Five BEST (beginner) motorcycles for NEW riders

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Best beginner motorcycles to buy and why
In this video I go over five different beginner level motorcycles and talk about each one in detail and go over the price of each motorcycle and talk about why each one can be a great starter bike.The first motorcycle I talk about is the Suzuki TU 250Sx..this bike is great for beginners for many reasons it does not weigh much, so it makes it nice and easy to handle the motorcycle when learning how to ride. It also has a very low seat height so if your a shorter rider this motorcycle could be a great one for you! The second bike I talk about is the Yamaha R3 this bike is great if you like sport bikes It's not crazy fast but still has enough power in my opinion and is a good option if your looking to go in the sport bike direction for your FIRST motorcycle. The next motorcycle I talk about is the Honda Rebel 500 this motorcycle is a cruiser type style of bike and is a great first option for many reasons. If you like cruisers this is a goos beginner level motorcycle but still has enough power to be ridden at highway speeds. The Honda Rebel was updated in 2020 it is a great first option! The next bike i talk about is the Ninja 650 this bike is an upgrade over any 300 but still is not considered a sport bike. This bike is a great option if your a quick learner and have ridden motorcycles but not very long and your still a newer rider this bike is a good option. The fifth motorcycle i talk about it the Kawasaki Z650.. This motorcycle is a great option if you like sport bikes and cruisers because you get all in one bike. This bike is comfortable enough to ride all day and can handle very well but is also great for going on long relaxing cruises which makes it one of the best options on my list. The last bike I talk about is the motorcycle I am riding in this video a Suzuki Gsxr 600 this bike can be a good first street bike because of the modes suzuki offers but if you have never ridden any motorcycle in you life or ridden any motorcycle in your life I don't this motorcycle is the best option for you.
#beginnermotorcycles #motorcyclestobuy #newriders
#gsxr600 #R3 #TU250sx #HondaRebel #KawasakiNinja650
Рекомендации по теме

brooo, your suzuki gsxr 600 is awesome!! hope someday i could get one. meanwhile i'll enjoy your vids


Nice video bud some nice choices for beginners


Woo yay you are riding with your buddy who has the Kawa i like ;-) Happy to see that you're still posting and i'm sure this video will help a bunch of people. They are lucky to have someone like you that can be straightforward with your passion for motorcycles ;-)


Keep up with the videos they are awesome man


I rode tons in the dirt with racing experience in drag and super cross. I can’t wait to join my boys on the street


I want to get a ninja 400 or an r3 but im affraid of how tall i am bc im 6'5 at 15 and plan on getting a bike in the future should i start on a 600 bc of my height and weight or should i look around and try them


Nice .Love the tu250 cafe racer styling.
But....i think the duke 390 should be on this list too :)


Spot on man! The first bike was a little ugly (looked like it was from the 80s) in my opinion lol but nonetheless a great bike and super forgiving like you said. I can tell you are getting a lot more comfortable and fluent talking to the camera, great video!


Love your videos man, what do you think about the fz-07?


Love the videos man! I’m planning on getting a 2007 Yamaha r6. I would consider myself a beginner but i have rode before. What do you think about the bike or anything i should be aware of? I’m currently doing more research myself as well.


Street fighter is what I’m talking about 🚀🚀🚀💥💥💯🤘🏼🙏🏽🎥🤩💪👍🔥👍⚡️


Why is a 650 type motor less dangerous than a 600 motor?


Hey man. What are your thoughts on the kawasaki ninjas 250 and 300?


is it a better idea to get a car license or a motorcycle license🤔


Can you do a gear video for a motorcycle?
Maybe show full front and backsides of yourself in the zipped up leather biker jacket and the Levi’s jeans. Any boots❤️❤️


How much is your insurance on your bike?
