MAVKA. THE FOREST SONG. Official Teaser Trailer

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The new teaser trailer for MAVKA. THE FOREST SONG animated feature is released by Animagrad studio (FILM.UA Group). The theatrical release of the movie is scheduled for next year.

MAVKA. THE FOREST SONG is an animated feature film produced by Animagrad Studio based on ancient Slavic myths and legends, and also inspired by a classic Ukrainian literature masterpiece “The Forest Song” – а drama-fairy-tale by an outstanding Lesya Ukrainka (a poetess, writer and true inspirer of women’s empowerment). It features a unique strong female character, Mavka, who is the Soul of the Forest and its Guardian. This is also a story of the power of love capable of uniting, saving and granting life. The project intertwines many elements of authentic and modern Ukrainian culture, like mythology and literature, music and dance rituals.

The new teaser trailer focuses on Mavka’s abilities and magic as the Soul of the Forest – she is sensitive to the feelings of the Forest creatures and gifted to calm down their fears. Her magical powers comfort the disturbed herd of Forest bison (who are on the verge of extinction in Ukraine).

This scene echoes the animated film’s environmental mission – to raise awareness of the endangered species including bison, black stork, Eurasian lynx, and brown bear, as well as plants and butterflies. A touching episode with a lynx and its cub in the teaser trailer also brings the issue in the spotlight. The project’s partner in this mission is WWF Ukraine.
Along with the real animals the teaser trailer features mythical creatures, and it also introduces Lukas – Mavka’s beloved and a talented musician.

Mavka’s movement and gestures are modelled based on the Ukraine’s National Opera prima ballerina Kateryna Kukhar’s moves. She played Mavka’s actions on set and even had to perform a couple of stunts for the bison sequence. The teaser trailer also pays tribute to the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka (a genius Ukrainian poetess and writer) celebrated on the national level in 2021.

MAVKA’s production team pays special attention to the score. The concept combining cinematic orchestral music and Ukrainian folk instruments was developed in collaboration with the Italian composer Dario Vero. Ukrainian musicians were invited to create the teaser trailer soundtrack, the famous folklore multi-instrumentalist Maksym Berezhnyuk is among them.
Mavka’s genuine character perfectly completes the line-up of animated movies based on strong female characters with authentic background created by Animagrad Studio – along with Mila from THE STOLEN PRINCESS (2018) and the upcoming movie ROXELANA.
The charm of authentic Slavic traditions, a boatload of adventures, complex characteristics of the heroes, and good-natured humour make the film appealing to both young and adult audiences worldwide.

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy.
Language: Ukrainian, English.
Production: Animagrad Studio (FILM.UA Group).
Supported by the State Film Agency of Ukraine.

Director: Oleksandra Ruban, Oleg Malamuzh.
Producers: Iryna Kostyuk, Anna Eliseeva, Egor Olesov.
Line Producers: Lutsenko Sasha, Yana Medvedieva.
Head of 3D Production: Andrew Militskyi.
Script by: Yaroslav Voytseshek.
Art Director: Kristian Koskinin.
Score Composer: Dario Vero.
Flute Music for Teaser Trailer Soundtrack by: Maksym Berezhnyuk.
Vocal: Marta Spizhenko.
Production manager: Troshkina Irina.
Sound and Color by: Postmodern Postproduction.
Postproduction Studio: Postmodern Postproduction.
Postproduction producer: Kateryna Eroshkina.
Сolorist: Dmitry Vasylenko.
Sound Supervisor, Re-recording Mixing: Roman Homeniuk.
Premiхing, Sound Designer: Anna Malienko.
Sound Engineer: Anna Havriluk.
Video Engineer: George Karamanov.



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The older version made me want to see, but why did they change their original character design, and I was crying and disappointed a lot. I just hope it's Mavka's growth time until she grows up. The scene of Mavka from the previous teaser attracted me to the story content and I waited three years to see it and I thought I'd go to the cinema this year. Their opening time is 2022


Okay, on second watch there are several things that I would like to point out.

Good things:
1. The landscape is absolutely brilliant. I love the forests, especially the one in 1:20
2. The music feels really magical. I LOVE IT. It gives me Ori and the Blind Forest vibes, and the woman's voice reminds me a bit of the music in the Witcher. I'm sure the full soundtrack will be amazing.
3. The creatures are super cute. JUST LOOK AT THESE CUTIES: 1:21
4. The animation of the backgrounds is just stunning. Everything feels so magical. And those hills in 1:37? Amazing.
5. I ADORE the frog-cat creature. It is my spirit animal. I want to have one as a pet.

Bad things:
1. Her hair looks way too weird. Why is it floating? Why is it blurry? And where is that BEAUTIFUL crown flower?
2. Her face looks too... banal and expressionless. Banal because there is nothing in her face that tells me about who she is. Is she playful? Is she kind-hearted? Is she worried about her place in the world? Maybe she suffers from wanderlust? Who knows?
Expressionless because she seems like a doll; her reactions are just too basic, even when se appears to have a "strong reaction" it feels too forced, as if she was acting.
3. The trailer. What does it exactly want to convey? The first one had a clear message: the magical place where a forest maiden lives; she is beauty surrounded by beauty. And then she hears a song, soft and alluring. It is natural for her to be attracted to that mysterious, beautiful tune. Who plays it? She is curious, amazed. You can hear her heart beating. You conveyed all that message in a beautiful manner: Her mysterious nature was compared to a weeping willow, you could feel her relation to nature by the way she walked, the way flowers grew beneath her feet and became part of her; you could see the magic in her eyes. You knew exactly what you were doing. What happened in this trailer? It's too... disharmonic.

