RESTORE NATURE NOW ~ OPEN CALL | Extinction Rebellion UK

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Restore Nature Now is calling for urgent action to restore nature and tackle climate change in the UK.

Saturday 22 June, Midday - 4.30pm
📍Park Lane to Parliament Square

11:00 - 12:00 | Crew assembles! | Park Lane
12:00 - 13:00 | March assembles! | Park Lane
13:00 | March sets off | Park Lane

Full Route:
13:00 - 14:00 | MARCH | From Park Lane to Parliament Square
Short Route: From Whitehall Place to Parliament Square
14:00 - 16:30 | Rally | Parliament Square

🫂‍➡️ All welcome! For access needs contact:

📣 Join the Restore Nature Now (RNN) Telegram chat and help build the buzz: 

❓XR RNN Info page - including NEW info on transport, accommodation and accessibility details: 

Get the message out! Design pack here with posters, flyers, stickers & more designs coming soon from RNN collective:



A UK community of concerned climate-conscious citizens who Rebel for Life!

We are rebels with a cause - advocating for truth, justice, and the protection of all life, using non-violent direct action (NVDA) to highlight the need to upgrade democracy and create a future decided by us, not for us.

Like, share, comment, subscribe & MOBILISE

Follow us on our journey to disrupt the narrative, challenge the powerful, and build a sustainable world:

3 DEMANDS: Tell The Truth | Act Now | Decide Together

#RebelForLife #ExtinctionRebellion #ActNow #RebelForLife #CitizensAssemble
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Stay strong and don't give up XR! 🥰🥰


thanks for sending me the recording I did miss it on Sunday an xr action we are planning now at leasure to listen


Great to be able to watch this on YouTube after the original Zoom call - thanks! I shall keep on signing up for Zooms, knowing I won't always be able to make them (evenings aren't great for me), but confident that as a result I'll get sent the link to watch it on catch up 🙏


Every home and business should install a rain water collection and storage system along with solar panels and an electric vehicle charger in the garage.
Even in areas where rain is infrequent it is crazy to waste the little rain that does fall and waste it.
We need to stop planting green lawns and switch to local native plantings around homes.
It is crazy to plant lawns and build golf courses in dry desert areas. We waste too much water and electricity.
the future is electric. Wind and solar energy along with electric vehicles are the future. Stop using fossil fuels. There is a climate crisis.


I'm part of the Red Rebels. After the huge success in Bath (400+ Reds took part), there are different opinions within the Reds as whether we should be many or just a few on June 22, so that we do not divert the attention from the central idea of the march towards us. I'd like to hear the opinion of the march organizers: would you like to see as many as possible of us or would just a few be better?


Require... (world-wide) a change in the Articles of Incorporation (the papers which bring a corporation into existence). To wit, there is one specific (and other related) article(s), which basically are the same in ALL "for-profit" corporations. This article says: " X corporation is REQUIRED by law, to seek profits, for shareholders and owners, above all other concerns". As you will notice, there is NO mention of the environment, or the effects upon the environment, which a corporations activities may have. Therefore, this must be changed to something more appropriate, such as the following language, and must be enforced on all corporations, world-wide "
"X corporation will do no harm to the Earth environment, or to its human and non-human inhabitants." (or, face "UNINCORPORATION"... (corporate DEATH), and of it's value and assets would be transferred to similar corporations, which ARE operating, with care, and without damaging the environment). Also, ALL NEW CHEMICALS MUST BE rigorously tested BEFORE they are used in products (think about Glyphosate, or PFAS chemicals).
