The Creation of Lebanon After The First World War (Full Documentary)

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In the summer of 1920 it became clear that the many different voices and local opinions on the future of the former Ottoman provinces were going to be mostly ignored. France and Britain had their own ideas for the new mandate states in the region.


Sicker, Martin. The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (Greenwood Publishing, 2001)

Cornwallis, K. Notes on the Middle-East No.4. 1920. File 756/1917 Pt 2-3 ‘ARAB BULLETIN Nos 66-114’ [‎374r] (756/834), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/10/658.

D’Andurain, J. “Gouraud, Henri” in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and

Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 2014-10-08. DOI: 10.15463/ie1418.10303.

Meouchy, N. "Les temps et les territoires de la révolte du Nord (1919-1921).” In: Alep et ses territoires: Fabrique et politique d’une ville (1868-2011). (Beyrouth - Damas: Presses de l’Ifpo, 2014).

Raymond, André. “III - La Syrie, du Royaume arabe à l’indépendance (1914-1946)”. In La Syrie d’aujourd’hui. Aix-en-Provence: Institut de recherches et d’études sur les mondes arabes et musulmans, 1980. (pp. 55-85)

Kouyoumdjian, O. Le Liban à la veille et au début de la Grande Guerre: Mémoires d'un gouverneur, 1913-1915. Revue D'histoire Arménienne Contemporaine. Paris: Centre d'histoire arménienne contemporaine. 2003.

Ministère de la Guerre. Etat-major des armées. Service historique. Les armées françaises dans la Grande guerre. Tome IX. 9, 1, ANNEXES. Imprimerie Nationale. Paris. France. 1935.


Presented by: Jesse Alexander
Written by: Jesse Alexander
Director: Toni Steller & Florian Wittig
Director of Photography: Toni Steller
Sound: Toni Steller
Editing: Toni Steller
Motion Design: Philipp Appelt
Research by: Rabih Rached, Jesse Alexander
Map Consultant: David Baz
Fact checking: Florian Wittig

Channel Design: Alexander Clark
Original Logo: David van Stephold

Contains licensed material by getty images
All rights reserved - Real Time History GmbH 2020
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And with the signing of the agreement, everyone lived happily ever after.


UK and France: Don't worry. Our division of former Ottoman lands definitely won't result in instability that will last for more than 100 years.


Britain and france: we're sure that all this will not result in an entire century of political instability


In early 1919, Italian PM Orlando met with Vittorio Emanuele III before leaving for Versailles. The King asked him if he intended to challenge Sykes-Picot at all. Orlando shook his head and replied, "There's a reason that the Old Romans left, Majesty- too many problems there". How right he was.


Last time I was this early, the Ottomans were pushing for Vienna.


Great history lesson. Not a single word about this i school. Yet, this had such huge impact in the region (and later, western europe).


My Lebanese supplier once told me a joke. "Did you know that Adam and Eve were Lebanese? They were poor, hungry, didn't have even proper clothes, yet they believed they live in a paradise."


I had always wondered what had happened to the forests of Lebanon, now I know, they were all cut down a hundred years ago :(


people keep saying the middle east (or the balkans) is always a mess while it is just an area that had a power vacuum due to the collapse of a former empire like anytime in history, the only difference is that instead of one conflict solving the issue and giving birth to a new dominating power in the region the new "global system" ushered by the victorious powers of the great war did not allow the creation of such a force, and thus kept the region divided and always on the verge of collapse.


When youtube is a better history teacher than the US education system..


It's so cool how you make half an hour long videos that are actually interesting


I am honored and pleased to work with you TGW crew, especially Flo and Jesse, and I feel grateful because your channel gave me the opportunity to tell the story of my country in front of a world based audience by sharing with you my research and contributing to the writing of the draft of the script. A dream come true! Last, I & all Lebanese fans appreciate your wishes for wellness in the midst of the current political-economical crisis in our country at 28:18. Keep up the great work. Big cheers to you!


And that is why all our modern problems are caused by the French and the Brits.


As a Norwegian, I think we tend to be very sensitive toward other people and cultures and for that reason, I’d would start by seeing that your title is misleading: it should be : the creation of Greater Lebanon, for that Lebanon is one of the most ancient nations in humanity, known as ancient Phoenicia, the land that gave us the Alphabet and it’s the birthplace of Europe, after all Europe or’ Erp’ in Aramaic ( the language spoken by the Phoenicians was Aramaic) was a Phoenician princess. They founded Carthage and the people of Tyre founded half of the Mediterranean cities in Cypress, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta up to Antibes ( a Phoenician name and Marseille... they weren’t only limited to the Eastern Mediterranean.. so Lebanon’s history, just with the ancient city of Byblos, it spans a history of more than ten thousand years.. it’s considered as the cradle of civilization along with ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Assyria..


Silk was not introduced to Mount Lebanon by the French, rather it was introduced during the reign of Fakreddin Ma'an in the 17th century.


Vital background information. I shall be rewatching this from time to time.


Amazing video as always! Thank you for shedding light in great details on this part of my country's history.


I just want to thank the great war for all the great content over the years as a maronite catholic myself it was really hard to find out the history of my people it’s nice that you can use this video as a framework


Amazing, detailed, and impartial account of events that forged the middle east 100 years ago, and what triggered many of the disasters afflicting the region today. I take my hat off to you.


Faisal's pet leopard looks like it knows this is going to end badly.
