ClearPath: Teknic's Integrated Brushless Servo Motor, Drive and Encoder

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ClearPath is a complete, brushless, servo motor system all in one, compact package. Models with peak shaft power from 1/8 hp to 8 hp are available online starting at $249 (includes motor, drive, controls and encoder). All models ship within 3 days.

With ClearPath, you can precisely control position, speed, and torque with a minimal amount of wiring and other setup. And, ClearPath is at a price that finally makes servo control affordable for any motor control application.

This overview video shows different applications, controllers, and configurations for ClearPath. The video demonstrates ClearPath's power, smoothness, ease of use, accuracy, reliability, and more. Examples of ClearPath's different operational modes are included, as well as fields that these operational modes can be used in.

Looking for an easy way to command complex sequences of point-to-point moves without an expensive motion control indexer? Use a PLC with ClearPath's incremental positioning modes.

Need a replacement for your stepper motor because it loses steps or stalls? ClearPath "Step and Direction" (SD) will give you high performance and robust servo control. ClearPath SD will be a drop in replacement for a stepper-without requiring you to change your software.

Jump to the 4:02 mark to get a demonstration of ClearPath's state of the art performance. The demonstration includes a ClearPath hooked up to a linear stage driving a carriage that has a breakable, acrylic rod mounted to it. Watch as ClearPath can accurately drive the rod through a slot (just big enough in size) on a spinning disk (driven by a second ClearPath).

The video also discusses the power density of ClearPath. ClearPath power, efficiency, and ruggedness is compared to that of a variety of different motors such as AC induction motors, stepper motors, and DC brush motors.

ClearPath is manufactured in Rochester, New York and comes with a 3 year warranty. You can try ClearPath risk-free for a full 3 months. Return it for any reason if you're not completely blown away by its capabilities and performance.

For more information on Teknic ClearPath servos, subscribe to our channel and visit Teknic's website.

Teknic wants your feedback. Like this video? Give it a thumbs up! Be sure to comment with any questions about motion control and let us know what you did or did not like about the video.
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Not even a minute and a half into the video I'm already at the comment section going wow.
There's so many different applications for this motor.


28OCT2020 - A mechanical engineer buddy sent me this link. All I can say is . . . DANG! I would almost go back to school just to learn how to build something that needed this. Who am I kidding? That's just another thing I'll never do.


This company is fantastic we have been using their other products for over 18 years


its like you know me, you knew exactly what i wanted to hear, i am bought, this is going to my wishlist


Wait so your telling me that your motor can do all this keep up the good work guys and gals!!!


You Should make RC servos it Would destroy the competition


Your Description of this motor, sounds exactly like this one dude i follow. His Motor can be used as a outboard drive train, or a motorcycle engine. and anything that needs torque and speed... but both that work together "RPM" at equal Speeds. Checking out the price. Nicely made aswell


Great product. Expected the voice talent to say, “Clearpath . . . We’ll leave the light on for ya”


This product will make you rich it will replace every single other type of motor


I love it!! Just how do you program it? What I mean is, how do you make it go at different rpms? Do you use a computer, I don’t have a computer.


Hi, I have much interest in these products. How can it roll back for 180 degrees and come up back to 0 degrees and stop, that is to left and do the same to the right, its possible to program it in that form, please let me know and how much is the price, I will be happy if it can work well with my project


Very Interesting... I've used mitsubishi servos and amps for years with great results but they are VERY pricy. I'm about to work a side project using a Acorn Centroid controller on a 3 maybe 4 Axis prof of concept on a dev device. (I've never used Acorn before) maybe this could be a different way of looking at design and functionality? LOL.
Thank for the video it was very interesting.


Very interesting stuff I must say. do you have a distributor in Sweden I can get in contact with?


is the rotor of this motor rotated by external load? and if I am rotating the motor with the power source in CW direction and the load torque is in the CCW direction, the torque value getting from the motor will be a resultant torque or torque generated by current only? is it possible to hold the position of motor with load without heating?


In this example where the rod goes through the disc, how fast is the rod moving? I'm developing a product and I need something exactly like this but I need it to be moving 38 m/s.


Where I live in Canada we use a 120/240VAC system. I think apartment buildings often use 2 seperate phases while houses use only 1.


Teknic could make a of $$$ if it made a Nema-17 SDSK motor. Huge market for 3D printers and laser cutters.


4:56 :o actually kinda funny, Seeing it being precise


Tell me "no acrylic was damaged making this video" 🤣


Hello guys. Im intrested in buying your motors for my project the problem is that i don't understand if those motora provide position feedback. The problem is that i need to have position feedback for my project because i have to create basically an electric cilinder and i have to know its position. What about when power is cut off and the stroke is half way trought? Is it an absolute position feedback? That would be ideal
