Mel Robbins: 'Saying These 2 Words Could Fix Your Anxiety!' (Brand New Trick)

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If you enjoyed this video, I recommend you check out my first conversation with Mel, which you can find here:

00:00 Intro
03:14 Why you can take your life in a new direction whenever you want
06:44 How to ACTUALLY act on what you know you should do
14:20 The 'what if' moment that will change your life
18:52 It breaks my heart how stuck people feel
20:49 Why you need to WANT change to actually change
25:41 Why motivation is garbage
31:41 Why people don't change even when they say they want to
34:24 How do we know what we really want?
39:57 The fastest way to take control of your life
45:18 What not caring what others think REALLY does for you
49:20 "Stay in your peace, stay in your power"
51:00 The best advice I ever received
55:35 Your partner Chris
57:14 Setting goals that align with you
01:02:19 Why you need to stop letting people's reactions affect you
01:05:47 Ads
01:07:12 Your ADHD diagnosis
01:15:29 Finally understanding myself
01:17:34 The link between trauma and ADHD
01:19:56 Menopause, it's all so confusing
01:25:49 Menopause struggles
01:27:46 What's your goal?
01:30:19 The last guest's question

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"No one's coming. It's up you. You're not a kid anymore. I''m dead serious about this. So many of you are waiting to be picked. By who?" Shit! Brutal truth. Just what I needed to hear.


"Your feelings aren't a choice, your behavior and your thoughts are a choice."


Holy hell, my masters assignment is 5 days overdue, too scared to touch it, watched this and 2 hours later I've finished it. 5 second rule; amazing!


No one will change until the pain of staying the same is worse than the pain of changing.


I didn't even finish watching this video, cause I used the 5-second rule and went back studying! #stopprocrastinating


I always say self discipline IS loving yourself. Self discipline is self love!


This thing about waiting to "feel like it" is really a true trap. It happens to me. I used to always feel like it and got everything done, but after I had a TIA stroke, I have never "felt like it" since. Some circuitry changed and I have to force myself into whatever, usually ironing! LOL! But once I get going, I just go till I'm done. Having a scheduled day with times to rest a bit and fairly frequent changes of action helps. I'm just a 'go till it's done' person, so it's easy to get bored to death and exhausted. It's better to break whatever it is I have to do into time increments and come back to it later. I have to give myself a variety of things to do in a circular schedule and then I don't get bored or exhausted. It's a better way to fight procrastination. Im going to try this 54321 trick and see if it won't help me cut thru my own excuses!


Mel Robbins taught me how to disregard my feelings and start doing things I need to do. That has been life-changing for me.


The best part of her conversation is that she actually lived and experienced bad times ... and she explains how hard it is to motivate ourselves to get moving and how to start overcoming our procrastination.


"Waiting to be picked... by who?!?!" SUUUCH good advice!


I learned about this two years ago, and I inspired my friend, she got promoted twice at her job. The only thing is, my procrastination is platinum level, so I did countdown and said 5 seconds later I'll count again. However this rule, saved me when I was ready to take my life.


I’m probably one the laziest person in the world because I’ve been doing a lot of thinking instead of making things happen that even lead me to severe depression. I felt so hopeless for not being productive and thought I needed help from other people just to keep me going. Thank you! This is the best straightforward advice I need.


It's not the stupidest thing. It's the most brilliant thing. Simplicity is the most genius 🙏🏼


I struggle with BPD. This was eye opening. I was headed toward yet another mental health crisis. The answer was so simple. Change one thing RIGHT Now. I left my difficult relationship, got my doctor to agree to change my medication and made a commitment to do yoga for an hour every day. Now I have a purpose driven life, no stress, and I lost almost 100 pounds.


She's not exaggerating, this trick is incredibly effective


Yes, her 5 seconds work on me three years ago. I am mentally stronger and don't be afraid anymore now.


I thank you Tali Sharot for motivating my daughter when thing went really had for her.
It was really so bad that she attempted committing murder until you invited Mrs Lyra Holt Dean for your TED show program.
Am really so grateful for her finical assistance in my daughters life thank you so much once again.


Mel, girl, it’s not stupid. It’s genius! Simple is best. Thank you for sharing this beautiful knowledge.


I always apply the 5 sec rule to skip ads 😂


This is soo true!! For the last 2 weeks ive been trying to get up at 5:30am to go to the gym. And i would have this little talk with myself the night before. And as soon as that alarm sounds, my mind will talk me out of it!! And when i finally do wake up, i feel so guilty and mad at myself 😩😩😩 its beyond annoying.
Will definitely try the 5 second rule tomorrow morning
