DEESI || 100 Days of Zentangle ® 2021 || Day 16

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DEESI || 100 Days of Zentangle ® 2021 || Day 16

#thetirelesstangler, #the100dayproject2021, #100daysofzentangle2021

This is day 16 featuring the tangle (pattern) DEESI deconstructed Barbara Johnson CZT! Learn to draw this lovely tangle and use it in your own art!

Come draw with me and discover the meditation and fun in the Zentangle ® Method. Learn to draw simple patterns, tangles, and create beautiful art! It’s easy!

Join me tomorrow for another fun hour of tangling and don’t forget to drop me a comment so I can get to know you all! 💜💜💜

“The Zentangle ® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. We call these patterns, tangles. You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S-curves and orbs. These simple shapes are the "Elemental Strokes" in all Zentangle art. These patterns are drawn on small pieces of paper called "tiles." We call them tiles because you can assemble them into mosaics.

About the Zentangle Method

Through the Zentangle Method of drawing, you can

Expand your imagination
Trust your creativity
Increase your awareness
Respond confidently to the unexpected
Discover the fun and healing in creative expression
Enter a vibrant and supportive world-wide community
Feel gratitude and appreciation for this beautiful world and all that you can do
And perhaps most importantly . . . Have fun!
The Zentangle Method offers all this and so much more.”

I'm a proud Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT32)
Learn my story by visiting my blog

Thanks to all 9000+ subscribers!
I wouldn't be here without you all! 💜 💜 '
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Hi guys, although the original didn't have color, I added some yellow colored pencil in my central elements so that would help draw the eye to the foreground. It helped the composition tremendously! 💜 💜


Thanks so much for today, . I got interrupted in the middle, but came back to it. It looks great, but then all of yours look great. Thanks for sharing everything.


Thank you for sharing your story. It is really moving. You are really a beautiful person and all those kids were blessed when they crossed your path


Cyndee, thank you so much for sharing the story of your boys. I'd heard you talking a lot of Shaun, so if I spelt it wrong, we have a lot of different spellings for the same word. I could always tell you loved him so much & he wasn't around anymore and felt your loss but didn't know the circumstances. You have been a real blessing to these young people when they needed guidance, a friend, love & emotional support. They have also been a blessing to you too, I think you feel that way too. You'll always have Mari's support and respect. You're the only one who REALLY knew his uncle & can keep his memory alive. It's bound to feel heartwarming that Mari felt he could trust you when he was left all alone in the world. He's turning into a lovely young man, bit temperamental too I'm sure like his friend Caleb here & all young teenagers alike but God has blessed you both with each other. I'm so glad to have found my tangle mojo again & remember that you were the first person to wet my appetite when I was trying to find a new hobby on YouTube. Sorry, but you're stuck with me lol 😆


I’m late to the game, but I’m progressing nicely. I enjoy your videos and you have encouraged me to move outside my comfort zone, and I love the challenge! I usually don’t comment, but I just wanted you to know that your story moved me to tears. It was very brave of you to share. Bless you for all you have done, and continue to do. This is the first challenge I’ve participated in, and I’m enjoying it very much! Thank you for all of your hard work in making the 100 Days of Zentangle 2021 available! You are very much appreciated!


In Armenian culture, the beautiful geometric quilts and rugs they design and make always have a deliberate error in them. They feel only God is perfect, so nothing man makes can or should be. I try to remember this when I goof something up.


So brave, you!! To talk about something so dear and yet still pretty raw with all of us - huge courage to take on a child with such a traumatic history and working daily to help him to heal. It should bring you comfort to know that he IS progressing by feeling safe enough to get angry with you! We have had 8” of snow and cold temps, but not like OK! And the kids should still get Snow Days even with remote learning - it was such a delight to have those random ‘free’ days because of the weather when I was in school. (BTW: Amigo came running at the sound of his name on this session... looking for a treat, I expect.)


