Bo-Katan making bad decisions in a row #starwars #mandalorianseason3 #shorts

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Bo-Katan Kryze was a Mandalorian human female princess born into House Kryze. Over her life, she became a lieutenant in the Death Watch terrorist group, the commanding officer of its Nite Owls subdivision, the leader of the Mandalore resistance, and even the Mand'alor who laid claim over all of her homeworld, the planet Mandalore. Her complicated history was tied to that of her sister, Satine, who ruled as the Duchess of Mandalore but advocated for pacifistic teachings, which brought the two siblings into conflict; Kryze believed that Mandalore should take pride in its martial history and thus immediately joined Death Watch, a splinter group of those who believed in Mandalore's warrior past and opposed the new pacifist government. After Governor Pre Vizsla of Concordia was publicly exposed as the leader of Death Watch, the splinter group was exiled from the Mandalore system. In 19 BBY, Kryze and Vizsla discovered the Sith Lords Maul and Savage Opress. With the Sith, they plotted to reclaim Mandalore, and through Maul's planning, united several criminal syndicates to form the Shadow Collective. Launching a takeover of Mandalore, Satine's rule was overthrown, and Vizsla took control of the planet.

However, Maul challenged Pre Vizsla, and the Sith Lord defeated him, taking the throne and appointing Prime Minister Almec as a puppet leader, ushering in the Post Vizsla era. Kryze and a group of Mandalorian loyalists refused to recognize Maul's rule, and they liberated Satine from the royal prison, contacting Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi for help. Due to Mandalore's neutrality, Kenobi was forced to come alone, and he was captured by Maul, who then killed Satine. When Kenobi was brought to the prison, Kryze and her rebels freed the Jedi, and Mandalore was swept into a civil war as Maul's forces fought to reclaim him. Before Kenobi left the planet, Kryze requested that the Galactic Republic be informed of the events, hoping that a Republic invasion would result in Maul's death. Less than a year later, Kryze's desire was fulfilled, and the Republic laid siege to Mandalore, driving Maul from the planet. She then became Lady of House Kryze and Regent of Mandalore. However, she lost her position when she refused to follow the newly appointed Galactic Emperor Palpatine, and Clan Saxon took over.

During the ensuing occupation of Mandalore, the Republic reorganized into the Galactic Empire, and a new wave of violence claimed the planet. In 2 BBY, Clan Wren of Krownest chose to resist the Empire, leading the Imperial loyalists of Clan Saxon to fight them. These actions threw Mandalore into another civil war. During the war, Kryze encountered Countess Ursa Wren and Sabine Wren of Clan Wren, who were seeking a Mandalorian worthy of wielding the Darksaber and claiming the title of Mand'alor. With the Wrens' approval, Kryze took the weapon and rallied the support of several Mandalorian clans, uniting them to fight against the Empire. However, her support was not universal, as she had accepted the Darksaber as a gift instead of winning it in combat. Her rule proved to be short-lived when the Empire managed to lay waste to Mandalore and its people in the Night of a Thousand Tears, with Kryze additionally losing the Darksaber to Moff Gideon. In the aftermath of what came to be known as the "Great Purge," Kryze formulated a plan to reclaim the weapon from the Moff and return to Mandalore.

On Trask, Kryze joined fellow Mandalorians Axe Woves and Koska Reeves to hijack a shipment of weapons aboard an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser. Before assaulting the transport, however, Kryze, Woves, and Reeves rescued unknowing member of the Children of the Watch Din Djarin and the Force-sensitive youngling Grogu from a fishing boat. With Djarin's help, they successfully managed to steal the weapons and capture the Gozanti cruiser they were being transported in for use in reclaiming Mandalore. Later, Djarin recruited Kryze and Reeves to help him rescue Grogu, who had been captured by Moff Gideon and was being held aboard his light cruiser. With the help of Reeves, assassin Fennec Shand, Marshal Carasynthia Dune, and former bounty hunter Boba Fett, Kryze successfully captured the light cruiser's bridge. Although the victory secured her control over the light cruiser, Djarin returned with a rescued Grogu and Gideon in stuncuffs, having accidently claimed Darksaber by defeating Gideon, thereby making him the rightful ruler of Mandalore. Kryze refused to take the Darksaber from Djarin despite him willingly relinquishing it to her, having grown fearful due to her past.
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Me: Bing chilling pfffttt- hahaha
Paz: *snickers*
Cobb Vanth: *laughs on the ground*



“No I don’t have any internalized hatred towards women”-This guy probably


What's with men constantly getting their ass kicked by women in Disney star wars?


“We want to unite mandalorians”
“You should have just bought their services”
Dude you do not pay any attention, do you?


One of the many things that were never addressed by the events of this episode was that they had been payed to protect that city


One can't help but question Bo-Katan's tactical prowess after she landed her finite number of elite Mandalorian warriors into dense urban combat on Navarro, when she could have dropped them on the floating artillery piece above, captured it for future use, and turned it's guns on the pirates below.


Fun fact: during the scene of Bo-Katan holding Axe Wolfs, she held him with 2 hands in the armor while the 2nd person view showed her holding the knife like holding fists.


She just didn’t want to challenge Din cuz she likes him


Can you all stop saying man and woman delorean Even in the mandalorian language they don't have gender. Mother and father are the same word grandmother and grandfather are also one word Because they are titles. Anyone in their culture can become a mother or a father or a sister or a brother or son or a daughter.


Her sister would be ashamed of the womandelorin


Bro didn't even try to move out the way


Lol womandalorian. Don’t be so harsh on her. She had to challenge Axe to prove herself worthy of leading them again. And while the logic was definitely a bit roundabout, there’s no doubt that she wielded the dark saber more proficiently than Din. And I supported her having it again.


Womandolorian: Roads where we are going, we don't need "Roads"


How many Shorts can you make out of one totally not filler episode of Man-Delorean?


Bo should also fight Din for darksiber


Bo katan destroyed the darksaber... Mando should have kept it and actually become the leader of mandalore


Slow 👏🏾 but standing ovation. I concur, good sir!


I litteraly dont understand a thing you said


Again a man gets beaten up by a woman so easily thanks Disney
