Gabby Petito police bodycam reveals chaos inside van after fiancé Brian Laundrie ‘hit her’

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POLICE bodycam footage shows the chaos inside Gabby Petito’s white camper van after a 9/11 caller alleged that Brian Laundrie hit his fiancée following an "argument over OCD".

Cops responded to reports of an incident in Moab, Utah on August 12 where they interrogated both Laundrie and Gabby.

It’s reported that the pair had an "argument” during their road trip.

Bodycam footage shows Laundrie standing near the back of the Ford Transit van casually explaining the situation to cops.

Meanwhile, Gabby tried to explain what had happened as she was sobbing in the back of a police car.

Later on in the footage, the inside of their van can be seen as the doors are wide open.

A bed, pillows, sleeping bags and wooden furniture can be seen inside the vehicle.

Attached to the right door appears to be a small folding table that's used for eating and preparing food.

It appears as some items have been thrown into the van as it looks cluttered and untidy.

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Gabby Petito police bodycam reveals chaos inside van after fiancé Brian Laundrie ‘hit her’ following ‘argument over OCD’

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I missed the part where the bodycam showed chaos inside the van


On August 12th, responding to a phone report of domestic violence, of a male hitting a female along the nearby town's Main Street just outside an organic health food grocery, and then of the couple's white van driving away along Main Street, an officer trailed the van out into the countryside while the van traveled at double the speed limit, and only pulled the van over when the white van suddenly swerved to the right and hit a bumper.

The young female inside the van, Gabby, was in tears, in an obvious distraught state of extreme emotional meltdown. She was asked to step out of the van, and sit inside the rear of the officer's vehicle - where criminals sit. The young male, Brian, had multiple cuts on his body, but otherwise showed no signs of physical abuse, including his hands, which had no marks or abrasions.

The female, Gabby, explained to the officer that it was "all her fault", that she had OCD, and was hitting Brian because he was telling her to "calm down".

The officer, after speaking with both at length, determined that the female was at fault, and explained to the female that she could be arrested. But judged the situation, their young age, the close cramp-ness of the small white van they were traveling in, and determined that it was a 'one time only' escalated heated argument, and decided that to arrest the young female would place a permanent blemish on her record that she may not deserve. The officer decided to separate them for one night.

To do this, the officer decided that the young male, who the officer noted was "hyper", should have a nice clean, free, hotel room for the night.

By contrast, the young female, who had just described to the officer that she suffered from OCD and was clearly in deep distress, the officer stated to her that she would need to sleep alone in her small van that night - the setting where the argument took place, and may have even inspired it. Gabby balked at this, explaining that she rarely to never drove the van, that it was Brian who was in charge of the van. Driving and being alone in the van was clearly uncomfortable to Gabby, who was in distress and could not stop crying.

Gabby was then left alone with her van. And the officer drove away with Brian seated in the back, to a free hotel room. As they drove away, the officer explained to Brian that he used to personally experience something similar with the woman in his life, his wife, who suffered from extreme emotional moments, but was finally "cured" when his wife was "medicated". Brian, sitting in the rear of the officer's patrol car, appeared to be enjoying the bonding that was developing between himself and the officer. Not once during the entire moment that was video taped did Brian seem to demonstrate any concern over the welfare of his "fiancé", who was only a few feet away, crying uncontrollably, surrounded by uniformed officers.

It is my personal belief that if this officer had sought more aid for the female that day, as opposed to abandoning her alone in a van, but short of arresting her, Gabby would still be alive today.

On August 26th, two weeks later, some vacationers up from Louisiana were enjoying some late night drinks in a Wyoming bar called Bullwinkles. A young male at the other end of the bar began mocking them. Loudly and openly making disparaging remarks about their liking "guns" and "Trump". Based on the supposed calendar of events that appear to be the case, this young male, who identified himself as Brian, and who matched Brian's description, had, by then - while making condescending remarks about Trump, guns and violence, already "murdered" his fiancé. And had left Gabby dead in the wild, to be eaten by animals.

Adding to the 'oddness' of this event, it had already been stated earlier that neither Gabby nor Brian "drank". Standing alone at the far end of a "bar" at about 10PM, mocking those who were talking about "Trump", was a very odd thing for Brian to have done. Especially if Brian had, perhaps earlier that day, "murdered" his fiancé.

