Why Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Failed

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The Crimes of Grindelwald can't even measure up to the first Fantastic Beasts film, let alone the best of Harry Potter. Here's why.
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The Fantastic Beasts movies shouldve just actually been about Newt Scamander and the Fantastic Beasts not Harry Potter Prequel Shenanigans.


Im just sad fantastic beasts isnt just movies about Newt going on magical safaris. I like the character, but he doesnt fit in the Dumbledore plot. Hes just kinda there.


"Dumbledore in the movies never quite lived up to the books' version"
Me, immediately:


The fact that jk Rowling was the sole screenplay writer always concerned me because writing a screenplay is so different from writing a novel. She needs a team of professional screenplay writers to help chisel out a tight story for a film


Why they could not do this: Queenie really began to sympathize with Gellert’s ideas, and the only one who could convince her was Jacob. But here's the problem: he remembers nothing. And on the return of his memories and build their storyline.

“This spell erases only bad memories, but I didn’t have them!” - wow, class!

This is soo stupid, i just cant see how my favorite universe ruined by J.K


WB and Rowling bamboozled me. With a title like "Fantastic Beasts" I was expecting the adventures of magical Steve Irwin, not a convoluted retelling of the rise of wizard Hitler.


It felt like a film adaptation of a book that doesn't exist. Certain details missing, others not translating well to screen, and characters being watered down for cinema. If this movie was a book I have a feeling it would be an absolutely amazing book with a decent movie attached.


I think the big problem was that JK wrote the screenplays for both films. While she only looked over the screenplays that actual professional screenplay writers would adapt her novels from. She is clearly a novalist writing a screenplay, they contain way too many names and plot points mentioned without being seen. Too much exposition. This stuff works in a novel when you can digest it, but film is a visual medium, and it can really drag down a movie by having too much talking. That's my problem with Crimes of Grindlewald


The way I see it, they should've either:
A) Make a series about Newt's adventures with magical beasts, as the title suggests.
B) Make a series about Grindelwald, with each movie showing his rise throught the lense of a different character/cast in each installment: first film Newt Scamander get caught-up in his plot by pure accident when he travels to New York. Second film show him handed over to the (or at least explain why he's handed over to the Brits, eventhough he's not a british wizard) Ministry of Magic and escape, and focus on the international auror force hunting him. It could even be led by Newt's brother, it can even involve Tina, but leave Newt out of it.


*Important plot point of first film*
Crimes of Grindelwald: Well yes, but actually no.


"It's Harry Potter, with the soul sucked out"

Damn, that's accurate


Does it bother anyone else that the trailers showed the Kelpie swimming in the lake like he had just discovered it "making me think FUN JOURNEY!" when in reality it was in yet another dark suitcase aquarium? And it also advertised the Baby Nifflers like they were going to matter, then they were so un-needed they could have all 3 caught fire and no one would have noticed..?


I must admit Jude Law is a perfect young Dumbledore, looks strikingly similar to Michael Gambon. Perfect casting choice; hope he gets more screentime in the next Fantastic Beasts movie.


Voldemort learnt the Avada Kedabra on Skillshare


This movie to me, was the messiest shit I have ever seen. I was so lost, bored, and confused throughout most of it. And during the ending, where all the characters came together had me cracking up because of how much it didn't make sense. I vaguely remember it.


Can we just talk about the fact, that Dumbeldore told Harry in the last book, that he avoided confronting Grindelwald out of pure fear of finding out, who of them casted the spell that killed Ariana? Well...let's just cast that character developpement right out of the window! I guess now he just COULDN'T do it because of some silly bloodoath or some sh*t, not because he simply was afraid to confront his own mistakes!

AND Dumbeldore NEVER teached Defense Against the Dark Arts! He used to be the teacher for Transfiguration. He even wrote his biggest works on transfiguration!

AND why in the world did they dress in SUITS in freaking Hogwarts!? I can understand the "muggle clothing" in the regular world but why would they wear this stuff inside Hogwarts when they are cleary all wearing wizarding robes in the books and original movies?

AND what was that McGonagall cameo? Minerva McGonagall would NEVER run screaming after a student and take around 200 points from them in the process. WHAT IN THE WORLD was that all about?!

AND don't even get me started about this "secret Dumbeldore" and how that somehow explains how powerful Credence is. Albus Dumbeldore literally stood out in the family because of his talents and his younger brother Aberforth always struggeled because he never could meet his standards. The Dumbeldores where NEVER considered especially powerful. Only Albus Dumbeldore was!


Does the twist that Dumbledore can't move against Grindlewald because of some blood pact bother anyone else? Is it not enough for Dumbledore not want to attack his former best friend/brother, hell even former lover? Especially since the last time it happened it resulted in the death of his sister? It really kind of ruins dumbledore's character.


*spoilers* One of the biggest problems with this movie was Grindelwald’s lack of crimes. The movie is literally called the Crimes if Grindelwald. The only crimes I have seen committed by him in the film is his escape from prison, him ordering a baby killed, and then killing people with the blue fire. When the Aurors came to the rally I laughed aloud when the lead one was like, “let’s not go in there wands blazing, it’s not illegal for him to talk” I thought with Dumbledore there we would get a flashback or something that would tell more of Grindelwald’s past. In the original series, Voldemort committed crimes all the time and it made us understand how everyone came to fear him.


Totally wasted potentials for an actor as charismatic as Eddie Redmayne.


Nobody was invested in Harry & Ginny in the movie
