The 7 Common Mistakes People Make When Manifesting | Mel Robbins

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For manifesting to work properly, you have to avoid these 7 common mistakes that I can almost guarantee you're making.

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Mistakes we commonly make during manfesting:
1. Not consistent, manifesting should be done daily, visualize and feel it
2. Framing yourself with negative thought (ex: I dont want..., I wish I could...)
3. Manifesting doesnt have time limit.
Do not put a specific time frame on manifesting
4. Too focus on the big end goal without visualizing on each step to reach the goal, will actually discourage us to continue manifesting
5. Thinking you should have to have all the answers (when we dont have the answers, we becone so easily unmotivated)
= Just become the student, to do the work to get what we want even though we dont know how
6. Not doing anything about it
7. Celebrate even the small win


People forget about the WORK aspect of manifesting. I agree with the idea that seeing yourself do the work makes the work easier to do. That's the real "secret."


I liked the part that said: "Just don't look at the end! Visualize the steps and take actions towards it in your daily base routine!"


Omg I have been watching videos about Law of attraction for years. This is the best one


She explains this waaay better then Abraham or Joe D and not asking for hundreds / 1000s to learn.. thank you Mel


Been following manifestation techniques since the beginning of 2021. It's been good and bad and totally confusing. So much content on YouTube and a lot can be contradictory. You are the only one I've watched that has explained shit the right way. Love and respect. Here's to 2022.


Oooh😳 mistake nr. 4: only looking at the end result! So that is why i t felt impossible to manifest my goal and spiral downwards that i was not good enough to manifest… you are brilliant!!! Rhonda Rhyms should add that to the Secret, in order to not lead people into disillusionment!! THANK YOU ❤️🥰


Perfect timing, Mel!! Replacing the words "MY RESOLUTIONS" with "MY MANIFESTATIONS". This is a kick-in-the-behind for anyone and everyone who complains that life just isn't going their way... well, maybe because WE never created the map. Love you!


Thank you for the reminder of writing what I want every morning- did this years ago (after listening to Brian Tracy) wrote 10 items every day and I got: my new apartment- a car gifted to me by my old landlord- a respectable raise at work - thank you for all your lessons- I’ve been binge watching 😃💕


I’ve always heard that you should be living in the end, that’s your job and how you’re gonna get it is a gift from universe. But the way you explained everything is more logical and inspiring… Thank you so much ❤️


Wow, this is such a timely message from God thru you!


Hearing the logical explanation of manifesting process makes me realize that my blockage is that I’m telling myself subconsciously that I don’t deserve what I want. Now I stepped forward with the realization! Thank you!!


Everybody doesn’t imagine in steps and there’s pretty successful manifesters out here with just visualizing and feeling end goal


Let’s manifest the most amazing 2022 people! You deserve it 😁😁🔥


- morning dream: write 5 things I want
- manifest: see yourself doing the things to get the things you want. Feel them deeply.
- take an small action: that's inspired by the thing you want


I’ve been using the habit of writing down 10 items I want in my life - learned this from Brian Tracy - within 1 year I got my new apartment- had a car gifted to me ( by my old landlord) - a raise at work - I was blown away! - thank you for the reminder- I needed this


Omg. This is awesome. I am starting all over in my life and today I was thinking that I need to do my things as when I was a student .... I was much more efficient, and boom here comes your video my way ❤👑❤ thank you 💎


The small wins…helps me to be grateful for the ability to desire what I want, and celebrate those wins.


I have just spend the best 1:05 this morning. Listening to Mel while I take down my Christmas tree and decorations. Now I’m ready for a brand new year.


(wife Abby typing) I am envisioning my own version of LIFE board game with categories like Mel has in her Mindset Reset guide. I don't like making long lists or crossing off days on a calendar or planner because it makes me feel productive on paper but not in real life. "Hey look at me I crossed off "wake up" "stare at the wall" and "drink 3 cups of coffee (not water)" . Aren't I great at using ink. Well I am off to creative a cool game to track my progress. I will be using different combinations of art media and my home-grown imagination. Thanks Mel! for the inspiration.
