Cryptic pregnancy: ‘I didn’t know I was having a baby’ | BBC News

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What is a cryptic pregnancy?

When Tawana, 21, was admitted to hospital with chest pains, she had no idea she was eight months pregnant. She had the contraceptive implant and even had a negative pregnancy test.

She was experiencing a cryptic pregnancy. A paper published in the British Medical Journal in 2002 estimated that it occurs in about one in every 2,500 pregnancies - suggesting about 320 cases in the UK every year.

Tawana joins Jonelle and Kirsty in the Reliable Sauce studio, along with her partner Emmanuel and their one-year-old baby River, to share their story.

How often do cyptic pregnancies happen? And who is most likely to experience them? BBC health reporter Elena Bailey explains.

#Pregnancy #BBCNews
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Big respect to this couple for speaking about this important topic. I had no symptoms. I was on contraception at the time . My belly was not big . I thought I had a stomach virus . My Doctor told me to go to accident emergency. I found out I was 8 months pregnant. I had 4 weeks until I was about to give birth . When I heard the news I was 8 months pregnant. I was nervous. I was worried thinking can I do this . Am I going to cope . I gave birth to my baby girl Ava on the 19th of August 2023 . Ava has changed my life for the better . I see my daughter Ava as a blessing. I am really happy about having my daughter Ava . Ava has made me feel more positive and great full. Thank you for sharing your story ❤


@13:20 I watched a documentary (I think it was called After Tiller) about abortion clinics, and there was a woman who was 48 who walked in and they asked her where her daughter was. She was like, "I'm the one coming in for the late term abortion - I don't have a daughter". Essentially, she thought she was going through an early menopause but realized too late that she was pregnant. There was another woman in the news recently who was 51 when she went to the emergency room thinking she had a burst appendix, but it was actually a baby. All her kids were in their mid to late 20s! So, the cryptic pregnancy thing doesn't always happen to young girls.


My wife and I JUST WENT THROUGH . I woke up to a FaceTime of my wife breastfeeding a clone of our first born!?! I was flabbergasted to say the frikkin least . Constant throwing up can’t explain it. But excited to bring my baby girl back home . She’s staying in the NICU for 2weeks. Prayers appreciated


I'm a proud father and have three kids. I didnt have any symptoms.


I looked pregnant all the time but never had any kids


Please don't say that you wanted an abortion in front of your child. Even though she can't speak yet, she can understand. Say it when she's not there by all means if that's true but try to protect her, she may be damaged by this negative thinking. It good that Emanuel says she's a blessing.


In 2018 my sister was working her job at a group home. I think she said she had these cramps and an erge to fart. Next thing she knew a baby was born at this group home and she yelled at her coworker to call 911. She didn’t know she was pregnant. Looking back at pictures of her around that timeframe she didn’t get the big belly or any noticeable signs. This wasn’t her first pregnancy either she had three kids before.


I had such a weird dream the other night that my bestie had one of these. I texted her telling her to go and do a test. I think its something that people who can get pregnant worry about.


Loved the show!!! Important topic and so proud of Tawana for such great insight and acceptance - you and Emmanuel are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story.


I believe God is telling women “Your birth control is useless against me! If you don’t want to get pregnant, keep your legs closed or get married!” 😊


I only get pregnant when I eat too much … that’s me though.


I know someone who didn't know until she was 6 months in. But she was only 17 at the time, so maybe also in massive denial.


I'm cryptic pregnant been carrying my twins since middle of 2021 still haven't given birth. I had a few positive testing, and periods off and on. My stomach is big. My lower back hurts constantly. My feet hurt all the time. I can't stand too long. I stay tired and out of breath I'm 51 next month I'll be 52. My tubes been tied for 17 years. I had ultrasound I can see my babies because I don't have a positive testing they say they don't see anything smh i feel my babies I have Braxton Hicks contractions all the time especially when I'm hungry. I can go on and on Lol I hope this helps someone to keep praying soon you will be holding your babies in your arms 💞


I believe that at least half of cryptic pregnancies are people unwilling to admit they’re pregnant.
My daughter tells everyone she didn’t know until 26 weeks. She knew. I know she knew. She just didn’t get a test because she didn’t want to admit it.


Is this girl for real … she was thinking about everything …except…the health of her baby after alll that heavy drinking … all she was thinking was about herself 😳… me .. if I was surprised pregnant… first thing I’d ask is …. My god is the baby ok ..


What if Lizzo is cryptic prego, and we’ve just been fooled this whole time? lol


I know she had no idea, but man that baby has a super high risk of fetal alcohol syndrome.


How to tell the elections are close in USA.


Sunshooping stop serving Fubao night after night right now!! This is abuse and you don't deserve to take care of Fubao. Panda exclusive rights must be withdrawn.


The black woman is rude because she cuts the other girl off and talks over her and interrupts.
