I’m Struggling With Suicidal Thoughts (What Should I Do?)

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I’m Struggling With Suicidal Thoughts (What Should I Do?)

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I am scared of living and scared of dying. Trying to find courage for now.


I thought I was the only 1 having a weird quick thought like would never do it. I wish her well.


One of my childhood friends died by suicide two weeks ago, 30 days after her 16 year old daughter died by suicide. I'm here because I'm trying to make sense of it.


That happens to me almost daily. I'm glad this is being talked about openly.
P.S: I love her realness and how articulate she is expressing her ideas.


Ocd is obsessive intrusive thoughts and images. I was diagnosed with it. It’s a very rough and scary subject to talk about and this episode made me cry because I’ve been struggling with it since I was 18 years old, I’m now 39. I hope she finds peace with it soon and doesn’t struggle with it as long as I have.


I think it's normal to have flashes of suicidal thoughts in a world like this. People that act like everything is peaches and pie are the ones we need to worry about.


When she said her daughter might deserve better ... Oh my heart ... I felt myself thinking, "So do you, her mom! So do YOU!" Praying she follows up for the sake of the wonderful life she has ahead.


There are some really terrific therapists out there. I am very thankful for the professionals that crossed my paths after an abusive relationship. They really helped.


I really appreciate how John makes tough or traditionally taboo subjects something people can openly talk about because so much good comes from being able to show that these things often are normal among many people and don’t make you crazy. And that’s such a helpful thing for people to help them learn they aren’t insane and shows them there’s hope they may not otherwise think exists.


One thing I can really relate to here (among others) is the difficulty in finding the right therapist; I’ve big time struggled w/ that!


As someone that has dealt with loved ones that have sexual abuse and suicidal issues this is an absolutely great call and response from Delony.


I love this guy he's so relaxed and even a little humor with some of these tougher topics, he handles it so well from person to person


Glad to hear this talked out. Having been abused and feeling like a burden has led me to these thoughts before. Thankful for my relationship with God and my pastor and some older godly ladies that helped me through it. So glad we don’t have to be afraid to talk about this.


I also have random thoughts like this. I think it’s more common than people think. It’s good to know that it’s all in our head and the reality is you don’t want to actually harm yourself. Although it is crazy where the mind chooses to wander. Very courageous to open up like this!


I experience the same. But I think is more when I’m sad, or depressed. I talk myself out of it. Like shake it off! Don’t think about those things, you’re not that kind of person. That’s what I say to myself


God, I heard the pain in her voice when she mentioned her grandfather, then her parents... more concerned with saving face then protecting their own daughter. I pray she overcomes these demons.


Some powerful stuff here but a great episode. I'm not sure words can describe the power of the work that Delony and those like him do everyday.


Learned a lot about myself through her story. Thanks for the transparency!


Suicidal thoughts are in my mind every single day and I literally praying for death while I still wake up and I am trying to understand why. To just suffer more or? I dont know 🤷‍♂️


Crazy i am here listening to this much can be said but here i sit in silence
