Nature restoration: a powerful climate-policy option for Europe - WEBINAR

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Can wildlife and ecosystem restoration reduce the climate crisis?
Can we design policies that meet biodiversity and climate targets at the same time?
Just imagine if the answer to both these questions is yes:

- Countries can then meet their obligations under the CBD and UNFCCC through the same policies - a natural and cost-saving approach;
- Wildlife restoration transforms from being ‘a luxury if we can afford it’ to a ‘smart investment’ into building a resilient future, both nationally and globally;
- Restoring lost wildlife and ecosystems can help countries meet their climate commitments through their National Determined Contributions (NDCs).

This webinar for policymakers presents ground-breaking evidence and case studies from Yale University and other leading institutions showing how wild animals play a key role in global carbon cycles – referred to as Animating the Carbon Cycle (ACC).

It will show how nature restoration can help countries achieve their climate goals under the Paris Agreement, and their biodiversity targets under the Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework. Guidance will be presented on how nature restoration can help governments achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions.

Hosted by WWF-European Policy Office & the Global Rewilding Alliance (GRA) with Yale School of the Environment, World Maritime University, Rewilding Europe, WWF Netherlands, Re:wild & IFAW

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