How to Set and Plumb(Level) Fence Posts | Wood Fence

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This is how WE set and plumb posts on a wood fence. We used pressure treated lumber for 4x4s. This is how Mr. Fence builds our wood fences.

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A fencing company located in Evansville, Indiana. We travel the world teaching other fencing professionals how to stream line their business while also innovating the way we build fence!
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Gotta love the "coach" mentality of this guy. He's done a lot of training in military, LEO, or maybe Fire. Good work!


Thank you for your video. Your approach is much faster than mine. My strategy, a few days ago, was to: (Step 1 put a few wood screws into the side of the fence post), (Step 2 fill some five gallon plastic buckets with rocks or sand until the bucket was roughly half way full of rocks and roughly half full of air). (Step 3 Put a second bucket of rocks on top of the half full bucket of rocks -- double stack the buckets of rocks) (Step 4 tie the post, loosely, to the buckets of rocks with ratcheting tie down straps) (Step 5 use a bubble level) (Step 6 adjust tie down straps and tighten the tie-down straps until the bubble level showed that the fence post was plumb or trued-up). That took more than 45 minutes for one post. Your strategy is faster. Hold the post still when the bubble level shows correct positioning and pour in dry concrete. Pack, and tamp down, the dry concrete until there are no air pockets. The post does not move at that point. After that, use municipal water piped through a garden hose to moisten the concrete and/or use rain water to moisten the concrete.


Thanks for your insight and knowledge. Built my first fence today and it was a lot more complex than I thought.


The Crete guy literally poured all that concrete on one side as the level guy said “his job is not to pour on one side but all the way around” lol


Thank you i am currently at work getting pissed off trying to pick it up and level it 🤣 appreciate it


If the metal part of a spirit level (bubble-level) had some small holes (e.g. 1/8 inch diameter) drilled through the metal part, then you could use an electric drill to temporarily attached the spirit level to the side of the fence post. Then you would have both hands free to do things, because the level would not fall down.


Spacing is easy . Pour corners by mixing fast setting cement and the take a tape and measure and then divide bye how many panels you want and mark


My only was "Okay, BUT what about the height being correct ?" Your very next video is post height. 👍😁 THANK YOU ! Great tips on how to do it RIGHT ! (edit my only quesion)


Judging by the way your helper gets right to work in pouring those bags and immediately tamping, I can tell you run a productive no nonsense operation. Two thumbs-up 👍👍


is it ok to cut the posts after cementing them in? and setting the fincing?


Alright, old school fence builder here - we could backline 2 3/8" line posts at airport or military base (2 miles long) no string one torpedo level faster than a 3 man crew git the mud in the hole OKlahoma Texas heck anywhere, over😁


Hello, we are preparing to build a fence, do you need to add water to the concrete after you pour it in the hole?


Worst, fill the hole with concrete then embed it inside. Don’t use bags and add water that’s rookie special. Mix the shit or get a concrete truck. Fill holes with Crete n then slam the post in.. efficiency and perfection at its finest with this method. Time is money


I repaired a fence recently and had to use general experience and common sense as I lack your knowledge. The posts felt pretty solid so I think I had some luck. I used wet concrete as well as makiwara style stabilising slats and I wonder if you have any experience of this? I had a Makiwara board many years ago and it seemed to me to offer good resistance against flexion.


Are you setting the post at 24 inches or 30 inches. I seen on another ones of your videos you guys do a 7 inch reveal with the pickets. So I'm assuming you're setting at 24 and cutting the 4x4s at 65 inches sense you run your 2x4s at the top of the 4x4. Sorry if this is a strange question, I'm new to installing fence.


not sure how much those bags weigh but the dirt out of the hole looked like 2 feet but fitting two bags concrete with room looked like 36.


what do you do next? just add water to the crete? thanks


I have been installing 3 BOARD WOOD FENCE around my 4 acres to keep pit bulls out of yard, , , First 100 ft run i laid out came out great and straight, , next run is 225 ft, , i have posts set 8 ft apart, , 80% of it looks great but there is 2 sections in middle that clearly bulge out when looking at fence from a angle, , i ran string and used care i THOUGHT when installing post and attaching wire and 1/6 boards but the areas that arent inline SCREW up looks of entire project, , whats the secret to keeping it all straight on long runs, , im working alone which is part of problem, , when i get tired i should quit for the day but i dont, , , im 67 and have back issues but am SICK of finding dead pets killed by neighbors dogs, , ,


Hi @Mr Fence Academy, how do I make the convex design on a fence? 8 feet panels.


Hello sir great video. What spacing do you use? I see people say 8ft and some say 12ft
