All You Have to Do to Stay Safe in a Hurricane

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Hurricanes are the strongest storms on Earth with winds moving at least 74 mph. Hurricanes also bring billions of tons of rain as they travel, and that can cause flooding. They look pretty scary, but if you know what to do in preparation for, during, and after one hits, you have every chance to weather the storm!

If the authorities tell you to evacuate, don't try to be a hero. You have to get into your shelter at least 2 hours before the hurricane is there. Even after you get the “all-clear” signal, you have to be really careful when going outside.

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What is a hurricane and how is it different from a typhoon? 0:17
How do hurricanes form? 1:22
How strong are hurricanes? 2:20
How should you get ready for a hurricane? 3:52
How to survive the storm? 4:52
What if you decide to stay? 5:32
What to do after the storm? 7:44

#survivaltips #hurricanes #brightside

-Depending on where it's formed, a massive storm can be called either a hurricane (in North America and the Caribbean), a cyclone (in the Indian Ocean and Australia), or a typhoon (in Southeast Asia).
-These gigantic beasts are only born over warm ocean water that’s at least 80°F. Such water temperatures can be found in the tropics.
-There are 5 categories of hurricanes. By knowing the category, you can predict how much damage it’ll do from minor damage to making large areas impossible to live in for weeks or even months.
-Get storm shutters, make sure the garage doors are secured, and buy a generator. Prepare an emergency bag for each family member. Materials in it should last you at least 3 days.
-Before you leave your home evacuating, make sure you turn off the gas and water to avoid leaks and flooding.
-If for some reason you choose to stay in the storm area, it's crucial that you find a sturdy shelter for yourself, your family, and your pets. You should close all windows and doors, and stay as far from them as you can, especially glass ones. Unless your house gets flooded, stay inside as long as possible.
-You don't want to risk it, so you gotta be 100% sure it's safe to leave your shelter. In case a house or building you entered has any signs of damage, leave immediately – it can collapse at any moment. If you can't all the damage yourself, try to prevent it from spreading – cover openings with plywood or some other material or put some tarp on the roof.

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Hope you'll never have to use this information, but do you know of a good evacuation spot in your area?


Hurricanes are no joke. I went through category 4 Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico in 2017. It was terrible. No electric power for 3 months (the novelty wears off on the third day) and one month without running water. Also sporadic outages for 6 months. All is basically normal as far hurricanes are concerned. Now we are having earthquakes. I'm not a Catholic but I sure learned how to make the sign of the cross pretty quick.


..I live in South Florida and was 60 miles away from Category 5 Hurricane Dorian. I Thank Almighty GOD that Hurricane Dorian turned north or that would have been the end of my town and the people who did not evacuate. My Prayers To JESUS, are still said for the citizens of the northern Bahamas. Amen. Thank You, Sir, for this video.


So this is why I love Bright side😁😊Like iF u love too


hurricane:here I come

news report: ladies hold on your wigs and eyelashes


On my country there is an upcoming typhoon that is called "typhoon rolly" and i am soo thankful this vid is that this vid is up

Wish us luck that we survive....🤞


Watching this when cyclon is going to come 😅 in India


"Make your house like a fortress." There's a lot in one simple sentence.


Hurricane Laura is coming so.... I’m scared but thnx for the help


This excellent advice . During Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico I learned that we need to always have cash because the ATMs wont work and you wont be able to purchase anything in any store without it you also need to have food, water and medicine for at least 6 months . In Puerto Rico that grid was down for over a year.


How to survive a hurricane
Plan ahead of time.Have a safe place to go after the storm and have a evacuation route.
Pack a emergency kit that includes bottled water, non perishable food and can opener, flashlight and battery powered radio, extra batteries, first aid kit and prescription medication, soap, toothbrush and toothbrush, cash and important documents.
If you're issued by a hurricane warning, bring anything in that can be blown or washed away from the wind and waves, close all windows and doors with plywood or shutters, clear all rain gutters and downspouts, trim trees, bushes and shrubs, put the refrigerator on the coldest setting and fill your car's gas tank.
If you live in a high rise, make plans between floors 3 and 10.
Fill the bathtub with water, unplug electrial appliances and turn off propane tanks.
If you hear the storm has hit, stay away from glass doors, windows and the phone.Go to the lowest floor, stay on track with the radio and protect your head.
If you lose electricity, keep circuit brakers turned off until power is restored then check for frared wires.If you see one, call up a electrician to fix them.If you smell gas, leave the house.If you're returning home, Do not enter if you see floodwaters, downed power lines, structral damage or gas leaks, Clean up and ask someone to rebuild everything back.


There is a hurricane coming in my place in 3 days or so . Thanks for the help


Bright side if u are seeing this, pls like this comment. I love bright side!!!


If ever in one my love I'll hold on to you tight and pray we make it through it cause you are my life I live for


Please make a video on


Oh my gosh, I need this so much because we are prepping for Hurricane Ian. You are about to save my life.😊


so the hurricane that carried away dorothy's house on wizard of oz was a category 5 👀

lol atleast I watched the whole video before commenting. 😆


Is there such a thing for a hurricane to have a category 6 hurricane or a category 7?


Who ever is reading this, just remember that you are good at what you love and you will make your dreams come true

My dream is to be a big youtuber


So like I hope I never HAVE to do this but, Thanks Bright Side! But I do live in a city with like, no hurricanes!!😃😃
