Jordan Peterson - Myers Briggs personality test in comparison to the Big Five

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I've found that my Big 5 results vary in extremes depending on whether or not I'm going through depression and how extreme that depression is. My MBTI type, however, remains pretty consistent despite those factors.


I did the big 5 test, i was honest with my answers and people that are around me all the time agreed with some things but found other things to be highly innaccurate. However, when they read what an ENTP 8w7 is, they almost all agree that it matches me almost perfectly


Different assessments measure different personality traits. The MBTI, the Big 5, GallupStrengths, the Enneagram, and The Holland Code provide a different view and insight of the individual. We are complex beings - we need more than one view. Therapists find various assessments extremely helpful for helping clients reach their goals; each providing insight to understanding their unique challenges and pain.


I still think myers briggs aligns with the jungian perspective pretty well, big 5 is good too. Just seems like they both have their place; same problem attacked from wildly different angles. Side note, I've consistently tested as INTP for atleast 15 years and it describes me to the core of my being. The big 5 comes out as interesting and wildly accurate but it doesn't have the same texture to it.


To me Myers Briggs is a better assessment of a diverse personality. But the big 5 is easier to assess if that make sense. It's hard to test ppl the first time correctly with Myers Briggs


I see you JP…happy you’re able to enjoy your success my friend. Always respect your thoughts.


"Pedagogical" that's my new word for the day!


Personality is the biggest and most underrated consideration to what an employees role should start as. Start is the key, developing into the culture and business is a different story.


I find it mostly useful for the individual to better understand why one tend to react and act in certain ways, rather than being used when recruiting. I would never employ anybody on their category.


My generalized view:
MBTI gives you a template (not mold) for "what" you are.
Big 5 tells how you, currently, use "what" you are.
Though neither seem to be really good for understanding applicants or employees.


I don't get why people believe Big Five offends people, and that MBTI doesn't. I found my results of both equally triggering.


I think he’s right and wrong at the same time. One of them base your personality type from a bio-neurological perspective such as temperament, neurological attributes and the other goes off of your psychological development from being exposed to the environment. One of them can help you determine things like Neuroticism while the other focuses on the archetypal evolution of an individual. Which helps you compare yourself with others of that same type of mental condition other than what you may have inherited biologically from your parents. He may have said that and I just missed it but I did both and I like both.
Only thing is Myers Briggs showed me the likelihood of falling into an archetypal category and the other basically showed me what is stopping me neurologically from expressing that type of mentality and things I need to work on to overcome certain issues. Being high an openness, creative and neurotic was something I already knew, so disciple and a schedule greatly benefits me, but then learning that my “Jack of all trades” type of life also greatly coincided with others that had my same myers briggs type and it was incredibly accurate. Which I often try to deny but I’m always proved wrong


I took both. Aaaand tbh: The MBTI gave me muuuch more clearance of who I am and what my strengths and weaknesses are, because it goes into soooo many details and uses so many everyday examples I can relate to 100 %, it was also structured into different areas like childhood, school, career, considering all age groups and struggles during each period etc, which helped A LOT. The Big Five on the other hand was kinda wishy washy, leaving me only with infos like "Okay I score above average on neuroticism" - but I couldn't connect any dots with it. So sorry Jordan, u r pretty wrong on this one. But imo this also depends heavily on how deep u dig into it. After the MBTI I took my time to study 2 or 3 books on my type and research various channels on it, comparing what I found to all my personal experiences. This took quite a lot of time. But it gave me a pretty clear picture of myself and how I am viewed in general.


Having done both of them, each one provided useful information. In fact, all they really do is confirm what any reasonably self aware individual already knows. However, I found the MBTI results to be far more comprehensive . Just my two cents worth


what is that test that JP created? Where can we get it to use it for personal development?


What about the personality test of the Process Communication Model?


Perhaps not having high conscientiousness, I'm biased, but I've noticed in my 40 years in different work and voluntary roles, that the high conscientious people were prone to being rather accepting of anything which came from someone with authority. What I mean, is they didn't question underlying assumptions, and were vulnerable to being blindsided. People like me, though annoying the daylights out of them, could offset these weaknesses. I can think of a number of occasions, where, but for my discordant notes, they would have screwed up, or missed a massive trick.


Currently gaslighting myself into believing MBTI is nonsense despite it perfectly describing every aspect of my life and personality in a way I've never been able to express


I value your intellect and mind what are your thoughts on those who share the attributes of the architect type


2:00 the 16-Personalities variant of the mbti addresses something "close to neuroticism" with a fifth hanging t/a attribute.
