The true cost of a fancy car

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The decision on how much to spend when purchasing your vehicle is possibly one of your most important financial decisions.

In fact, banks say that the main reason they turn down home loan applications is due to affordability, and the main culprit is usually car finance. Potential homeowners are spending far too much of their disposable income on paying off their cars.

Let’s take a scenario where you have the option to buy the top of the range model for R350 000, or you can buy the same car but with less specs for R250 000.

Over five years, with a finance interest rate of 10%, you will pay back either R7500 a month or R5500 a month for the less expensive model.

If you decided to buy the less expensive model you could invest the R2000 a month difference. Within five years your car would be paid off and even if you earned just 4% a year interest in a bank savings account you would have R130 000 to put down as a deposit on a home.

The power of compounding and long-term investing makes this calculation even more powerful. Imagine if over the next fifteen years, whenever you bought a car you opted for the more affordable option and kept investing that R2000 a month into a tax-free savings account.

If you earned an average return of five percentage points above inflation, within fifteen years you would have accumulated R530 000 in today’s value.

Alternatively, you could use the R2000 a month to boost your retirement by contributing to a retirement annuity. Over twenty years that would give you a retirement nest egg of R820 000 in today’s value and all those contributions would have been tax deductible.

Whether your goal is to save for your child’s education, a dream home or a comfortable retirement, it often starts with the choice of car you drive.

Рекомендации по теме

That’s very interesting. Buying a brand new car is just such a waste of money.


But sometimes less expensive cars are not of very good quality, after 5 years you will need to have a new car already due to excessive maintenance costs..when buying one has to get a reliable brand


Hey Maya. Please do a Vedio on the cost involved in buying a house. I actually want to know different costs one can save up for beside deposit and the registration fee. I want to prepare for a house and your vedios are helping me already. I am 28 and I have started contributing 3k in my retirement account since this year started. I am not sure if that is enough but I'm planning to increase it every year. Thank you for the informative vedios you share with us