I feel your pain, I often think of this one child I met, and my grandkids what they go through, pray for them. I wish you the best. Iam 57, I raised my 4, Grandkids till the oldest was in 8th grade and i still watch them and there., youngest one is in 5th grade.


I had my corner elements get too big and my inner Deesi, got squished. Should have run ahead to look at the final outcome to try to mitigate my size at the outset. Lessons learned. Love the lessons. They are a highlight of my day. I'm collecting my tiles in a booklet with photo corners, so eventually, I'll have a notebook of the 100 days.


Holy Moley!!!! I think this is beautiful!!!! I was worried about the background being too busy too, but once you started shading, the top POPPED up!!! Love it!!!! Thank you!!
And a double thank you for helping and loving all of those children. ❤️


Lots of body lotion for dry skin! And try to stay inside!


I’m new to your channel and it’s been a blessing to have found you. I have a lot of medical issues due to a very bad car wreck in 2010 that I believe could have been avoided if the person that hit me wasn’t texting on their cell phone when they hit me going 65+ as I was sitting still waiting on light to change green. I have a very hard time sleeping since the wreck happened due to the amount of pain I have 24/7. I’m doing 2 a day until I get caught up to where y’all are at. I’m very limited on funds so I’m using resources that I around my home like you said we should do. With a regular pen it’s hard to get the thin lines like you do with your pens and my pen likes to bleed. Thank you for sharing with us how to create these beautiful piece. Praying for you, your health and family.


Hi Cyndee! I love the addition of the yellow!! And was happy to see you do the poke root. I'm going to try this. I usually watch and save your videos and do them at a different time. I really appreciate you sharing your story about Mari. It's such a blessing to me to hear how you have helped not only Mari but many others in the past. I pray God gives you the stregnth each and every day as you truly are His hands and feet in this world.
Much prayer, love and respect to you and for you.
Hugs, Susan from Arizona❤🤗❤


Thank you for sharing! What a heart wrenching and heartwarming story. Blessings to you for being there for all those children and for taking them in. Even though some of them may have gone by the wayside the things that you taught them when you had them we'll stick with them and will become invaluable in their future. I have a story about for children I did the same thing too. Usher that another time. Thank you for your prayers for Rebekah to want to get in touch with the rest of her family. We have wanted that since the beginning having an open adoption. We had started communicating when she was 7 but her mom made it stop because her other adopted child(who was not ever going to be able to see his birth parent's) was acting out when Rebekah kept talking about me and my other children she was excited about. I don't think her mom let her know it was her decision for us to stop talking and Rebekah just thought I didn't want to talk to her. When I tried to call her to talk to her mom the number was disconnected 😢☹ so please pray that she realizes the truth and finds me. Love this tangle love your stories. I have a chihuahua named Lucy and the other day she was sitting here when Simba was howling at the fire trucks and she started barking! It's so funny that she tries to hell but for some reason she can't. She will say i love you tho! Her mom used to howl she would get so jealous!😂 so Lucy says hi to you, Simba, River in Mari


I am so sorry for all the hurt you’ve been through. My Dad took his life in 2011 - we had no clue that he was going to do that. I understand some of the aftermath you and Mari have experienced. What a precious, loving heart you have! You are blessed to have each other!


Looks like these mushrooms that pop in are yards that I don't know the name of, iam sorry I can't share a picture, where I live now I dont have a yard, iam in apartment building.


Aahemm, Miss Cyndee, Snow days are only a "Canadian-live -in-igloos" Right of Passage... I think "Snow day was invented in Canada, Lol!! Luvs U! 😻


I used Inpod as a border between the corners put another aura around the insides again and then did diagonal lines in the open the diagonal filler lines have a zentangle name?


Looks like bing cherries.
I dont know the plant you mentioned, I forgot the name of the plant.


Thank you for another great relaxing video and also for telling us your story, you are truly an inspiring lady :)
