How My Nurse (& Work Mom) Became My Patient

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Ginny Kaltenbach is not just any nurse, but my nurse, having working alongside me for the last 10 years in New Jersey. Ginny and I are great friends and coworkers, but we developed a new type of relationship this last year where Ginny actually became one of my patients. You see, Ginny was suffering from debilitating pain in her back, and after hearing her side of the story, I realized I wasn't happy with her treatment plan. So, I made Ginny book an appointment with me so we could get to the bottom of her pain. This turned out to be an excellent decision for many reasons detailed in this episode. We don't just talk about Ginny's health though, but also do a deep dive into our relationship and Ginny's opinions on the healthcare system as a nurse who has seen it all, and then some, in over 40 years on the front lines.

00:00 Intro
01:10 Our First Meeting / Fight
04:50 How Ginny Started
14:05 What Makes Doctors Special
19:31 What Nurses Actually Do
24:36 Memories Of Me
31:30 Flirting With Doctors
33:25 Ginny Going Viral
35:18 Ginny’s Injury
52:10 Ginny’s Retirement / My Boxing
54:48 Advice For Nurses

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Executive Producer: Doctor Mike
Production Director and Editor: Dan Owens
Managing Editor and Producer: Sam Bowers
Editor and Designer: Caroline Weigum
Editor: Juan Carlos Zuniga

* Select photos/videos provided by Getty Images *

** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **
Рекомендации по теме

I love that Ginny constantly calls Dr Mike ‘Michael’. That shows a genuine and real familiarity.


I love this so much. Ginny is the perfect archetypal veteran nurse. A little salty, a bit of grit, and a no-nonsense attitude from decades of experience, but also a super sweetheart who is relentlessly caring and committed to her job and patients. And she’s such a Mom too; I love how she always calls him “Michael.” Just adorable. Lastly, I could listen to her accent all day. And good on you Dr. Mike for being such a fierce advocate and making a huge difference in her life as she brings her career to a close.


Oh. My. God. I love how she said the nurses are there to protect the patients from the doctors. I got treated so horribly by a doctor when I was clinging on to life. She made me cry by blaming ME for not getting any better. All of the nurses treated me like their daughter, so I asked one of her if I could switch doctors. She arranged that for me. The new doctor was wonderful and took me off the medications that lady had given me, which were waaay too strong and were making my condition worse!!


For Dr Mike to openly admit that a nurse has taught him so much makes me love him even more as a doctor.


48 years as a nurse, this is incredible. The number of people helped... I admire this woman.


As a retired healthcare worker myself, I truly enjoyed this interview. Your care and respect for one another is very evident.


This interview describes many patient disappointing experiences. We want more Doctor Mikes out here to restore our faith in our medical system.


18 seconds in and I already know this woman is a FANTASTIC nurse. One of my favorite nurses of all time told me, "I didn't like you at first. But I don't like anybody at first so..." She was such a boss and just a lovely, hard-working, kind beyond belief person. 🥰


her story is incredible. I can't believe no doctor did any physical exam for her pain. When I discussed back and shoulder pain to my doctor the first thing she did was to check my back to try and see where the pain could be coming from. I wish Ginny a happy pain-free retirement. She deserve the best for all of these years of work!


A similar thing happened to my mom. She went to our family doctor complaining about her sinuses. & I'm so thankful the doctor gave her a hands on physical bc he laid her down to touch her stomach & she screamed in pain. She had a soft ball size tumor on her liver! Thank you Dr. Ackerman & Dr. Lyn for not just treating her sinus infection but giving her a full physical. It saved her life. truly! Thank you for great people that care


It's always a privilege to learn from the wisdom of older people whom we can feel safe with. It's beautiful to witness a work relationship like this.


I am a 50 year old nurse and I relate to Gini on so many levels. It took me 20 years to get help for two autoimmune diseases. My entire work life I could save anyone else's life, but I couldn't save my own. I went to see some really horrible doctors through those 20 years. One rheumatologist told me that I didn't want to be sick like her patients and said I didn't need to see her again. What would my life have been like if I had treatment that many years earlier? I'm sure Gini has said this any number of times, but thank you Mike, for caring enough about your nurse to give her her life back.


A Candy Striper was called such because their uniform was a red and white striped smock.
Clara Barton was a nurse who founded the American Red Cross.


I have tears in my eyes. This conversation between colleagues is so touching. They have clearly helped each other invaluably over the course of so many years. Amazing.


I love the relationship between these two. The professional and personal respect and admire are wonderful to see and her. Can I also say how telling it is that she calls him, "My Michael"? She talks to him, in a personal way, like a mother would. It's a really sweet relationship. Congratulations on your retirement, Ginny, and we'd love to see a bit of your retirement party 😊


I am a physical therapist and her story really shines a light on many of the problems within healthcare. Its amazing how many patients come in to my office without EVER being physically examined by a doctor or other therapists. All patients want to know, is that they feel heard and listened to. When you are able to validate their pain through examination and touch and most importantly education, it makes all the difference in the world. I am grateful to hear she has had a positive experience with physical therapy and hope it continues to help her get back to her end goals!


I’m in nursing school. I hope to be around and learn from seasoned nurses like her! ❤


Ginni is such a sweetheart. She truly does care about her patients. And as a patient of that office, we will miss her. We miss Dr. Mike being our Dr., because he really understands his patients and how the economics of their lives can dictate how they are cared for at some places.


I love this woman! Her passion, her humor, her honesty. Dr. Mike is lucky to have had worked with her, she obviously had/has a large impact on him.


This is the best most moving interview ever! Ginny you deserve a medal of honor! I'm sure you've seen it all, but you raised Dr. Mike in so many ways, keeping him grounded, and teaching him your greatest gift, to listen, and to know when others are not listening. Your a true steel magnolia, I'm truly truly touched to meet you, thank you for a life of service and kindness and empathy.
