Am I Saved? 10 Tests of Assurance - Tim Conway

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True salvation changes the way you act when nobody is watching because you know that God is watching. Your faith is that real, it is that powerful, it is that controlling—that when nobody is watching you know God is, and it prevents you from doing things on the computer that otherwise you would rather do.

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True salvation changes the way you act when nobody is watching because you know that God is watching. Your faith is that real, it is that powerful, it is that controlling -- that when nobody is watching you know God is, and it prevents you from doing things on the computer that otherwise you would rather do. - Tim Conway


This is a humbling experience with all my heart I seek to practise the word of God daily, recognisable even little things that affect my heart, I don't read the word of God for just ticking the box, it's not enough, even the thoughts, being judgemental, critical is under spotlight, knowing that I too was the enemy of God through my sinful deeds, cause me to be compassionate and pray for them and love them as God did to me.


Praise the Lord Jesus.

I cannot begin to describe the grace of God: Today alone I was full of hatred and anger toward God. More than that, my heart had been hard for the last seven months because of wilful sinning. Despite all of this, God granted me repentance during this video, and I was filled with grace and could confess from my heart that I love Christ and that He is the best God.
The patience and mercy of God is beyond comprehension.

Psalm 33:5 says, “The earth is FULL of the lovingkindness of Yahweh.” LSB
Therefore go to Him and expect His mercy/grace.


I think I’m in there, not perfectly but I saw myself in a lot of those examples like knowing Christ is my only hope, not wanting to break rules when God sees, being changed in secret, leaving my idols.. very uplifting I pray all who struggle will find our Savior who is rich in mercy, never stop seeking after Him


This actually gave me great assurance of change and a heart for Christ, I thank him and love him that I am being changed even when I feel scared and unsure ❤😊


This makes me so joyful. Praise be to our redeemer!


It’s really is up to what you choose to believe.


This pastor should ask himself if Christ sacrifice was sufficient enough for salvation as a gift without us having to add anything to it. And repentance means the change or turn yourself from unbelief to belief in Christ not yourself.


TIM CONWAY !!! Gods word says that it’s not his will that any should perish but all should come to repentance ! His word says he will not turn anyone who comes to him and whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. His word will not come back void. As long as we remain in the light because he is in the light, , the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all
Unrighteousness. We are saved by Grace through faith and that not of ourselves lest any man should boast. To him that doesn’t work, but believes on the one who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited to him as righteousness. It’s a free gift. Then we go through sanctification which is a life long process. Look at Peter who was with the Lord and even after 3+ years denied him and cut someone’s ear off. Do you think he was saved ?? Him that began a good work in us will finish until the day of our Lord Jesus Christ and he will lose none of us.


This is a real eye opener. Are we hearing this thunder!! Are we awakened yet and realise who we really are?
"Know ye not that Christ is in you, les you be a reprobate ?"
(2 Corin13:5-7)
Is it any wonder the Lord Jesus says:
"The Kingdom of God is within you"
(Luke 17:21)

That's are not free whenever we think we are (pending on our mood), but are FOREVER FREE because the very Christ, Jesus himself (our Savior/ champion) has set us free from the power of the grave and the sting of death, by satisfying the full justice of God himself. SO NOW WE ARE FREE ! yes yes MORE THAN conquerors in Christ Jesus.
Let this be sunk deep, brethren, real and true like a 3D inprint upon every sinue and fibre of our being.
Wow, if this truth doesn't pierce your pride, drown your misplaced sorrows, and put a death nail to self-righteousness, silencing your doubts, then nothing ever will.
Praise be to God


Great video! Works are evidence of having been justified. They develop progressively as we are being sanctified (made more like Christ) daily. There should be evidence of salvation. The evidence comes from the Spirit because you were DEAD in your sin and now are ALIVE because of the regenerating work of the Spirit. 1 John lays it out. Todd Friel did a video on Wretched Radio called the 10 Point Test of Salvation. Similar to this video but more succinct. We CAN be certain of our salvation!


I've struggled with this question so many times in my life. "Am I saved?" I've used faith. I tried to remember to use faith. I was never sure if I was truly saved because I didn't have enough faith. Well it turns out that faith is worthless. the only way to truly know you're saved is to do what I finally knew to do. I didn't know in my heart either. I knew this in my brain. In order to be saved and really the only way to make sure that you're saved, and you don't have to ask anyone or pray about it either. You just need a memory stick. You can save anything. I wish I knew this back when I was laying in bed crying, thinking that I might go to hell. Being indoctrinated sure did suck. Id so much rather just simply die then to have this constant worry over man made myths. It's child abuse. It's abuse in general.


I’m sick of my sin. It separates me from Jesus in this life.


God isn't required to do good works.


This is hard to watch. I have seen other footage where Tim has spoken truthfully, but this type of long uninterrupted speech - resembling that of a "sermon" spoken from a pulpit within the institutional church Mystery Babylon - can possibly do as much harm as good, if statements causing confusion amongst the hearers are not given the opportunity to be tested or even corrected for error.


How do you know if you've been written off?


Tim, you’ve got it wrong here. You speak as if people are supposed to automatically have a mature faith. That people are automatically going to be fighting to the death against sin. Brother, we have to be more realistic about sanctification. It’s a lifelong process. Some Christians do better than others. Growth happens at different rates. All believers have a new desire to live for God, but many do not know how to grow. You can’t question someone’s salvation by how well their performance is. No one will have assurance if they constantly introspect like that. I’ve dealt with this level of introspection and it is devastating. You need to go back to the objective promises of Christ and not someone’s performance.


So it basically this comes down to good works to be saved.


Pastor tim i want to die but im afraid because of bunch of reasons.. ibthink jesus hates me i just run awsy from all this... the só called devil he curses me im afraid.. never seen someone being só passionate about hating people.. im scared.. help..
