How to Fix a Lazy Eye With One Crazy Trick

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On a side note, the cool thing is you can learn the same technique I used to fix my lazy eye / Strabismus.

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Disclaimer: [Because we have to have it] This video, program, and website contain general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. Participation does not allow a doctor-patient relationship. This program does not claim to fix, medicate or otherwise cure any eye problems or conditions. Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort, and participants must be cleared by a medical professional before participating in this program. The program only addresses aesthetics and not the functionality of the eye(s) and is never a replacement for direction from a medical professional. Participation is agreement to this disclaimer. EARLY ACCESS NOTIFICATION EMAIL - Take the survey and sign-up here!

New update as to what's been happening on the content end of things. Like and Subscribe if you want more.

On a side note, the cool thing is you can learn the same technique I used to fix my lazy eye / Strabismus.

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Disclaimer: [Because we have to have it] This video, program, and website contain general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. Participation does not allow a doctor-patient relationship. This program does not claim to fix, medicate or otherwise cure any eye problems or conditions. Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort, and participants must be cleared by a medical professional before participating in this program. The program only addresses aesthetics and not the functionality of the eye(s) and is never a replacement for direction from a medical professional. Participation is agreement to this disclaimer."""
Рекомендации по теме

I have trouble making eye contact with people because I’m afraid my eye will go lazy.


I have lazy eyes too and it just really looses my confidence😭 I really can't hold eye contact to ppl cuz my eyes gets weird and it's so just creepy that is why I just look to the other side or just play with my fingers or things and stuffs😭 it literally just hurts so bad when ppl laugh at u and talk about ur eyes💔😭 I feel so down everytime... I have many talents and wanted to show to the world but afraid my eyes gets weird😭 hope ppl are aware that it hurts a lot when they talk about our lazy eyes😭 but still I'm thankful cuz i can see how beautiful the world is and just everything ❤ Thanks for this too it really helps.. Hey people that have LAZY EYES CHEER UP! WE HAVE TO CHEER UP AND PRACTICE THIS FOR US TO HAVE CONFIDENCE!✊😭 remember we are beautiful even if we have these! fighting 😭❤


Ive been bullied all my life because of my lazy eye will definitely try this hope this helps You are a blessing


It's very hard to control my eye when im tired. During the day It's usually ok but when night comes i cant control it anymore. It's really about the brain.


my younger brother has major self confidence issues due to lazy eyes
an i saw him searching *how to fix eyes*
im planning on getting him surgery for his bday hes been trying to save up
but now i need him to exersize his eyes
hopefully this makes him happy~


I've noticed this by myself it's more about the brain. I have a lazy eye just like you, same eye.


DUDE WHAT?! When he just suddenly no longer had a lazy eye it blew my mind. I had surgery to fix mine but would have definitely used this trick!


wow, i thought i was the only one able to fix my lazy eye on command. ive been able to fix it for as long as i could remember and i thought i was alone on being able to fix it


Thank you so much for this video.. I'm still hoping that my eye will be fix..


Normally my eye looking normal but when i taking picture then I found my eye lazy so I stopped taking selfie


is it normal that after exercises my eye is hurting me ?


I have the same. What is it in the brain the causes it to wonder off & donors own thing? & how do we consistently engage it?


Thank you brother! So easy but so effective.


amazing video, I am impressed how you can control your eyes in only few seconds, I am going to try it too !


I’m screwed. If my left eye is focused then my right eye is okay but might go lazy. If I focus my right eye my left (good eye) goes UP 😫 I had one surgery as a toddler and I think that is part of the reason.


So I have to wear glasses
And I can switch which eye I look through
Hi my left eye is stronger and makes my right eye wander not as badly as my left eye does it I’m using my right eye


Thank you this video is very very helpful. Thanks for teaching 🙏🙏❣


How long I can do this exercise and how I see result


Sir plz tell me what I have to do actually suddenly my left eye turns lazy and while most of the time it is not lazy


My eye hurts and I have to blink hard to make it not lazy
