What happens if you dont drink enough water? Signs of Dehydration + 4 ways to keep hydrated

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This video looks at the vital life-giving substance water and how it plays a role in the health of our bodies.

On average 60% of our bodies are made up of water.
New borns are made up of about 75% water while the average adult has about 60% then we have the elderly which typically are made up of about 50%.
But what does happen if we don't drink enough water? and what are some simple yet effective ways to help us drink the water we need.

Our age, activity, Body Mass index and gender all have a role to play in how much water we need. However the general rule of thumb is about 8 glasses of water for adults.

You might think this a lot of water to drink in a day but thankfully you are not an elephant who drinks up to 200 L a day. While on the other end of the spectrum we aren't tardigrades which can survive several years without water. Humans on the other hand can only last about 3-4 days without water before death occurs.

Research shows that 75% of Americans are dehydrated with places like Australia being up to 80%. You may be asking well why are we so dehydrated?
And although the answer may be simple it doesn't help that we use and lose about 1.5-2 litres of water a day through things like our urine, breath, sweat and even smaller amounts through our poop! So if we don't replenish the water lost, our bodies begin to show signs that it is suffering.

So what are some of the signs of dehydration?

Your urine will become a darker.
Dry skin.
Dry mouth/bad breath.
Dry eyes.
Sickness and staying sick for longer.
Headaches, Diziness, cloudy mind and having a hard time concentrating.
Muscle and joint pain
Lethargic and mood/Irritation
Hunger pains

Did any of those symptoms relate to you? well here are 4 tips to help keep you hydrated.

Keep a water bottle near you.
Eating more fruits and vegetables, like cucumbers!
Add a pinch of salt to your water. (Celtic and Himalayan salt)
Setting reminders.


“This video is only for informational purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. The owner will not be liable for any omissions in this information. Always think ahead and do your research. Have fun and enjoy” 101Mrhealth

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My muscle and joint pain !!!! ….. No doctor ever let me know I was dehydrated ( I never consume water ) I seen this video and started ! One day in and my pain went from a 10 to an 8 overnight. I pray that as I continue to hydrate, I can get rid of this altogether… Thank you so much !! I’ve been dealing with this for 11 years.


I was so dehydrated but so tired so I used this for motivation


Man this is very good information. I used to scoff at 8 glasses of water per day until this week! I was steel fitting a decking in the sun. I felt the sun attacking my body and I constantly was hiding from the sun and drinking water. But I realised my coworkers were pretty much comfortable in the sun. As the day went on and I drank more and more water and it began to digest in my body; I began to be more comfortable in the sun. Until day 2 and 3 where I was really ok in the sun. I said this to one of my coworker and he said yes; but drink water at home and you will drink less at work. Then it hit me how important drinking that 8 glass a day is. Even when you dont feel degydrated; you actually are. And working in the sun is a good test. I then realised that my dry itchy skin was maybe I was dehydrated. And I realised that I just took a bath and my skin is not itching me. Nor the day before. Now I am certain that drinking water; even if you dont feel the need to; is very very very important.


Not gonna lie, I actually don’t like drinking water. I don’t even drink one water bottle a day, it’s so bad


THANK YOU now I know why I get hungry so OFTEN! ;-;


A lot has changed since I drink 8 glasses of water a day. My skin used to be flaky but it was gone within 2 days. My face is too oily but now it has lessen and not us bad as before. Drinking enough water a day do great wonders on the body.


LoL... I am totally stealing "that may be why older people have a dry sense of humor." Perfect!


"just having 11 cucumbers will get you to your daily dose of water"



Creator is really exist because he provide us enough water to all living beings.😊


I have all of these symptoms! I know i dont drink enough water because i almost NEVER do it. The headaches, dizziness & cloudiness is an eye opener and i thank you for the helpful information!🙂👍🏽


i got so scared when i heard that 4 days without water means death, i barely drink anything a day.


We learned that it helps with mental disturbance! Also didn't realize that their was a Hydration status - this a status quo that I desire to be in high standing of.


Interesting video. I haven't been keeping that hydrated the past few days and it's kind of ironic since I usually drink water all the time but i've been so busy I forget to have my water bottles with me.


On top of being very informative, this was so interesting! Especially with the added illustrations which were a really nice touch🌟🌟


Thank you so much I’ve been feeling so dehydrated for the past day or so


This video was meant for me! Thanks for the video!


I have a 60oz jar at work. I drink 2 jars each day. I don’t drink nearly as much water on weekends. I’m thinking 120oz of water 5 days a week should get me through.
Keep hydrated people.
It’s good for your completion too.


I was my best self when I used to drink like 8 bottles a day 😭 need to get back to that


Very interesting, informative and helpful. Yes indeed some of the symptoms is what I'm experiencing. Thank you so much.❤
