100 Blender 2.8 tips you might not know! (Blender 2.8 tips and tricks)

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In this video, I'll be listing my top 100 blender 2.8 tips. You know when you watch Blender videos, but only end up keeping one or two good tips and tricks for a long time? Well, I decided to watch dozens of hours of content to come up with all of these Blender tips. I'll be releasing more videos on each of these tips in the future, so if you enjoyed this video, support would be much appreciated! - Daniel Krafft, Design School Online

Timestamps courtesy of Patrick Wilson:
#1 0:20 Drag & Drop Materials
#2 0:35 Copy to Selected
#3 0:55 Save Startup File
#4 1:24 Knife Cut Through
#5 1:41 Bisect
#6 2:07 CTRL+Space Maximize Window
#7 2:21 IvyGen
#8 3:31 Backspace to Reset Values
#9 3:57 ALT+G, ALT+R (ALT+S)
#10 4:07 CTRL+RMB Selection
#11 4:38 Cubic Sphere
#12 4:58 Display Materials on Half-Spheres
#13 5:46 Viewport Gradient
#14 6:08 Bevel Vertex
#15 6:24 Extrude Individual Faces
#16 6:43 J to Connect Vertices
#17 7:06 Edge / Vertex Slide
#19 7:39 Select through Objects
#20 8:05 Expand / Shrink Selection
#21 8:24 Checker Deselect
#22 8:35 Automatically Connect Nodes
#23 8:42 Quick Eyedropper
#24 8:55 Adobe Maximo Mocap
#25 9:26 "Vertex" not "Vertice"
#26 9:34 Proportional Editing
#27 10:16 Cycles Menu Options
#28 10:30 Quickly Change Selection Modes
#29 10:44 Cell Fracture
#30 11:31 FreeStyle Render
#31 11:48 Bevel Node
#32 12:13 fSpy
#33 12:37 Isolation Mode
#34 12:52 Linear Interpolation(do in dopesheet/timeline)
#35 13:17 Frame Selected / All
#36 13:39 Pose Brush
#37 13:55 Project From View
#38 14:24 HDRI Haven
#39 14:53 Generate Voxels!
#40 15:13 CRTL+LMB Menu Items
#41 15:45 Select Linked Flat Faces
#42 16:37 Archmesh / Archipack
#43 17:52 Ambient Occlusion Node
#44 18:20 ColorRamp
#46 19:53 Use Image as Color Palette
#47 20:48 Bounce / Elastic Interpolation
#48 21:18 Walk Navigation
#49 22:02 Voxel Remesh(use Exoside)
#50 22:49 Separate by Loose Parts
#51 23:14 Copy / Paste Parameters
#52 23:35 Select Linked
#53 24:11 Deselect Linked
#54 24:24 Transparent Background
#55 24:47 Texture to Normal Data
#56 25:24 Snap View to Face
#57 26:11 ALT+D, not SHIFT+D
#58 26:49 Select Multiple Parameter Fields
#59 27:36 Discombobulator
#60 28:15 Panoramic Camera
#61 28:38 Auto-Smooth
#62 29:15 Radial Symmetry
#63 29:41 Grid Fill
#64 30:07 Scroll Between Headers / Tabs
#65 30:32 Select Boundary Loops
#66 31:03 Scatter Objects Addon
#67 31:39 Uncheck Half-Res Trace
#68 32:05 Recalculate Normals
#69 33:17 Dissolve Edges
#70 33:47 Node Wrangler
#71 34:44 Ray Visibility Settings
#72 35:16 Steal Like An Artist
#73 36:29 Import Vector Graphics
#74 37:14 Pin Tabs
#75 37:35 Circle Select
#76 38:08 Pie Menus
#77 39:18 Snap Camera To View
#78 40:10 Display All UV's
#79 40:31 Bevel Loop Cuts
#80 40:55 Invert Selection
#81 41:07 HardOps / BoxCutter
#82 42:58 Denoiser
#83 43:21 Bend
#84 43:42 Blender Sync
#85 44:17 Animating In Edit Mode?(also Animall)
#86 45:44 It's late!
#87 45:46 Follow Path Constraint
#88 46:13 Skin Modifier
#89 47:14 Bool Tool
#90 48:11 Snapping Settings
#91 49:12 Shrink / Fatten
#92 49:34 Symmetrize
#93 50:06 Bridge Faces / Edge Loops
#94 50:43 Transform Locks
#95 51:17 Repeat Last Action
#96 51:46 CTRL+LMB To Extend
#97 52:07 Blender Manual
#98 52:51 Blender Community
#99 53:12 Don't Be A Perfectionist
#100 54:28 Remember To Enjoy It
#101 56:00 Buy Bitcoin!
[insert epic affiliate link disclosure here]

