How to Fix your Lazy Eye in 3 minutes Naturally

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How to Fix Your Lazy Eye Naturally

🎁 [FREE CASE STUDY] - How I Get Rid of Chronic Congestion and Breathe Better:

📞 [FREE DISCOVERY CALL] Let’s speak about your issue:
Lazy eye is a childhood condition in which the eyesight does not develop fully.
If that happen the brain focuses on one eye more than the other, making the other eye lazy.
If that eye is not stimulate properly it will cause.

1.Blurred vision.
2.Weak muscles in eye.
3.Look tired all the time.
4.One eye droops more than the other.
5.Double vision.

Anything that obstructs vision in either eye during a child's development has the potential to cause lazy eye.
1.Eye injury.
3.Eye injury.
4Eye Surgery.’
5.Droopy eyelid

This video massage techniques will help you increase blood flow to the lazy eye area by strengthening the muscles in the eye.
Do this 2 times a day for 3 weeks.
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I hope this works I can’t even look at people normal because I’m scared they’ll make fun of my lazy eye


I used to get bullied because i have strabismus and almost ended up in depression!!it really kills me but knowing that I'm not the only one in this world makes me more confident:)


To all you suffering I have this problem too, dont you ever forget you are worth as much as anyone else, its not the words of others you have to worry about it is keeping your own mental state in check that matters


I literally cry everyday for my squint eye..i cant even take pictures with my friends 💔everyday i pray to god to cure my eye.. i’m the unluckiest girl ever💔💔


Am done with my backpain thanks to you . Now am fixing my eyes 👁️.
God bless you🙏🏾


OMG! I cant believeee! Its a miracle! I've been doing this for 3 weeks and it works amazing!
Also i had an eye patch (u can do it yourself) and wore this 3 hours a day on my healthy eye cuz it will helps to streghten your eye muscles! besides u can readin books or solving puzzles with the eye patch for streghten ur eyes! Btw i took my eye mask before go to the bed for relaxing my eyes! i hope guys my advice will help u <3 remember taking your eye mask before you sleep! love ya♡and thank you so muchh♡!!


My niece videoed me by her iPhone. I watched the video I saw my eyes looked like cocked eyes 👀. My mom told me that our family history have lazy and crossed eyes. I was so shocked. I used to be beautiful for year and now I felt so ugly and so very embarrassed and I’m so glad I found this YouTube video! I’m working on it! Thanks so much! 🙏


Obviously with this Covid a lot of people play video games, my eyes have been hurting all day due to looking at a screen all day for work. Found this vid and gave it a try and omg it has worked. First vid I have watched of you and you have impressed me a lot. Thank you man! Great guy!


omg.. i have sleepy eyes since yesterday and it becomes normal thank you sifu!!!


When I was born I had a very bad lazy eye corrected. As I've got older and older. Well I'm 30 but I could feel it getting weak when I was tired or I was out and I had a few drinks. I started to do this two weeks ago. And it's made such a diffrence. My eye feels so much stronger and after doing it for a week I could barley feel it straying when tired. So I wanted to say thank you to austin and let you all know it well worth doing twice a day. 👀☑😁


Thank you Austin, I will try this on my 13yr old daughter, she has had the left lazy eye since birth, she is scheduled for eye surgery but i hope this helps first. 😊


Oh this is actually a thing I thought only I suffer from it


Thank you! I'm going to start trying this because I'm starting to get a lazy eye. (It's kind of scaring me) So thank you for this technique and I hope it works! 🙏


OMG THIS HELPED ME!!! I kept doing like a bunch of times yesterday and today I did it and it really helps B”H Bli”H Thank You!!!!


I will surely try! I only knew "yoga for the eyes" . Thank you 🌷🧘🌷


My father in law not only corrected lazy eye but his bad eyesight all together. It took him less than a year. And his wife did the same, it took her a year. They no longer wear glasses. They followed the Bates method which is essentially the same as what you see here. The reason eye doctors don’t help you heal your eyes is because they make more money prescribing you glasses which make your eyes worse…. Contacts will cause your eyes to become even lazier much faster than eyeglasses! A viscous cycle for sure! Do your research people 😊


I started doing this today, I will continue for 3 weeks and be back! I will share the results. Thank you, your method relaxed my eyes somehow in one go.


Since no one is actually updating us on their ‘journey’, I will do it myself.
My left eye is lazy and looking outwards, I will share the results unlike the others.

Cya in 3 weeks

Update: not full 3 weeks in but I see slight changes. To be honest I was doing them consistently but yet see improvements. I’ll pick this up again and try doing it 2-3x a day.
Conclusion: It definitely show effects. Thanks, Austin


Thank you so much !
I was in depression from when I was 11 years old because i get bullied because of it !
Now I am 19 years old I was in depression !
You changed my life !


Hi, omg I tried this once and my eyes feel refreshing (¿). Should try this a few more times later!
