Biblical Tests of True Faith - Paul Washer

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It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it would be for someone to pass through to heaven with a shred of self-righteousness upon them.

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It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it would be for someone to pass through to heaven with a shred of self-righteousness upon them. - Paul Washer


This is the best and most clear sermon I’ve ever heard, Praise the Lord wow✝️


Found this channel months ago. First started with Pastor Tim Conway, then found Pastor Paul Washer. Very great full to seeing and hear sermons that speak truth.


If I desire to walk in truth then I’m not offended by it. It’s only when I want to walk after my flesh or be controlled by it or in control of my own life am I offended. If ever I’m offended at the truth, the Holy Spirit lets me know it so that I’m not deceived. It’s the truth that makes us free; if I want to be truly free then I mustn’t reject the truth. Thank God for men who speak the truth to their own hurt and shame. That’s what I call humble.


Beautiful ❤ these words are poetry and sweet to my ears


This is some heavy-duty preaching / teaching .


2 Cor 13:5 Examine yourself whether you be in the faith...
Thankyou Pastor for the word of God 🙏🙏


Thankyou Lord and Thankyou Pastor Paul... 🥹🥹


I truly enjoyed this word from God through his manservant.


Wow this was incredibly profound. I was blind to a lot of this


Love to you all brothers and sisters, Love to all people's


I wish the clothing was the same as it was in Biblical times, instead of mini skirts and short shorts everyone had to wear robes😂 that would be awesome


My sheep hear my voice and know my voice.. ❤


Actually, some of us in America do have to do without due to unforseen circumstances.


Yes, you are correct pastor but at the same time the Lord God Almighty Jesus said to do his commandments....if you love me, keep the commandments.
The other thing is that the people who have repented from all of their sins. The true believer must stay away from doing evil. Because the word of the Lord God Almighty Jesus says that we must grow and we do not go back to do evil deeds, never again, no matter what.
The genuine believer is not suppose to kill, steal, lie, falsely accuse others, and so many other things that the Lord God Almighty Jesus says that he HATES in his word.


Faith is the Words of Christ and God, the way we hold to these Words we call " faith ".Romans 10 : 17.


Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins and also so that he could send the Holy Spirit who is able to give us a new heart so that we can follow God's laws and live by them.
This is the new covenant.
This is how he fulfilled the law, because we have to follow his laws to be able to enter his kingdom. Christians who have not been converted to righteousness by the Holy Spirit are still under the law, meaning they are trying to overcome their sins by their own strength.
Without the Holy Spirit in them, they are still under the law, and they will be judged by the law since they were not born again and they didn't recieve salvation. They will be judged and required to pay the full penalty that the law requires which is death..
Obedience is required to enter God's kingdom. Most Christian churches teach a false doctrine that obedience is not possible. Believers in this false doctrine cannot be saved because of their denial and unbelief in the power of God. Most christian churches today preach a false doctrine that it is impossible to stop sinning. They have rejected any notion of the freedom from sin that is available through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, they have rejected the New Covenant, and in turn, they will be rejected by God. The free gift is not given to everyone who asks for it. It is only given to those who believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to free us from the bondage of sin itself. God's grace frees us from sin. It does not free us to sin only without a penalty. That is not why Jesus died on the cross. He came to make us clean, not leave us dirty.
1 John 2:4 tells us:
"He who says, "I know Him, " and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."
False churches teach that there is no remedy for the flesh nature. They underestimate God's power. They have no faith in his ability to deliver them. They choose to put all of their heart into believing that that they get to have God and that they get to keep their sins too.
This is a deadly deception that appeals to lukewarm Christians. It has been embraced by the whole world. No one who believes this false gospel will recieve salvation.


I like the message but he constantly contradicts himself of fear


The Lord God Almighty Jesus does say in his word that those who are his children will do all his commandments and will HATE evil. The children of the Lord God Almighty Jesus, the most High God who lives for ever and ever. He says that his children will stay away from evil and from telling lies, falsely accuse others, stealing money from others, killing, and so many other evil deeds (actions.)

The devil's children are those who continue to do evil towards others by killing, stealing, corrupt, telling lies, falsely accusing others, and many other things that the Lord God Almighty Jesus HATES. This is written in his Word and he says that if we love him, we will hate what he hates.


Let’s all believe, talking animals, people walking on water, sticks turning into snakes, wizards, witches, demons, rising from the dead, food falling from the sky, dinosaurs coexisting with man, all sorts of absurd primitive stories