Video by Daniel Krafft
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Here's a tip for you: if you create an object and then accidentally click away from it, you can select it again and press F9 and it will bring back the options of that object on the bottom left


Me seeing this as a beginner: *This will make a fine addition to my collection*


What a video! no unnecessary rambling, no annoying plugging, just pure, wonderful, content. Hats off to you for giving this to us!


"I'm a big fan of saving time" - proceeds to watch every blender tutorial on the internet in order to make an hour-long video on tips.
thank you for the dedication, my friend.


9:39, don't worry, we all know about proportional editing, cause we have all accidentally turned it on at some point after which we didn't know how to turn it off anymore


wow, i sing praises of the kind souls of those who create youtube tutorials all the time, but you've truly gone and did the damn thing. my learning style is watch a video and harvest a few tips here and there, this is great! and the freakin timestamps too? my man!


49:34 Symmetrize is extremely useful for armatures in rigging, name bones on right side with .R suffix and then it'll create the left side but name it .L etc.


One of the best and most useful tips and tricks videos I´ve ever seen for Blender!


I've been using Blender for years now and still there are some tricks in this video that I didn't know. I am constantly using the 'select linked' tool, but my mind just got blown away that you can limit your selection by seams. When I needed somthing similar in the past I went through the process of creating groups. I already loved Blender because it does a way better job at UV unwrapping and has more and better tools for that job than 3DsMax or Maya, but now this will take my texturing workflow to a whole new level! I feel a bit embarrassed for not knowing this, but I just wanted to drop by and say THANK YOU so much for sharing this - you potentially saved me hundreds or even thousands of hours in the future!


Straight to the point, perfect pace, slight humour and loads of information. This is amazing! keep up the good work! :)


Daniel, you are such a dude for doing this. It bewilders me that some people have disliked this video. Honestly, what amazing effort you've put in to this. You're an excellent example of the type of people the Blender community has in it. I've liked and subscribed. Well done.


This is one of the most high effort videos I've ever seen on Youtube, Good shit man!


Good job man.
So much to learn when working in 3d it is very easy to miss or overlook simple, impressive and time saving tools, options and shortcuts.
Well done.
Also, how amazing is Blender now?!!! Unbelievable


You sir, Are my hero. I've been needing something like this for so long! Thank you for putting your time into us.


0:55 "This is my cube. There are many like it, but this one is mine."


Amazingly done. Thank you. For anyone else that tried the Knife Tool cutting all the way through tip.. he said press C, not Z.


This dudes a life saver ive been trying to find "J to Connect Vertices" for days just to fix this one problem thank you for this i needed this so much


Thank you @Daniel Krafft for taking insane action and saving us all beginners a few months of time in research and learning!! With @Patrick Wilson
's table of contents this has become a daily go-to video! Cannot appreciate this enough. Thanks a ton!!!


This is incredible! Knew most of them already, but for people just getting their feet wet, this is an absolute must watch. Watched it all and saved for future, oh and subbed for sure


Great tips, learned a few I did not know about! Thanks...

Addition to your tips, for making a cube into a sphere if you apply a cast to it you will turn it into an actual sphere. Take a side look at the cube after the subdiv and you will notice its not perfectly round but if you apply a cast to it you can correct that.

Another addition to your tips: When sliding a vertex along an edge, if you hold Alt you can slide past any outer vertex. If you do it on an end vert do the double GG, slide it along the edge and then click and hold alt to move it past its origin into previously empty space to extend it out.
