Am I Really A Christian? 5 Biblical Tests to Know For Sure

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Many people label themselves as "Christian." Jesus warned in Matthew 7 that many are deceiving themselves. Likewise, the Apostle Paul taught at the end of Titus 1 that many profess to know God but deny Him with their deeds. To be sure that we are actually in Christ and recipients of eternal life, the Bible provides some tests. If we pass, we can have great assurance that our salvation is genuine.

03:13 -- Test 1 - Is Jesus in you?
05:52 -- Test 2 - The 1 John Check list
16:38 -- Test 3 - The Discipline of the Lord
20:25 -- Test 4 - Led by the Spirit
21:59 -- Test 5 - The Fruit of the Spirit

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Thanks, this opened my eyes.
I have a lot to work on.


I put to death all my earthly desires
Daily. But still I feel I m not perfect


I agree with the person who was called out on something they were doing wrong and answered "I have not been convicted on that". Sanctification is a process, it is not a done deal. So God is working with the believer on certain issues at a time, not on all. But that does not mean the believer is not in Christ when he still practices something "sinful". For example, you have weaknesses, but those weakness will be addressed by the Lord one by one as you walk with Him. But while you are still doing something 'wrong", that does not mean you are not in Christ. As a matter of fact it sounds somewhat judgmental to call people out on certain sins. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. That is the way it's been for me. The Lord has convicted me on one sin at a time. Once conviction takes place, the person becomes ready to repent of something he or she did not consider sinful in the past. Only God knows the heart my friend. I could tell you right now that you sound judgemental but you won't accept it. But the truth is that I don't know if you are or not, only God knows you to that degree. Most of the stuff you mentioned in this video sounds correct, but not all applies to everybody, we are not robots, we are human. And God is patient and loving and merciful with His children. I gave my heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ some 30 years ago and my experience with Him has been so delightful and loving. Of course I have also suffered much, lots of discipline but mostly the love of God has stood out. I guess what Im trying to say is that not all that is written applies to all at once and I'll give you an example. Remember when Jesus mentioned that when a couple divorces, they shouldn't remarry because they would be committing adultery? (Mathew 19) Then Jesus said, but not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. It is that way, when God commands a believer to do something or not to do something, that's when it is required of him. And grace is given to obey. This has been my experience with the Lord. Therefore I cannot go calling people out on certain sins, because I don't know where they're at in their walk with the Lord. And I definitely agree on the fact that there are many people who consider themselves Christian when they are obviously not, but a believer is a believer and in my view, that is also obvious.


I don't know what a real Christian is I don't call myself a Christian but I will tell you who I am in Christ I am a child of God


The fruit of the Holy Spirit isn’t matured instantly, moreover, not every tree produces the nine attributes exactly the same. it takes time to mature. You’ll need to reread the epistles. Here is an example: the Cretans would have no chance if what you are saying is true.


A true Christian is a footstep follower of Christ Jesus. 1 Peter 2:21 Even Christ suffered for you, to follow his steps closely. These are things that a true Christian will not do, he will not lie, he will not steal, will not cheat, and he will not kill, why? because these are the things, Jesus would never do. if your religion supports the killing of their fellowman in the name of his country, his religion, or his flag, you are not a Christian, you are a pretender, Christian. they are not hearing his law, Hebrew 29:9 He that is turning away from hearing the law, even his prayer is something detestable .there is only one true religion in the world that obey all his commandments are called by the name of the Father, (KJV) Psalms 83:18 Isaiah 43:10


Elect is in scripture more than the word christian!


There is no eternal life, the word is aion and it means age lasting, specifically the Millennium, qualification to reign and rule with Christ in the Millennium. Read Eph 2.7 as it describes your concept of eternal, as only God is eternal. Our eternal state comes from who Christ is in us and not the mistranslation of a word. You are relying on knowledge to prove you rebirth which is not necessary, being called doesnt involve knowledge only grace, any more than that we discount God to elevate ourselves. The faith spoken of in 2 Cor 13 is not the gift at rebirth, but the Gal 5 fruit of the spirit that builds upon the gift through sanctification, the corner stone of scripture not justification. The kingdom is not heaven, it is the Millennium and qualifying for it through the judgement seat of Christ and many will not be invited, only believers stand at the JSOC but only a few are chosen per Mt 16.20. You, like so many, conflate the two thus causing insecurity and the lack of knowledge that prevents people from entering the kingdom. The sermon on the mount was offering Israel the KOG not spirit rebirth.


makes me glad I am not a Christian. I am a follower of thew Way. First thing you should do is find out how the word "Christian" meant in the first place and how it was used. Do not be conformed to the way of the world. Jesus said "my sheep hear my voice".
