I don't want to go to sleep anymore but it'll happen to me just as I fall asleep just like it does when I'm waking up so most people think that you can only have it when you're already asleep but now you can get it as you fall asleep and it's almost like having a seizure when you're trying to get back up okay and on top of that it's like it you leave your soul and it's like you have left your body vacated it for a second your soul has a mean and then your trying to get back into a bit somebody's already in it and you're trying to get squeezed in when they're already in there so it's like a battle between you and whomever it is it's like hanging out for a minute you know what I mean it does not feel like a person is sleeping on my chest I don't know why that started I don't know why that should happen but it's like more like when in the movie X-Men when when the wolverine is put in that vat of water and that metal is is inside of his skin is meat suit and he can't move it's like there's metal inside of you and you're not able to move anything except your eyes okay and and when I try and speak it sounds like someone's choking my throat okay so and it doesn't matter if I sleep on my back or on my right side or my left side or I could sleep on my fucking head and still get sleep paralysis sometimes so it doesn't matter what side of the bed wrong or what position you're sleeping in if you're going to get it you're going to get it and it lasts sometimes feels like 10 minutes to try and get out of it it has nothing to do with dreaming it doesn't have to do with with anything of waking out of a dream now you're not dreaming with your eyes open motherfuker you are literally awake and your body doesn't move and it isn't on your tests it's everywhere on your body except maybe your eyes and your toes at first and when you try and speak you can't it sounds like someone's choking you that's the best way I can describe it and so don't don't give me some research bullshit and you can't research sleep paralysis anyway because you don't know when you're going to get it how the fuck can you know you don't have no idea so I don't know what that guy's talking about but real quick

And just to reiterate Spirits are everywhere God is absolutely real without a doubt so unfortunately so is a double heaven is real okay no doubt in my fucking mind is that I believe it's a fact and Hell is real unfortunately that's not a beliefit's a simple fact and the whole Bible story that's a fact and if you don't if you don't believe that then get into it and really believe it because it's it's not about believe like I said it's just you know like you know like you know and that's it no one could tell me any different I don't give a fuk okay about your opinions okay but it's a fact I just know it and I've always known it and never not going to know it even before I was told about it I think I knew about it already obviously so you better get into a kids because it doesn't matter what anybody else says matters only what I'm saying don't be so stupid as to believe it doesn't exist
I don't care I'm telling you the facts are the facts and these are the facts and no matter what religion people are in what part of the world they live in they all have the same basic fucking facts about him don't they they believe in God and they believe in Hell that's at least some form of heaven and hell it's just a different language but it's all essentially the same isn't it
