Why the UHC CEO Shooting Matters to the Neurodivergent: 22:20 tells what to do about it.

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At 22:20 I explain what to do about this.
Neurodivergent are greatly affected by insurance companies. The recent shooting of the CEO of United Healthcare Brian Thompson has highlighted the anger and frustration many have with health insurance companies and this video covers why this matters to those who are neurodivergent.
Here is a link to a great set of articles on why providers are leaving insurance and are not in network with them.

Below is a link to a letter, (or email or phone call script) you can send to state and federal representatives and senators. If you would like to use mine as a template, go ahead and copy and paste the letter and change it to make it your own.
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Neurodivergent individuals are known to have a strong sense of justice, and the very existence of the health insurance industry is unjust.


I should have added that the company that clawed back $3, 000 took money that was paid to me over 2 years before that. So they waited 2 years and then took a bunch of money out of my account. At that time I wasn't even in network with them anymore. I call that theft.


This is BEYOND profits over people, it's racketeering.


As someone with AuDHD navigating any health admin is both very complex, confusing and traumatic. The policy of deny, deny, deny is exhausting


Being neurodivergent and the cognitive dissonance required to get through medical school was a big reason why I left med school. It's HORRIFYING to learn all the ways patient care would basically be doing harm and somehow just go back to learning the clotting cascade, like I didn't just have the whole matrix cracked.


It’s time for health insurance to GET OUT of healthcare. It’s beyond time for a single payer option.


For what it's worth I am C-PTSD from childhood, PTSD from war, ADHD and ASD from birth! Yet I am 100% revolutionary!


I worked in health insurance for over two decades, and I learned a LOT about their BS policies. I used to teach people how to do their jobs, and so many of the leaders were clueless. Unfortunately, too many leaders in that industry are sales-focused. While there are some people helping to move insurance companies toward doing the right thing, they are in the minority. Even I lost my job when I reported abuses from my team and leadership, which goes to show how little they really care. I'm sorry you have had so many struggles. It's so unnecessary.


I have Medicare, and I don't want it. I'm being forced to pay for it, and there is no way to opt out. If I do refuse it, they charge me a penalty for nothing! It comes out of my social security. I've already decided that I will do whatever I can to keep myself healthy, and when it is over, it is over. I live alone, so there is no one to take on the full time job of filing claims and fighting denials. I'm not going to spend my last years bankrupted or fighting these machines. You are correct that clinicians are victimized just as patients are. The best doctor I ever had came out of the Navy. After fighting this system for 2 years, he re-enlisted so that he could avoid it, and just get back to treating people. We all have to keep this dialogue alive.


People, please continue to fight for your rights on free healthcare! I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and ADHD. I live in Europe (Croatia). I got a prescription for anxiety and ADHD meds, and that changed my quality of life for the better. My monthly dose of meds costs nothing, 0 Euros. The same meds would cost me 1800 dollars monthly in the US. How can that shit be legal?!


I'm an autistic woman who was diagnosed last year at age 35. But about 7 years ago I was incorrectly diagnosed as bipolar and I was given lamictal and which was incorrectly dosed too high (she started me on 25 mg 4 times per day and didn't explain that I needed to titrate slowly). I ended up getting Steven's Johnson syndrome and spent 2 weeks in a burn unit. I was on Medicaid at the time and because I got hospitalized in a different state than wear I live, my insurance was refusing to pay for my $64, 000 bill. I being undiagnosed autistic and having just been through major medical trauma, couldnt handle dealing with the insurance company, they were purposely making us go around in circles. Thanks to the help of my mom we finally got it straightened out but it took over a year to get fixed. Literally, my mom kept track of how many hours she spent on the phone with the insurance companies. I don't know how I could have fixed this situation without help. I have a very helpful family though husband and parents who help me a lot.


The vast majority of Americans live with paralyzing fear that they will face financial ruin because of a bad diagnosis. I am not sorry that the dude caught a bullet. I am not gleeful about it. I am not cheering it, but I am as upset over it as I would anyone that faced capital punishment. I am against the taking of any life, even the life of someone as loathsome as this CEO. I will say that finding out that these CEOs are in hiding, hiring security firms, it shows me that this event got to them. It shows me that all of the sudden they do not feel invincible. They are made of the same soft material as the rest of us. They can be harmed. And now they know this and they are feeling just a small amount of the fear and insecurity the rest of us do.

My insurance story? Before the ACA my father was born with a heart defect. He had 2 open heart surgeries when he was young. He didn't have insurance when he needed the third. He was uninsurable. He passed at the age of 45. I was 13. When I heard that the insurance industry has a term for people like my dad, they call us "dogs" I was filled with rage. I will never get over that anger. These people have a stack of toe tags on par with a certain political movement in Germany that existed in the 1930s. Those people faced the Nuremberg trials for a lot of the same reasons, because they dehumanized people, said they weren't genetically fit to live. What is the difference between out and out eradicating people, or just allowing them to pass from a lack of care that they've paid for? There is no difference.


