Stephen King Writing Advice I DO and DON'T Agree With

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Stephen King has lots of writing advice that I both agree and disagree with. Let's discuss!

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Stephen King Writing Advice I DO and DON'T Agree With
Stephen King Writing Advice I DO and DON'T Agree With
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This is so crazy, I literally posted a video this morning about my thoughts on this book. I liked the autobiography portion but I thought there could definitely have been more actual writing advice!


I need something to listen to when I’m writing (or really doing anything at all). From YouTube videos, to Netflix shows, to music, to livestreams. I /need/ to have something playing in the background otherwise I’m distracted by my own brain and daydreams.


I wrote my first novel (novella really), in April of 2020. I wrote all 25k words in the month of April and then I didn't go back and look at it at all until January 2021. It was awesome to be able to do that, but that's also because I was scared and didn't really know what the next step was since I had never finished a rough draft. However, I loved the break, and I think I'm going to try to set my schedule so that I can at least set it aside for 4 weeks while I'm working on the next thing and just let it sit for a bit. I'm still trying to work it out. Also, I read ALL the time now. I have almost hit 50 books already since Jan 1!! But, I haven't written much this year because of all the reading. It's a hard balance.


I'd say I hard agree with Stephen King on the waiting period between finishing your first draft and coming back to it to revise/read-through. Every single time I've done that, I feel so much better about the story (it's always better than I first thought, self-doubt is a killer lol) and it's so much easier to look at it objectively. Plus, if you took good notes on the story while you were writing it (like keeping a brain dump document or something), then it only takes you a little while to read over all that and get back into the world if you need to.


I feel so attacked with “watching the same show over and over again when I should be writing”


I think with the TV advice it's more take away what distracts you. I'm a weird ADD person where if I'm in a quiet room with blank walls I can't concentrate because then every sound makes me move or I'll just stare at the wall. So I need, most of the time, something going on in the background. I've found recently that I can't have a show on the same device that I'm writing on because I'll switch over to what I'm listening to. Just like your pretty walls, they don't distract you, they inspire so if not having them is going to distract then it's counterproductive.


This was a fun video! I am a MASSIVE Stephen King fan, I've read tons of his books (right now I'm actually reading the Dark Tower series) and "On Writing" is actually the first book of his that I read. I think the whole wait-6-weeks thing is more of a general guide. It's a good idea to leave a draft for a bit of time before coming back to it, be it several weeks or days, just to have a little bit of distance so that when it comes to editing we can edit with fresh eyes. With writing my romance novellas, what I'm doing is I'll write one, leave it and write the next one, then come back and edit the first one, so I have up to 2 weeks distance between writing and editing each story :)


I don't remember correctly where or when King said it, but he definitely said that he writes all his books for his wife and it'll be great if you find your special reader for who you'll be writing your stories. You can't please everyone but you can please one reader. For me, it's really good advice because I don't write for myself.


I really gained a lot from this book. I know most people don't consider it a craft book, but I do. I might make a video on it someday.

As far as not feeling like you read enough, I totally feel that! Have you considered audiobooks? I get most of mine from the Libby app, which connects to your local library so it's totally free! Now I read while in the car when I'm running errands, when I take my dog for a walk, or whenever I'm doing chores around the house. All things I already do anyway, but now I get some reading in too!


For the window tip, closing the window or staring at a black wall is no problem for me, because I usually write in the night when everything outside is pitch black. I guess that could act as a blank wall...


Research structure research has helped me as well. I feel like I kinda get his point that you learn from experiences and interactions in the world.
Haven't read his book on writing or any of his books because of his connection to the horror genre. I'm not a fan of horror. But this was a terrific video and explains some sound advice.
Totally agree to read. I'm a huge fan of reading. I was always reading. My reading went down when I lost access to a library ( libraries are too far away and transportation is impossible for me). Lost it because I also can't afford to buy books.
I'm glad I got a gift card for my birthday in January because I haven't had a new book to read since I was in high school.


I love this video! I really relate to the struggle with reading, writing, and YouTube ❤️ it's so hard to figure out how to put enough time to everything!


Omg, I know what you mean about not having time to read! Before I started seriously writing, I used to read a book every 2-3 days. Up until recently, I've been lucky to finish one a month. Writing and planning to self-publish a book takes a lot of focus and energy, and it got to the point where it was all I could think about. I had a hard time reading for fun because I felt like I was taking precious time away from work. Eventually, all that self-imposed pressure got to be too much and I couldn't lose myself in the pages anymore. I'd have to read the same paragraphs over and over because my mind kept drifting back to my to do list. I finally caved and started listening to audiobooks while doing holiday prep in December and it seems to have helped me focus again since the multitasking aspect made it "guilt-free reading." After a few audiobooks, I got excited to start checking more things off my TBR list and I picked up a paperback and finished it in about a day. I've finished 6 books so far this year - half audio and half print. By alternating the formats, I'm able to stay in that mental reading zone and I'm loving it. I didn't realize just how much I missed it until I was back in the saddle again.


I gotta finish reading this book.I love this video!


BROOKE!💜💙💜 I love your setup every time—and your videos of course 😉


I never watch TV. I have movie night on Friday nights with my family, but otherwise, I don't ever watch anything on the TV. That time I've saved hasn't been translated into writing. It's mostly just audiobooks and The Sims that have taken all of my TV time :)


Books like On Writing I'd love to see updated versions of. Or even a sequel, talking about the current industry (maybe not King's area, idk how familiar he is with indies) and all the resources available to writers now that weren't in the 70s and 80s.


If I don't have at least some external distraction, I'll be distracted by my own thoughts, and that's the real rabbit hole haha! And I feel you on the reading less part; the more I write, the less I read, and adding authortube into the mix isn't helping so far 😅


uhhh, I´m early for the very first time. (proud sparkles in my eyes)
Love your videos :)


17:22 Yes, It totally does happen. Like how do you write?

That's why; No 1. Tip for a writer is to read as much as you can!
