The Big Five Personality Traits Crash Course

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How would you describe yourself? Would you even know where to start? Personality is complicated, fortunately, psychologists have come up with a way to assess five key factors of it. OCEAN is an acronym relating to a person’s openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, respectively.

To better understand what OCEAN is and to see where you fall under each category, we will be exploring the five big personality factors and signs that you score high or low in each area.

Disclaimer: The OCEAN personality traits are designed to roughly identify a person’s personality type, along a spectrum of each category. As such, it may be prone to not quite hitting the mark for everyone: so take it as a list of rough tendencies rather than strict classifications. This video’s primary intention is for providing entertainment and light-hearted content.

Writer: Sid Thompson
Script Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Sometimes it's difficult to analyze your own personality and figure out how your mind works, so these types of videos really help to break it all down.


Openness - 0:33
Conscientiousness - 1:31
Extroversion - 2:24
Agreeableness 3:14
Neuroticism - 4:03

I hope this helped!


70% Openness
10% Consciousness
50% Extraversion
65% Agreeableness
90% Neuroticism
Thankyou ADHD


It’s so cool to see the things I learned in school be explained so well here. I’ve been studying for the MCAT and just went over this topic 😊


I'm the complete opposite of OCEAN meaning i'm low on everything except the last two. Agreeableness and Neuroticism is very high for me.


this channel is so helpful to me in my daily life, and has helped me figure out my personality. I got everything high except neuroticism and i dont care if im the center of attention or not.


FINALLY ! I know my personnality now ! I'm still depressed- But that dosen't matter :D Thank you Psych2go


Woah I'm one of the few people who found this video


Moderate Openess: I'm very creative, and my fundamental morals aren't really based on what people say, but I don't change them often or pick up new hobbies.
High Conscientiousness: I'm always very organized and goal-oriented.
No Extraversion: I enjoy socializing but only in moderation.
Moderate Agreeableness – Not sure on this one but I'd like to say I'm pretty friendly and easy to get along with if I'm around the right people.
Low Neuroticism: I'm rarely stressed.


I absolutely *HATE IT* when quizzes ask ‘hOW woUld YoUr FriENds deScrIbE You?’ Like I DON’T KNOW, they might lie to protect my feelings. ALSO, *who do you think I am? My friends?*

…thank you for listening to my rant. 😌


INFJ here.

I took the O.C.E.A.N. Personality test online. It stated that I was High in Openness, High in Conciensiousness, Mid in Extraversion, High in Agreeableness, and Mid in Neuroticism.

Interestingly enough, I took another personality test called HEXACO which was similar but a bit more explicit.

The results appeared to differ slightly compared to the previous.

With the HEXACO test, it stated that I was High in Honesty, Mid to High in Emotions, Mid to Low in Extraversion, Mid to High in Agreeableness, High in Conscientiousness, and High in Openness.

Found it it a bit interesting how the Agreeableness component differed to the results from the other test.

I think the reason why is because there was a subsection in the test that focused on “Forgiveness” which connected to Agreeableness. I scored Low on that section.

So it appears that I’m not a very forgiving person. If I’m pushed in anyway, I will either become passive aggressive, avoidant, or will hold a grudge.

(Edit: Need to work on that last one) :P


Howdy Psych2go, I feel three letters of this acronym depends on if we have lived abused or not.
C(onscientousness): When I was living with my narcissist, I couldn't even think straight, because of all the trauma. Now that I've escaped I am low in C, before I was high in C.
A(greebleness): Basically being an empath vs having narcissist traits.
N(euroticism): Giving anyone who had been through trauma, they will have some of those traits. With healing, I am now low on Neuroticism.

I like the idea of this test, I just feel a lot of those "personality" factors are to be examined, since it depends if we are currently experiencing trauma or not. Adding my two cents. :)


I find this quite difficult bc I keep on thinking “it depends on the situation and who it is”. In all honesty I’m not completely sure how I feel all the time so answering this sometimes confused me


As an INFJ I score high in openness, conscientiousness and agreeableness, a some kind of mix between neuroticism and low in extrovertions and that's okay, I am who I am


Depending on the day, I ebb and flow (no pun intended) between all 5, both the positive and negative aspects of each category in OCEAN. I needed some Vitamin Sea insight today! 😊 Thank you.


The main reason I prefer Myers Briggs (after they added the turbulent vs assertive) is it’s biased to one side of the spectrum of each trait. It doesn’t balance the pros and cons of each side, which may make people that have the unflavored side to feel inferior when they aren’t.


I'm an INTP with high openness, moderate-high conscientiousness, low extroversion, low-moderate agreeableness and high neuroticism.


I think I deal with stress quite well. It's just that I have so much to deal with.


“It's never the circumstances that determine success in life but what you DO with the current bad circumstances that determines your success in life.” - Dani Johnson. Incredible person reading this, have an awesome day! I believe in you! Love ~ Nat ✨❤️
