4 Charming Secrets Every Awkward Person Should Know

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Like it or not we have all been awkward at different points in our lives. Sometimes that awkwardness gets in the way of connecting with other people or even feeling confident in ourselves. Awkwardness doesn’t need to be the end of the line. In fact, if you handle yourself well you can turn awkwardness (whether it’s just a moment or a way of being) into confidence. Which is what we are covering in this video featuring Tom Holland.

0:27 - Point #1: Adjust your body language.
4:05 - Point #2: Handle friendly teasing.
6:39 - Point #3: Tell your own embarrassing stories.
9:37 - Point #4: Let go of managing people’s opinion of you.

#TomHolland #CharismaOnCommand

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Sorry about the jarring switch to loud R&B music for the dance battle. We got copyright claimed for the original song and this is the best we can do with YouTube's editor. Next time we'll pick sweet royalty free music beforehand. Thanks for watching :-)


This is the kinda video you watch late at night


I can’t wait to practice all of these habits and completely forget them when I’m in an awkward situation


I feel like an alien learning to be human watching these


Imagine being Tom, discovering that he has been analyzed this well


I have a feeling Tom doesnt even know that he is doing everything right, he just does it right


I love how we all came together to show we have no personality.


Me: He makes a lot of good points. I'll start doing this.

Me 5 seconds later: No memory of what was just said in the video.


Video summary for you speed demons out there:

Adjust your body language by:
- 3 second eye contact with everyone in the room, this makes everyone feel acknowledged and you capture their attention
- Use your hands to express and gesture (don’t hide your palms)
- own your movement, embrace awkward situations, don’t close up

Have fun with friendly teasing
- laugh with the group (don’t always retort with a witty comment)
- Double down on a joke aimed at you (this spreads the laughter in a friendly way)

Tell your own embarrassing stories
(this shows confidence)
- Use high impact words (Keeps your audience engaged)
- Act out the story vocally and physically (Again, keeps everyone engaged)

Let go of managing people’s opinions of you
- it’s freeing.

(Was multitasking while watching this so do pardon me if I missed anything or wrote it in a hard to understand way)


My dad walked in and asked what I was watching. I told him porn.

Dodged a bullet right there.


You seem to think I can think clearly in an awkward situation.


Recap :

1. The rule of the 3s : maintain eye contact for 3 seconds
2. Show your palms ( it apparently retains people’s attention when you talk )
3. Move, gesticulate while you’re speaking ( move hands ... )
4. Commit to what you express ( for example : when you tell a story, do imitations etc ... )
5. Fully embrace awkwardness : don’t show the embarrassment if you’re disconcerted, go further : for example, if a friend is teasing you, double down the joke, tell your own embarrassing story, etc ...
6. Use words with packed emotions, you can use somehow hyperboles while you’re telling a story for example ...
It can be words like : amazing, best, ... to describe little things
7. Have fun with the group, laugh at the jokes ...
8. And the last one ( finally lol ) and the most important : do not pay attention to what people think, it’s worthless, be yourself a 100%


Me: Turn awkwardness into cringe conversation.


Everyone add +1 Charisma on your character sheet.


How To Turn Awkwardness Into Confidence?
1. Be spiderman.
2. 1.


Just wanted to say, for someone like me who's autistic with mental health issues, these videos are really helpful, thank you for making them, just watching these makes me feel like I'm understanding social situation better, I look forward to seeing how I do after lock-down from these.


Who else is strangely nervous watching this video?


"Your deepest confidence is not based in controlling the perceptions of others, but embracing the truth of who you are"
This is amazing!


Mark Zukerburg: Doesn’t show palms
Me:deletes facebook


Well, you know, Tom does it naturally. Its just the way he is. He was raised that way by intelligent, cultured and sociable people. He comes from a very good family. In an interview he said that his parents made the children had to tell stories at dinner. And I assume they, parents, told the stories too and his father is stand up comedian. Can you imagine how lucky this guy is? And besides, when he was a little boy, his parents always made him talk with other adults, their friends etc., to look in the eyes and talk. He said, therefore he had no problem working with adults. And he has been working since early childhood.

Of course, Tom being comedian's son probably has an innate comic and presentation talent in him. Plus the observation his parents' behavior, plus the propper upbringing, plus a lot of experience. I repeat, he works in the industry - performs on stage, gives interviews, communicates with a variety of people from childhood.
But still that is very good analysis, thank you. Many of us can use this advises, i guess. They are quite available. I think, the main thing is not to be too strict and demanding to yourself. Be kinder to yourself. But move constantly step by step, little by little and never lose hope.
