M.S. Swaminathan, eminent agricultural scientist, passes away.

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M.S. Swaminathan, eminent agricultural scientist, passes away.
Dr. Swaminathan worked closely with two Union Agriculture Ministers, C. Subramaniam (1964-67) and Jagjivan Ram (1967-70 & 1974-77) for the success of the ‘Green Revolution,’ a programme that paved the way for quantum jump in productivity and production of wheat and rice through adaptation of chemical-biological technology. The discovery of Norman Bourlag, a celebrated American farm scientist and 1970 Nobel Laureate, on wheat had played a huge role in this regard.
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Dr. Swaminathan worked closely with two Union Agriculture Ministers, C. Subramaniam (1964-67) and Jagjivan Ram (1967-70 & 1974-77) for the success of the ‘Green Revolution, ’ a programme that paved the way for quantum jump in productivity and production of wheat and rice through adaptation of chemical-biological technology. The discovery of Norman Bourlag, a celebrated American farm scientist and 1970 Nobel Laureate, on wheat had played a huge role in this regard.
