Utah police video shows Gabby Petito distraught after argument with fiancé

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Utah police video shows Gabby Petito distraught after argument with fiancé
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If they were locked her up for domestic violence she probably still would’ve been alive if that was reversed Batman would’ve went to jail if he had slapped her I’m not justifying any of that I’m just saying


If this guy not talking to police he has something to hide. An innocent man would cooperate


She may have slapped him but didn't he grab her by the face and throw it backwards to push her away? And in public? He's no victim, especially if he's willing to get physical with his in public, probably much worse in private. He threatened to leave her, like abandon her there, sounds like an aggressor playing a victim. She looks like somebody emotionally beat down.


She was very emotional. Was she pregnant? She is just too young and vulnerable to go out there with that man. He locked her out of the van at one point which makes him look abusive. The police seem to pay more attention to him in his favour instead of trying to understand why she was so emotional.


If he actually cared, he would be doing anything and everything that he possibly could to help them find her, OBVIOUSLY that is not happening.


You know the officer told The boyfriend about this national state park how big it was and they should go there that's what they talked about on the way to the motel they got him into why wouldn't they get her a place to stay instead of letting a young lady go on her own with no place to stay. I watched the whole bodycam


Look at her body language— at first she’s hunched over, sad, defeated…

When the officer says, “I’m going to separate you two tonight…” she’s sitting upright, even has a slight smile when she says, “Okay…”

We can feel her relief…

This really is a no-brainer. If “the love of his life/best friend” injured herself/committed suicide (as some have suggested) he would have been distraught, called 911 for help, let her parents know…

Not steal HER van and slink home to his mommy n daddy and their attorney 🤬

POS coward.


I think whatever head officials are making the call to not take him in- they should be relieved of their duties. Apparently there is plenty to take him in for questioning. Who does he know? If I ever was gone from my family and there was “some guy driving my car”... Dear Lord my prayers go out to this family! That’s their
Baby girl y’all!!! 😫


It seems like Gabby is too distraught to be driving the van alone at the end of the bodycam. Maybe she needed a doctor? So sad.


If he was black he would be in prison and she would not be missing. Due to him being white and the police going lightly on him, this is what happens. Praying for this girl and her family.


Why didn't the police ask Gabby "where would she be staying for the night and followed up with her the next morning?"
When it was determined that Gabby was missing, and the vehicle 'is registered' to "Gabby", why didn't the police confiscate the vehicle, at least long enough to inspect the vehicle for possible clues to
determine, what if anything surfaced during the examination of the vehicle?
Since, we can assume for the moment, that they did seperate for the night and her finance eventually showed up without Gabby, "There Had To Be Communication Between Them, "THE POLICE HAVE ENOUGH PROBABLE CAUSE TO AT
LEAST, (1) Call Bryant In For Questioning, (2) Confiscate His Cellphone & (3) Temporary, Confiscate the vehicle for "possible evidence" in an ongoing investigation & Inspect The Vehicle From Top To Bottom, &"HOLD" the vehicle for "NOW", since it is 'Gabby's' van and "She is Missing!"


Do you think that those were self-defense wounds they found on, Brian, when the police noticed them?


If everyone were this respectful and cooperative, there would be less arrests. I wish he had been arrested but she took the blame so they couldn’t arrest him.


The boyfriend is a piece of garbage and he should cooperate. I have a daughter and can't imagine the pain.
Very sad 😔


they were both abusing each other. let's call a spade a spade and hold both then acountable for their toxic abusive behaviors. I'm so sick of it being okay for a women to abuse a man. quit justifying her toxic actions. she didn't deserve whatever happened to her. but he didn't deserve to be slapped for telling her to calm down. nothing justifys ANYTHING he did. but come on, you guys are taking away from men who get abused. he should have just left her with the van and got a greyhound ticket home after she started slapping and scratching him. I've been through a lot of emotional and spiritual abuse by toxic women. and I'm supposed to just tough it out. I ran away from the abuse instead of contributing back when it happened to me. gabbi didn't deserve what happened to her, but let's stop making her out to be the saint when she clearly had her own problems, her own red flags and toxic and abusive tendencies. slapping your partner for being told to calm down is not the action of a completely sane and innocent person. once again, I'm not siding with Brian, I'm not justifying ANYTHING he did, I hope he rots in jail. but nobody deserves to be slapped for telling their significant other to calm down. that's the actions of a crazy person who probably was abused herself in the past. their is a lot to be learned from this situation in the sense of how abuse can snowball out of control and if anything we should be using this situation to raise awareness of the ability for abuse to to not just snowball out of control, but that women are capable of abuse as well. she didn't deserve what happened but anybody who thinks she was totally innocent is high in the wind


He walks away from her to go talk to the BF and says " I'll let you keep talking to your parents " but dad says he knew nothing about this fight.


Why did Dad not sound the Alarm when He found out they were having issues in Moab, He had to know about it if He ordered them an Uber Meal delivered, Something smells funny!


They never ask her if she was in fear of her life or if she had been WoW


Where is Gabby
Let's pray for her to come home. Asap


Again her dad said he knew nothing about this fight why didn't the cops say hey do you mind if I say hello to your parents or do you mind giving me their number instead of calling her a goldenflower and somewhat flirting with her
