Israel-Lebanon War of 1982 - Modern Warfare DOCUMENTARY

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Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on Modern Affairs continues with a video on the the pivotal 1982 Lebanon War, a significant event in Middle Eastern history. Starting with Lebanon’s background and unique political structure, we explore how the influx of Palestinian refugees and the rise of the PLO fueled tensions with Israel. Following Israel's 1978 invasion, Operation Peace for Galilee initiated a major campaign aimed at removing the PLO from Lebanon. As the Israeli Defense Forces advanced, the siege of Beirut brought widespread civilian suffering and drew international scrutiny. The video also examines the war’s aftermath, including the departure of the PLO and the rise of Hezbollah, both of which continue to impact the region today.

Script: Turgut Gambar
Video: Max Kuzmitchev

#Documentary #Israel #Lebanon

00:00 Lebanon Pre-War Overview
02:43 Palestinian Refugees & Tensions
04:22 Israel's 1978 Invasion
07:45 Operation Peace for Galilee
13:30 Siege of Beirut
19:06 Aftermath & Rise of Hezbollah
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During the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Ronald Reagan wrote in his diary: "I was angry. I told him [Prime Minister Menachem Begin] it had to stop or our entire future relationship was endangered. I used the word holocaust deliberately and said the symbol of his war was becoming a picture of a 7-month-old baby with its arms blown off. Twenty minutes later,  he called to tell me he’d ordered an end to the barrage and pled for our continued friendship.”


History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes.


I would love to see a documentary about Black September of 1970, the civil war in Jordan that led to the expulsion of the PLO from the country.


I'm Lebanese, finally there's a detailed documentary about my country whether we differ in ideologies. Unique history.


I love the choice to show where the Beaufort castle is


I was a young lieutenant in the Marine Corps as part of the UN Peace Keeping forces in 1982 and 1983. I remember how warm and friendly the Lebanese people were that I often came across. But there were so many PLO, Israeli, Syrian, and others in the country at that time, it seemed they outnumbered the native Lebanese. I wish we could have brought peace to that wonderful country, but obviously that didn't happen, and it still makes me sad. So many people died, including my best friend, who was a supply officer in the Battalion headquarters building that was truck bombed, causing 220 Marine deaths and 21 other service member deaths, and I didn't understand what we accomplished there. I have also spent a lot of time in Israel, Gaza, and Jordan. I came to understand that everyone is a victim, and there is no right or wrong side in these conflicts. There are so many good people in all of these countries, if you take the time to learn and respect their history and culture you will see that. It is just a sad commentary on humanity that this conflict rages year after year. I appreciated this video, as it imparts some of the background to this conflict. I was dreading seeing pictures of the bombing of Marines in Beirut, as I still have strong PTSD from that event, so was actually glad it was not specifically mentioned.


Come back in 500 years! This channel will still be reporting on this ongoing conflict.


Kinda just glossed over WHY Jordan kicked them out…. 3:35


You should do one about the Lebanese civil war.


"The Middle East conflict has been a tragedy for all involved in it.
Neighbours, instead of devoting themselves to the task of advancing the
lot of the common man in a backward area, are pitted against each other
in armed confrontation. For over thirty years this senseless waste of lives
and wealth has been the fate of this area." - Chaim Herzog, The
Wars, 1982. Nothing has changed since then...


Hearing about the human toll of the 1982 Lebanon War is heartbreaking. The siege of Beirut and the civilian casualties really show the tragedy of prolonged conflict. Thanks for shedding light on this!


It's not mentioned that the evacuation of the PLO from Beirut to Tunisia was undertaken by the Greek Navy. Also, Arafat requested a Greek island as a base instead of Tunisia, but Andreas Papandreou, a political friend of Fatah and Arafat, refused.


This comment sections is about to get rather spicy


Israel is a prime example of a nation not able to turn military success into a permanent diplomatic victory. Whether it is extremists in their domestic affairs or terrible diplomats/politicians, they have squadered chance after chance to let a proper peace develop.

Eventually the military victories will end and the victims will remember what was done to them.


Actually the christians and muslims in Lebanon doesnt hate each other more than they HATE THE PLO


I've met both Christian and Muslim Lebanese.
Despite their differences they did not hate each other nearly as much as they hated the PLO insurgents.


One of the best history and battle strategy channels


Such a complex situation, good job simplifying it to where it can be understood by outsiders.

You should keep doing series on it, and look into the Lebanese front/ forces side as well. There is so much information on PLO and Israel but almost no information on the actual Lebanese faction


Israel: I'll leave no enimies
*Gain more enimies*
Israel: OHHH...


Thank you for covering this! I've noticed your channel started covering more politically relevant stuff after I started seeing you more and more in Ian's (V's) chat. Glad to know good political takes are making their way into history videos by a popular channel. A good counter to completely bs channels like Whatifalthist, lmao. Keep up the great work, friend!
