If He's Not Serious, STOP CHASING & Do This Instead... | RC Blakes

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On Today's Episode:

You're worried that if you do it, you’ll lose out, he’ll move on and someone else is going to replace you. This episode is all the reasons why you should walk away anyway. Be willing to stand for yourself and hold yourself to the highest standard because you are worth so much more.

Put your self-respect first and make sure the partner you’re giving your time to has earned access to you, your heart, and your vulnerabilities.

Pastor RC Blakes is a voice for female empowerment that doesn’t dance around hard conversations and addresses the realities women are struggling with in society. He’s the bestselling author of Queenology, Father-Daughter Talks, Soul-Ties and more. He and his wife, Lisa, also host women's conferences to bring healing and power to women in search of a better version of themselves free of abuse and manipulation.

In this short clip with RC Blakes, we get a complete break down on what we lose chasing the wrong men and everything there is to gain when you’re willing to walk away, even when it hurts.

RC Blakes Wisdom:

“A wife is a woman that sets a certain standard, holds to it, and demands that I meet her at that level.’

“If you don’t know who you are you don’t know who fits into your future.”

“One of the greater tragedies of a woman that gets caught up in a situation where a man keeps circling and drawing her back in. He’s made you unavailable for the right kind of man, the right kind of love that’s ultimately seeking to find you.”

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WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!


A man i was dating asked to take a step back. I said ok. A few hours later he tried to text me. I told him he doesn't have access to me during this time, and he should stand on his word. Four days after that he text me asking did I want something I left in his car. I told him to throw it away. A month after that he sent flowers to my house on Mother's Day, we dont have children together. However, during the month I walked away, I realized I wanted more than he has to offer. I loved him and thought about him every day during that time, but that time was valuable for me to reflect.


If the wrong person is occupying your life, he's keeping the right person from you.


If someone doesn't value you, walk away without expecting to reach out to you, it's better to be alone than to be with people who take you for granted.


"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were!" True words 🎉❤👍


When you finally get the courage to walk away, also prepare for the possibility that he may never come back and be ok with that. That’s how the healing process starts. No contact work but it comes with discipline. I’m learning to work away from people who don’t see my value.


Lisa’s totally nailed it - if a man doesn’t want you (or offers commitment) within a certain time-frame, WALK AWAY. Don’t waste your life ‘waiting’ - get on with your life and he’ll see what he’s missing. And (from experience) if he doesn’t capture you, he’ll be the loser. Guaranteed.


Yes, don't give someone too much access too quickly. Protect your peace, soul ties are real.


I don’t care if they come back. Normally they come back only to repeat the same cycle. Believe them when they reveal themselves the first time and go look for someone that respects you and value you.


She said OK. We ended the conversation. She never called me back. 🤣 Go Lisa!!! That’s what you have to do.


I don’t think men gain perspective from distance. They immediately take up with someone else, so they don’t have any distance. The woman should still respect herself by dropping him, though.


Ladies Ima be honest…take what these dating coaches say with a grain of salt. I’m so confused as to how his love story is “beautiful”…a good woman took a chance on a serial cheater and he told her he didn’t wanna marry her..only to change his mind when he realized that she can pull a “high value” man. Dating men involves so much mental gymnastics….why can’t i love you 100% without you getting weirded out. The more i talk to married women..and single women the more i don’t see men as worth it. When you ask men why they are bitter towards women it’s always something around money or the woman having emotions and asking them to have accountability. Weeding out a gold digger is not rocket science…men are willfully ignorant cuz they want that chase and subconsciously desire women who don’t want him. If Blakes wife remained single…he would have never wanted her back but because he saw the caliber of man she can pull…now she’s a queen. Men care more about the opinion and values of other men than what woman is best for them


Some men do comeback and some don’t. What’s important is that you walked away and didn’t allow that man to mistreat you, disrespect you or whatever he did.


I walked away three years ago because he asked me to. Three years later, I'm still getting texts with his favorite pictures of me he saved in his phone. I do not respond. I've never loved a man like I loved him. I gave him every part of me faithfully...when he said he didn't love me anymore that's exactly what I said, okay. I've never been with a man again and nor do I want to. I'm good and happy alone.


1. Happy And Fulfilled In Singleness.
2. Know your own purpose.
3. Be aware of areas of brokenness.
4. Be open and willing to change.
5. Rest In God For The Fulfillment Of Healing.


This happen to me too, when a women can walk away from a man she loves without any issues and move on with life this is a sign of Power of this women. The women knows who she is, what's good for her, and what she needs to do to stay healthy mentally, psychically emotionally, and spiritually


Don't stay where you are not valued or wanted👌. Know your worth


Yes, I was in the same relationship he didn't want to commit so I just walked away 2 yrs later we reconnected both still single, I gave him time & space to realize a lot of things & he was sorry & he was ready, the catch is I didn't feel the same...I had moved on.


My mom described what men do to me as “false advertising”. It’s initial narcissistic love bombing. They establish a relationship and then get distant.


"The way you start is the way you finish" so much truth to that!!!
