Lebanon: Out With The Old, In With The What?

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While Lebanon’s ruling elite continues to delay the formation of a new cabinet under Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, French President Emmanuel Macron is growing impatient as he watches his initiative and timeline for reforms crumble. The Trump Administration, meanwhile, is still ramping up sanctions on Hezbollah’s allies in government. Where does the government formation stand today? What remains of the French initiative? How might U.S. foreign policy towards Lebanon shift under President-Elect Joe Biden?

Welcoming Remarks
Paolo Magri, Executive Vice President, ISPI

Maha Yahya, Director, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center

Ishac Diwan, Chaire d’Excellence Monde Arabe, Paris Sciences et Lettres
Dorothée Schmid, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Turkey and Middle East Program, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)
Randa Slim, Senior Fellow, Middle East Institute

In partnership with Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Institute
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