Not only does the US model of health care as a for-profit industry lead to poorer outcomes for patients, it costs much, much more than any other system. Prescription medicines cost multiple times more than they should do. In countries where health care is paid for through taxation, people get treated when they need treatment, and the cost of treatment is much less per capita. No one is bankrupted by being ill, or having an accident. Plus private treatment and private health insurance is still available if anyone wants to pay for it. The US has shorter life expectancy and higher rates of preventable disease than the UK. The US healthcare system systematically fails the people it should be caring for.


I also am a provider. I also have been an auditor for a time for a State insurance provider. I, 100% agree with what you’re saying until your last point. “Write your congressman? Change laws!” Please, everyone consider dropping your insurance and see where that gets the CEOs. Pay out of pocket and negotiate your own services.


I got into politics during Reagan / Carter. I’ve been arguing with people about two things: that Roe V Wade was under attack and that America’s wealth distribution being unsustainable will lead to citizens lashing out up to and including revolution.


Keep speaking out!! It’s so very important to hear from medical professionals.


You have put it so well: it is by design that these companies make you go through executive-function-torture that all neurotypes find difficult, but especially acts a disabling barrier for neurodivergent people and all neurotypes that are experiencing stress and mental health issues.


The insurers can see therapy notes?!!!!? WTF? Isn’t that a violation of a dozen laws?


I’ve been staring at that beautiful piece of furniture behind you however it did not deter from your message!!
I’m an ICU nurse that’s practiced for 30 years . I have witnessed what corporate greed has done just at the bedside with cuts and staff supplies and basically a bunch of bullshit. I would leave my job carrying home the emotions that come with not being able to do everything someone needed.
My nursing career did not start like that 30 years ago thanks may have still been bad but they were different than they are now . The standard of care used to be excellence now it’s “just do the best you can do” (which was actually in a memo in one of our emails. I hope I have it saved somewhere.)

I know we are experiencing different types of problems with the healthcare industry and insurance, but I know you can understand where I’m coming from as well as I understand for you . One of my friends is a therapist. He also does not take insurance and he’s fantastic one of the best out there buddy. He was losing money just like you’ve said and it’s disgusting. It’s absolutely asinine and beyond understanding, but I guess you can’t make sense out of nonsense. This is not just nonsense though this is criminal. Absolutely criminal!!!
I believe the majority of us healthcare professionals go into this field to help other people, but most of our energy now is spent battling the devil . I spend more time massaging my computer screen triple documenting fall assessments on an ICU patient who’s paralyzed, sedated and intubated then I actually do touching my patient.

This makes me feel horrible. I literally am doing more “paperwork” than touching my Patient being able to do those things that prevent further deterioration of an ICU patient.
Because I consciously cannot neglect my patient care I am usually staying late to finish the required documentation that is repetitive and simply unbelievable .
We have literally been instructed (unofficially, of course )to falsify documentation. Certain things needed to be charted with precise wording, clicking the right boxes and at a specific time when everyone knows not everyone is getting their restraints released on the hour every hour range of motions not happening, but should they make you charge it they make you charge it.
They will call you at home on your day off make you come in and chat on something past your 24 hour timeframe, even if it wasn’t done at that time .

This year in particular 2024 has done it for me ! I’m tired of crying on my way to work. I’m tired of crying. On my way home from work. They’ve taken away nursing assistance. We have no one to help us turn our large patients. I have a chronic back problem now.
I feel as though I’ve given more than I have to give as a nurse and happy to do it, but not while I’m being abused by the sea suite in my toxic work environment .
My mental health has suffered so much .

I quit this year ! I haven’t worked as a nurse in six months now. I don’t know what else to do, but I know that I don’t want to be near anything healthcare or the healthcare system related.
I don’t even want insurance anymore. If I can’t pay for it myself, then it just is not gonna get done and if it kills me so be it.

I’m sorry I know this is a very long rant and I don’t know if anyone has time to read it or can understand it through the many typos and misplaced words because I dictate my text messages .

Anyway, the organ is simply gorgeous . We have to try to hold onto the little things in life because we’re being reminded constantly how we don’t matter.


I'm not a neurodivergent, but I am commiserate. I really enjoyed this video. It just goes to show that all sectors of our healthcare are negatively impacted. It was just crazy for me to sit here and listen to this video on everything that you've experienced as a clinician just trying to give care. Our health Care system is insane!

And I certainly did not know that they can have access to our therapy notes. Wow. That just feels so violating & intrusive!
You certainly just described their delay, deny, depose strategy. Wow!
