Will PC Gamers Switch to Console? + Far Cry 5 Requirements

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CNBC is making the assertion PC Gamers will switch to console because of miners. Also, we have the PC System Requirements for Far Cry 5 and Denuvo has been acquired by Iderto.

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This is actually a missed opportunity for Sony and MS. They should be running ads like crazy and doing bundles to entice people who have saved $ but can't build at the moment. No they won't get everyone, but those on the fence yes.


It's not just the GPU's affecting the market, but RAM is so expensive as well. The instability of the PC market is making console gaming attractive.


I actually switched from PC to console recently. The price of RAM and Graphics cards really killed me and I saw how cheap the Xbox One S was and this was around Black Friday and I picked up 5 games. I'm really satisfied with it but some games do run at 30FPS which kills me but I can deal with it.


This is never going to happen
PC gaming will always be better than console gaming


I've been PC Master race for ever. However, I refuse to pay 50% plus above MSRP on any GPU. Fuck the excuses, as a PC Gamer the current state of the market is simply NOT acceptable. SORT IT OUT AMD/NVIDIA!


Actually i switched from pc 4k/60fps to consoles..For reasons like this with far cry 5 and games coming out broken or devs breaking them...To the point you have to get crazy gpus to run they games..no thx


There's only 1 console that keeps my pc turned off for hours sometimes.
It's the Nintendo Switch lmfao.. I love the simplicity.
Sometimes i feel bad for my 4k Rig.


Pc hardware prices have gone beyond what i am willing to pay and yes if i cannot run the upcoming games on my pc anymore i will switch to console for big games and play simple games on my pc.(i am what is considered average game even though i put in at least 4 hrs everyday with close to 8 on weekends)
I need faster RAM upgrade but it seems i cannot afford(not willing to pay that much) it atm and i was also going to get a completely new rig when my retention bonus came in but even though the retention amount is high but making my dream pc will take up more than 5% of that which i am not willing to put into a gaming rig.
My thought:
PC is obviously superior because it isn't just for gaming and when you do give it a gaming task it is better.
Consoles have way more optimized games hence you don't have to worry about weather you ca run the game or not AND this part i like is how comfortable console gaming is.. turn on and you are ready to play not to mention for me at least it is easier to find people to play with.


I stopped watching at 3:40. He just starts fan boy-ing it up about pc. The article simply says "Gamers may resort to to buying more powerful consoles" and that triggered him into talking about every point why pc is superior. Just bad


I took up pc gaming again about 3 years ago after being a console gamer for 15 years. I will never go back. NEVER!!!


Starting building a gaming pc a while ago. Piece-by-piece over the last several months. It's complete except for the gpu. I'm running off integrated graphics my cpu comes with. If anyone else is in the same position as me, Slay the Spire is an amazing card game on Steam that runs on integrated graphics solutions and it has eaten up alot of my time. It's not Overwatch but it makes the wait for GPU prices to deflate a little more bearable. Good luck, Joker and friends.


My rig was built back in 2015, so these newer titles coming out require much more out of my PC than it has available. I had planned last year to spend this tax return season on upgrading my rig, but with this price gouge, I went out and bought a PS4 to play these new titles I've been waiting for. Hopefully this whole thing gets sorted out soon, at least before the holidays.


Like I said on a previous video, I was gonna build a $1000 gaming PC a while ago, checked the prices and said screw it and bought a smartphone and a Playstation. Hopefully prices fall down before May.


At 4:58, it is not true that a person can't make a living by using gaming consoles versus using a gaming PC. There a plenty of Youtubers and people on Twitch who are generating revenue by streaming gameplay from playing games on console (TheRadBrad for example)


HEy JOker, thats a pretty awesome build you had there in the background. I love the black and matte black look of the cooler.


You deserve more subs than you currently have Joker. Thanks for the info man.


Going from PC gaming to console is like after driving a BMW 7 series, you return to driving a Ford Fiesta.


some one may have already said this but people buying Xbox Ones and PS4s still helps AMD since those console have AMD APUs in them. Not to the same extent as getting a GPU and/or CPU from AMD but it still helps them move there products. and the switch has Nvidia graphics but people don't get that console to replace a PC unless they are crazy.


I picked up a 1080 ti for $760 3 weeks ago...i got so fkn lucky


Honestly I think if you wanna get an Xbox one s or x that's a smart move personally I'm gonna wait for prices to go down but that's because I have an ok pc about Xbox 1 spec
