5 Reasons Everyone Should Push Mongo

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THIS IS A JOKE! haha I only say this, because I've found it necessary to mention. BUT i will add this, as I was doing this, I did realize some truth to some of the things I said.

Pushing mongo is only lame because the idea of it being lame is culturally influenced. Their really isn't any true negative components compared to pushing regular, it's the exact same thing, but people think you look lame. The reason I know this is because, some of the best pros in the world push mongo switch, like Koston, and he can do anything switch. sooooooooo, do what makes you happy.

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I only push regular when I go to parks, but they don't know I'm a closet mongo


Ever since I started skating I've pushed mongo and I thought everyone skated like that because it just felt so normal and comfortable


Mongo hating seems like one of those little things people do for an easy self-esteem hit.


I push mongo and I feel like non mongo pushers mimic us wrong. I never have my back foot 90 angled on the back bolts when I push. My foot is about half way to 3/4 to the back of my board and my foot is straight pointing towards the nose. I just adjust my back foot simultaneously with putting my front foot on the board.


So this was totally a joke, not really on anyone specifically, I just love seeing footage of me and josh pushing mongo. In reality there isn't any real reason not to do it besides the fact, it's seen as what it is in skateboarding. It's unprofessional looking because that's what the skateboarders before us decided. There isn't an actual benefit to pushing either way, it's the same amount of movement, balance on the board, and ground, but most people push regular (including me) so thats the consensus. I do believe if you push mongo switch, you are a mongo skateboarder, which I don't think, in any way, is a bad thing.


i skated mongo for years, and i got 1 extra reason! When you push mongo your front wheels just KILL PEBBLES! :D you don't fall when hitting one.


I push so well mongo, that I'm having a real bad time to correctly push regular.


Growing up skating Nobody I knew ever brought the whole mongo push up, only found this out lately


I noticed its something people are born with, for example like being
left handed, right handed or ambidextrous... because I cant push regular
for the life of me XD lol


I push mongo...I'm 40 years old now and have no desire to change what feels right. Teaching my 6 year old to skate now...right off the bat I realized he wasn't pushing mongo. My heart fist pumped.


ive never understood this mongo debate, people just hate it cause its ugly? for me its way easier and ive never cared what other skaters think so i just push mongo but i never even noticed a difference til someone brought it out


people always tell me to stop mongo pushing and then I tell them well it's the way I skate and theres nothing u can do about it


I feel like there’s no difference. I can skate mongo and regular, and I feel like I can get WAY more speed pushing mongo


I have pushed mongo all my skating life and I can push regular well enough, I honestly prefer to skate regular but ride mongo its so much faster and more comfortable to me


Remember when it was not about how you skate, but the love for the art? I can't believe how many people these days seem to have fallen from grace. It's kinda wrong when you're peer pressured into riding a skateboard a certain way.


Move the back foot to the middle of the board and you’ll be a lot more stable. When you’re ready to get on the board fully, both feet simultaneously move into their respective positions. It’s just as fast as non mongo pushing and feels a ton more natural.


I was ashamed of myself for pushing mongo before I watched this


I'll push how ever the FUCKING way i want😂😂


I use to skate mongo when I first started skateboarding and it helped me out a lot, but now I push regular and I don’t really care how people want to ride their board.


I'm over 40 and we all pushed mongo when i was a kid & i have skated all around the world. I have skated 30 miles a day through many cities when I was younger & I did it at speed because of mongo. I reckon you couldn't go so far or fast if you skated regular.