I hope the animators (or whoever is in charge) will take into consideration what the fans are saying here in the comments. I want to continue supporting this project because I would like to see such an icon of the Ukrainian culture on a big screen. Mavka is such an amazing character, and she is also inspired by one of the most amazing Ukranian writers there are: Lesya Ukrainka. Her name should be known. A movie like this one is a good start.


Прикро, жахливо прикро. У першому трейлері була чарівна ніжна мавка, як з самої п'єси винирнула. Тендітна, загадкова, містична. Була атмосфера казки, магії і романтики. Наче втілення самого духу природи у рухах мавки і те розквітання під її ногами, і чарівні незвичні узори, контрастні жовті очі до зеленого волосся. Сукня була неймовірна, зачаровував концепт героїні, контрастні червоні квіти у волоссі на тлі зелені. Музика і пейзаж казкового нашого лісу. Все було неперевершено і бентежило у минулому трейлері. А цей- якийсь типовий блокбастер ні про що, схожий на купу того, що штампують постійно. Не про нашу культуру, не про історію про вічне, що підіймала Леся у своєму творі. Як же шкода, що з прекрасного задуму знов у світ виходить однотипна історія, яка не чіпляє нічим за душу.


В первом трейлере была такая атмосфера, такая красота, аж до мурашек. Первый трейлер передавал весь колорит сказочного украинского леса, даже орнаменты были на листочках. Какая же глубина и насыщенность цвета то была! И такие красивые контрасты. Первый трейлер был очень душевный. Этот же... Ну знаете, мне кажется все очевидно.


Так была удивлена прошлым трейлером, той графикой. А сейчас будто все деньги ушли на прошлый трейлер, а на остатки бюджета нарисовали это, выглядит не плохо, но намного хуже, надеюсь это какой-то этап трансформации Мавки, хотя если сравнить их двоих, они очень отличаются.


what happen!?, how did a beautiful animation turned into a trap slender animation?? we waited for 4 year... (no complain ) just sad :(


I've been waiting for this for so long, really imagining how beautiful this film is. But I'm a little disappointed with the animation being replaced, to be honest I prefer the past animation. Still, I'm sure you've worked hard. I will happily wait for this film to be released ..


please don’t distort this image, the previous Mavka is unsurpassed, unique and embodies Ukraine, in contrast to the updated 🥺


Довге волосся, віночок і така невинність та щирість в очах... Минула версія Мавки - це щось!!!😍Будь ласочка поверніть минулий дизайн😭


previous mavka was good..I can't belive this will be the final version of mavka


А почему изменили Мавку? В первом трейлере до мурашек...чуть не до слез было, настолько волшебно, просто за душу взяло, сразу детство и сказка вспомнилась. В этом новом трейлере ничего, расстроил, огорчил, да и волосы другие, короткие и развиваются как у медузы Горгоны. Совершенно другая героиня, посредственная...


Compared to what the earlier introduction reflected the fascination and tenderness in Mavka's gaze of the beautiful Lukash. Lukash blows the whistle up and the way Mavka releases her soul towards Lukash's sound makes me look forward to their painful love story. But this trailer, of course, is less beautiful than the previous installment, and she's the guardian of the forest and her love story I just can't seem to feel in this trailer. It's sad to say that the first introduction should be the official introduction to this whole movie


Попередній тизер був кращий набагато, і образ попередньої Мавки був нагабаго ліпший, цей тизер виглядає дуже сиро і НЕ викликає бажання піти подивитися цей мультфільм в кіно. Нудно, сиро, .... розчарування... думала буде вав, а тут таке враження, що зробили його, щоб всі відстали☹😭😱


Перша версія була неймовірною і чарівною, дуже автентичною. Друга... виглядає блідо у порівнянні.


В попередньому трейлері дизайн мавки був дуже приємним і незвичайним, а зараз схожа на щось із мульта "Викрадена принцеса" :(
А ще здивований побачити велетенські скалисті обриви з водоспадами що для України не характерно, а особливо для Волині звідки Мавка родом :)
Окрім того є декілька гарних сцен ( художникам лендскейпів ставлю +)


Наскільки ж перший трейлер був кращий! Мавка була чарівна, зворушлива, ніжна. Теперішній варіант- попса, така собі стандартна мультпринцеса, нічим не відрізняється від сотень інших. Шкода, я так чекала цей фільм, але на таке навряд чи піду.


Розчарована.. раніше хотілось чекати, а зараз и чекати не бачу сенсу. У першій версії в неї була Душа! А тут.. єхх я вже сподівалася що наші зроблять щось Вау ((


Сразу видно, упало качество графики по сравнению с первым трейлером. Вот бы больше глубины цвета и более реалистичный рендер волос. Второй трейлер выглядит так, словно отдели китайцам на разработку


2017 mavka ver was pretty but this mavka is also pretty lets just appreciate her beauty and the entire movie 🥺✨


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