EASY Cheese and Guide: The Enduring Secret Boss Fight | Horizon Forbidden West Walkthrough (4K)

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For the final part of the Enduring errand, you will need to defeat the master of combat herself in her hideout on the northern section of the map. If you're having trouble defeating this ol' lady in Very Hard difficulty, I'm going to give you some tips that may work for you to have a better chance against her.

0:00 Intro
0:20 Gear & Bow Common Mistake!
0:46 The RNG factor
1:08 Recommended Skill Tree Upgrade
1:22 Using the Smoke Drums
1:38 Recommended Abilities
2:05 Avoiding combo-breakers
2:20 How to cheese The Enduring!
3:00 Full Enduring Boss Fight

First, a very important detail that I have to address: No matter what armor or bow you have equipped at the moment of triggering the fight with her, EVERY single time you'll get a locked set of basic armor and bow. So, don't lose your time upgrading anything, because this is not going to tip the scale to your favor, not even an inch.

Second, there is a LOT of RNG in this fight, seriously. Especially in Very Hard difficulty! You can be in the middle of a great combo and out of nowhere she starts shooting you with her bow and you can be done in a second. Setting that pesky detail aside, there are a couple of key points that I need to share with you.

I'm assuming that if you're already in this fight you have fully unlocked the warrior skill tree and learned all the necessary wombo-combos. If you haven't, please spend some time doing that because it will give you more options for this fight.

Now, the most important detail in this fight for me was to use the 3 smoke drums that can be shot as wisely as possible, because each of them opens a small damage window where you can start a good combo.

For the combos, I'm going to be honest, I'm not a fighting gamer so I usually went back and forth between the following.
Block Breaker and Nora Warrior to break the armor and build up the resonator blast.
Charged attacks to energize the target once the spear is set.
Regular bow attacks and jump offs to activate the resonator blast.
The Destroyer for some good damage.
And finally, the halfmoon slash to try to stitch all that together

A big heads up for when you're trying to build your combos is to keep an eye on the Enduring defensive stance, and if you notice she has blocked one or two attacks, stop or switch to your bow to avoid getting hit by her counter-attack.

And now, probably the biggest thing that worked for me: Use your bow. You can use a simple shot between combos to kinda link them. This will make the Enduring trip a little bit and prevent her from entering crazy mode, so if you memorize a couple of combos and use a spare shot here and there, you will be able to make a lot of progress without getting hit so often, but remember, there's a lot of RNG on her reactions to your attacks, so be careful and prepare to dodge if she breaks free.

Now I'll leave you with the rest of the gameplay for the boss battle against the enduring in very Hard Difficulty.

Be sure to check out more Horizon Forbidden West videos that I'll be uploading to this playlist right here as I progress through the game, but for now, I hope this was useful, thank you for watching and keep enjoying the game.

Рекомендации по теме

The real easy cheese way is to do jumping heavy attacks works even on very hard mode, you can go for the donator blast, but this gives her a chance to counter if you just keep jumping and heavy attacking you will wear her down and beat her op self.


I really want the game devs to admit that melee is broken and wasn’t given a second look


The fact that there are so many combos tied to 2 buttons is insane. I probably haven’t used half of them in combat (I much prefer bows) and never will outside of these melee pits.


As soon as you get her health down she just shoots you three times with undodgable arrows, killing you instantly. Maybe it's a skill issue but that doesn't help.


This boss is what I thought Regalla or Eric were like. It took me only one fight to defeat Regalla, no issue. But this enduring really took me hours.


They got everything right about this game but the melee.

Sumptuous graphics. Great acting. Engaging story. Fun, regular gameplay. Even decent swimming mechanics!

But they dropped the ball on the melee.


The fact you can't parry or block makes the melee fucking garbage


Nah... I put it on story difficulty and done with it


If she is so powerful than why didn't she fight regalla? I don't want to hear that she's "old" because she still moves faster than the speed of light. She is powerful enough to take down regallas whole army.


glad to see I'm not the only one who struggled here she literally can kill you in a second with a random arrow burst that you have no time to dodge it's bs... I got her to half health on balanced mode


You can break her AI. R1-R1-R2 for guard break, then on the R2 hold R1 for half moon slash to repeat into the same combo. I literally did that for the entire fight and she never touched me.


this is one of the most annoying bosses ever specially because it's broken.
All the combos has no meaning like: What's the point of the block braker (that's supposed to break blocks) if they always counters on the 2o hit?

The only way for me was to overuse jump+R2 and an arrow when she's getting up. That's it. So the only way to defeat a enemy that was supposed to train you is to cheat, so again: WHAT'S THE


Easier way is to just keep doing the block breaker combo and eventually a resonator will build up then shoot the spot that glows. Keep doing that and u will defeat her. Just don't let her bust a move on u. U gotta keep up the r1, r1, r2 combo


Thank you so much for this video. I was struggling to defeat her on even Normal difficulty. But your tip about using the bow every so often to keep her stunned worked perfectly. I finally beat her the very first time after watching your video.


I've recited every curse word ever recorded in one breath, do I get a trophy for THAT


This guide was no my helpful. Spam the jump button + heavy melee


**BIG TIPS for melee pits**

1. You can place traps in all the pits except the enduring before you start and they will stay in the pit when you go into the master fight (make a save at nearby firepit and if it fails re-load and try again so you don’t lose traps)

2. During the enduring fight watch out for knockdown emblem as this is when you can critical strike and finish the fight (if you carry on hitting and miss it the fight will carry on)


Not ashamed to say it
Switched to easy in this fight


Melee combat is so terrible its really not worth the effort, just lower the difficult for these terrible challenges, then change it back afterwards.


I’m on normal difficulty, and the lowland tribe dude was way harder than the enduring, he had a shield and the same counter-attacks. I use the bow between combos anyway in combat, so that shield really annoyed me but it opened the enduring up for attack allowing me to beat her second try.
It took me at least 6 attempts on the shield guy.
