What Happens When We Die? #shorts #catholic #church #religion #god #jesus #bible #purgatory #death

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when we die we either go to Heaven or Hell. there is no purgatory.


Nope, that decision is made on earth, not by works but by faith in Christ Jesus. Purgatory is a false doctrine, it is not recorded in scripture. And to say there are some minor things to deal with is wrong, Jesus dealt with all sin at the cross.


The Bible doesn’t say one word about purgatory


Purgatory is not written in the Bible, let's follow bible as it is.


Where in scripture, "father"¿


Let’s say the Catholic Church was correct on this and you didn’t believe in it. Let’s say you grew up in a protestant household and your family is protestant and you die and you learn that purgatory is a real place. How are you expected to get out of it if everybody that you know in your life is not Catholic so therefore they’re not gonna be expecting you to be in this place called purgatory so they can’t pray for you to get out, so what do you say?


Literally shilling for babylonian religion, the one Christ comes to destory. Where do you think purgatory comes from? Obviously not the bible. You cannot find a systematic basis of purgatory, but rather random vague scriptures that do not build a picture of purgatory. Very much like the mormons that are willing to lie at any cost. Look at the origins of purgatory and you'll see a thoroughly pagan origin story.

But I argue in vain because it's God who changes the heart.


So he doesn’t believe in being sanctified


Oh this is not true the Bible doesn't even talk about purgatory Jesus did it all for us on the cross and the holy Spirit is the one that helps teaches us, no one is perfect that is a fact, only Jesus


You have been deceived my friend!! Ask Jesus to show you the way, He came to die for all, so we can have eternal life, Gods plan is not to establish a religion, but a relationship with HIM! Love you in Christ!


How can you say that with our 1 true God, that would exclude those that are Catholic and send them to a place that does not exist. You need to back it up with scripture. Which there isn't. When you said Jesus died on the cross and is enough. Then He is enough. That's it. If you're saying that He is enough but saying you go to purgatory then you're saying He isnt enough. You need to also repent of your sins here on earth, excepting Jesus, be born again. Not ask for forgiveness on Sunday and jump back in your sin during the week. If you died not fixing that here while still alive then you rely on a so called place called purgatory, and not relying on Jesus who died for you. Hebrews 9:27
"People are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment".
Jesus even told Nicodemus that we must be born again.


Cap we are on heaven now, dreaming that we are not. Hell is very real, but Jesus would never condemn you there. You do it to yourself. Jesus would never punish the way we think. It's not his way, it's a threat religions use to control you with fear. Catholic church murderers over 60 million people because they didn't believe in their ways. They will answer to themselves first before entering heaven


Tf bruh listen man u die u die that simple
