Why This Film? - 'The True Cost'

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This documentary changed my view on fashion and it has changed my entire life. I keep watching trailers once in a while to remind my self


Just watched it in NetFlix, it's an eye opener documentary on clothing industry! It portrays how ignorant we as consumers jeopardizing the lives of other living beings and ruining the mother earth for our materialistic pleasures.
I feel lot of people are not aware of all these issues and with proper awareness, I am optimistic that we can become more responsible. I will surely think twice when I shop next time! Many thanks for bringing this to light!!

#TheTrueCost #TrueCostMovie


I remember, in my teens, my mom would walk me to the neighborhood tailor to get myself measured and have a pair or two stitched to my (I meant, her) very strict specifications. I valued those clothes a lot more than then the $300 Calvin Klein that I pick up on the way back from work just because I saw it in an ad while browsing thru the daily news feed.

Bying clothes was a 4-step process which could take a week to complete.
1. You first went out to get the fabric you needed -- 2 hrs, Day 1
2. you went to the tailor to have it stitched -- 1 hr, Day 2
3. you returned to the tailor to get your fitting done - after 3 - 4 days -- 1/2 hr (Day 3 thru 5 or 6)
4. you returned to the tailor (again) to get a final fitting and finish done -- after 1 day -- 2 hrs. Day 6 or 7.


This is an amazing documentary! Thank you for doing this.... for showing us the true cost of our acts.


a mast see documentary, we should educate themselves! I cried almost the whole documentary and I'm embarrassed of myself and my ignorance. I'm spreading that video around and I'll think twice before I buy...thank you for opening my eyes...


love what he says here. About to watch the film.


I saw your documentary on Netflix as soon as it was available in my country. Thank you so much for making it !! It's not an easy atmosphere to be at, or a cause to pursue if you happen to live in a place/country were "Go Green" is used as mockery, or worse.


This is exactly what I mean when I say that I live and breathe for fashion... I wouldn't do what I do if there wasn't room to make a true difference and create positive cultural change in the world, one tiny babystep at a time. I love the self-expressiveness and Art of Fashion, mostly because I love my fellow human beings and the rainbow of light we make together. There has to be a better way to create art and take care of our people. I'm learning every day I'm so thankful for people who take time to teach us all how to be better.  In love and solidarity, Amanda Caserta Executive Producer


That inspires me as a documentarist and a person! Thank you


Someone mentioned this before and I absolutely feel the same way. You made me a better person. I walked into my room and saw the clothes on my floor and could imagine all the hands it slipped through. I started shifting through my clothes, checking tags.. I was horrified even the thought of wearing them was unbearable, but I realised that it would be better to honor and respect these clothes I already have because I didnt want them made in vein. I want to make them last as long as possible so I don't have to purchase more. Becoming aware of this history and story for each item of clothing I have and what they might have meant to someone else is astonishing. Thank you.


just watching the trailer was impacted me and drew me to watch it and spread the word.


Hard to watch but so very very important. My radio show producer will be in touch re: the possibility of scheduling Andrew as a show guest for our national radio show. Thanks to Scott Leonard and Matt Reynodls from Indigenous for telling me about this film and about Andrew's work.


I am really waiting to watch the movie! congratulations for it!!


Incredibly truthful look at the over indulgence of our country. Having worked in the apparel industry I was aware. but did not have any idea of the reprocessions of our my own habits. never mind the inconsequential mindset of our capitalistic economy. To anyone in the apparel industry I believe it is a "must see". To be informed is the only way we can collectively make a change. It is hugely apparent that a change needs to be made.


Eye opener . Must watch documentary “True Cost”.


You know, I always had this mentality that I wouldn't shop at wal mart. I heard so many bad things about them, most of all, I heard the poor treatment to their employees. So, i stopped shopping there. After watching this documentary, I made a realization that it is bigger than just Wal mart. The consumers are exploiting these poor people in way and I had NO idea it was this bad to the point where it's basically one of the worst human treatment today. This changed my life and the out look on the world, I tell my family and friends about sweat shops, and how we are contributing to this vicious cycle, and the pollution and they never take me seriously. Especially, the pollution part and I don't understand that because it's basically an attack on Earth. I showed my mom your movie, and she cried. She made a decision to stop excessive shopping, and to only shop second hand stores and conserve. I hope I can open people's minds about it more, and it seems the only way to do it is to show them this documentary you made. It is so powerful and riveting, it really captures the basic cruelty on these people. I hope to change more minds, and hopefully one day, these people will get the treatment they deserve and the planet will be at a healthier state. Thank you for this, you made me a better person.


Good to raise awareness!
However, because people _are_ being crushed, burning and dying to create the clothes we wear, isn't that even _more_ of a reason to by from *_them_* and care for the garment, because we care about who made it? Mom went to Walmart (uh-oh) and came home with a 'Faded-Glory' sweater (of all things) as a gift for me over five years ago. Did I say: "I could never wear such a thing"? Nope. I'm wearing it right now, because I've cared for it so well this whole time. I'll never throw it away either because I _do_ care who made it and where it came from.


No haters reply as this is a real proper question - Isn't the whole issue more a government issue rather then the consumer? Because even if we stopped buying clothing from these countries with their horrid work environments all we would be doing is putting these people out of a job and most likely straight into poverty. So wouldn't it be better if we only threatened to stop buying their cheaply made clothing until proper work environment are set in place by a government standard?


im happy now last 2 dresses i bought was made in my country Poland not bangladesh made by 12 old girl


Can someone give me insights about this documentary?