On August 29th, in the evening, a young man who identified himself as Brian, and matched Brian's description, who was clean and was wearing clean clothes, asked a young couple if he could be given a short lift, for which he was willing to pay $200. One & one half days later, the small white van that belonged to Gabby was in the front driveway of Brian's family home in North Port, Florida - a drive of 36 hours without stop. The rear of the van now had attached to it several new "stickers" that weren't on the van only a couple of days earlier, when photographed parked along a wooded path. Driving from Wyoming to North Port in 1 1/2 days is virtually impossible for someone to make. Which begs the question, did Brian drive the van from Wyoming. Brian wasn't seen with the van during the last several days in Wyoming. And Brian explained to the young couple that "his fiancé" had the van for the past several days. That he hadn't even seen his fiancé for the past several days. Did someone else drive the van back to Florida, possibly leaving earlier than August 29th, making a few side trips where new travel stickers were obtained and attached to the rear of the van...?

The only persons reporting to have actually physically "seen" Brian in Florida were his own parents - no one else. Brian's parents claim that their son left their home "last Tuesday". Otherwise, not one person has seen, or heard from, Brian since the night of August 29th, in Wyoming.

It is my personal belief that this story, and all that lead up to it, is far from over. Nothing of this nature erupts from a vacuum.


Chaos in the van ??? What the hell are you talking about 🤷‍♂️


That policeman is a shame. Just because his wife has anxiety, he pressumed that the Guy was the victim. Such a professional ass


Anyone find it odd that they report on this American girl but not the guy that murdered his girlfriend her kids and her kids friend in derby shire ???? Hmmm I wonder why they don’t want to report on it


You can tell the woman cop didn’t trust him while the male cops were worried about their ex wife’s. They ignored the part where she first said he had her by her face she was trying not to say he chocked her. They should have listened to the 911 caller


It says after he hit her, but the video is about her hitting him???


But she admits she was hitting him not he hit her?


Where's the chaos???? just a van getting pulled up


I'm confused now.. I was all ready for blaming Brian, but watching this, Gabby has no marks and Brian has scratches and nail marks, he could have protecting himself again when Gabby died, he may have panicked and drove the van home... too much has gone on in-between to know for definite what happened.


His body language is so off, his hands keep on moving and playing with the keys he’s clearly nervous. Maybe something to hide or just nervous dealing with cops either way they should’ve done more


If the police had arrested her during the traffic stop then she might be alive today. I know from experience that if the guy was accused then he almost always automatically goes to jail in most places without even investigating


The police did get them separated and her in her van without him. These two were a ticking time bomb.


Police completely misread the situation. He's a batterer, those are defensive wounds on his face. He was beating her.


Brian's parents seem too calm not to know where their son is, they seem too calm. Aren't they afraid that their son will commit suicide or do they know where he is?


During this whole police stop this man was to much smiling and helpful as if he’s a saint lol and the police getting him a room until the next day after his so called assault lol


Incredible that so many people think him being covered in injuries and her admitting to abusing him is clear evidence that he was abusing her. Also incredible that so many people think a preliminary autopsy marking the death as homicide means she was murdered, and by him. Medical homicide just means it wasn't at first glance suicide, disease or violent accident. That doesn't mean pathology won't show a drug overdose or an unexpected cardiac event or something. We went through all this with the George Floyd autopsy very recently, how can people have such terrible memory? Finding his DNA on her body wouldn't prove anything either since they were in a relationship and provably had violence in their relationship. He is at this time still a person of interest despite all the so called evidence social media detectives have gathered from their imaginations. The FBI undoubtedly have far more tangible evidence, so perhaps it's worth considering that they might know what they're doing.


When I saw the full video what struck me was the fact that he was all smiles.I had found that he was trying to show to be a nice guy and to hide something. If you are in a situation problematic you don't feel like to smile. I was right. I found the police should have tried to understand better the root of the problem. It is a characteristic of abusers to be big manipulators.


Did he unlock her phone before handing it to the cop?


Why are they asking him for consent I thought the van belongs to gabby RIP🥲
