Rowing Machine Benefits for POTSies

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Have you tried a rowing machine workout? If so, what was your impression?

Exercise is a lifestyle change that’s recommended to improve POTS symptoms, but it has to be done safely to avoid PEM and energy crashes.

If you have already started thinking of incorporating exercise, you might have already discovered that recumbent exercises are the way to go! But which should you choose?

The one that I chose was the rowing machine and here's why:

1. It's done sitting. Many with POTS have symptoms when they stand up. So it's recommended to start with a recumbent exercise like biking, rowing, swimming, etc.

2. Rowing strengthens your cardiovascular system. This system is responsible for transporting important materials throughout your body, such as nutrients and oxygen. Since rowing is an intense workout, your heart has to work hard to transport more blood to your body, improving heart strength.

3. It's a total body workout, but it targets the thighs, calves, and glutes. Your leg muscles are engaged when you push off, strengthening the pecs, arms, abs, and obliques. It's recommended for POTS to increase leg strength and core muscles to improve blood return from the legs to the heart and brain.

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Рекомендации по теме

where did you get this machine cotsco?


Which rower is this? Do you have blood pooling in your arms and legs and did rowing help improve those symptoms?
