Day 13 - Flight | MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

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The journey unfolds! We continue to add vocabulary and play with the right and left side of the brain and body. Stay open and know that you are worthy of this experience and this time.

You are not alone. There are many others putting this powerful puzzle together with you.

We ease into this practice with some lovely floor work to stretch, support a healthy spine, and encourage you on your journey to build core strength that sticks around all year.

Just like all of these practices, we are showing up to improve function in both the brain and body. Use the breath to accentuate your experience as we explore half-moon, standing splits, crow pose and more.

READ your full daily message via the Community here:

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🖤 MOVE - Downloadable Collection 🤍
Based on requests from the community, we are excited to announce a downloadable version of MOVE. It is offered on a donation basis, so just pay what feels good!

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🖤 WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! 🤍
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Spread your wings, darling.

Tell me, why not?


Shout out to everyone here, people who may be arriving a few days late, people right on track, motivated peeps, or those feeling less motivated! YOU GOT THIS!! The hardest part is getting on your mat, I promise! I believe in you all and am sending you so much love and support!!


I HIT CROW POSE GUYS!!! This has been my 1 goal for over a year, to hit crow even for 2 seconds as long as both feet got off the ground. It was so weird I literally soared into it and didn’t have to think much about it and just DID IT! And on the flight practice! I am so happy!!


"Close your eyes, breathe deep here, smell your armpit. Life is good."
-Adriene, 2022


It's amazing how intuitive Adriene is - 'well, that didn't go too well' - was exactly what I was thinking as she said it. This classes are so personal, yet you feel and appreciate the way you are doing them with a wonderful community of like minded people. I wish Adriene would do at 365 day yoga journey - I'd sign up!


For all the others out there like me who kept falling during this practice, feeling a Charley horse in the back of your leg, and the inability to do the yoga moves as you wanted, you’re not alone. Part of me felt frustrated and disappointed in myself. But I embraced that and surrendered as Adriene said. I need to keep reminding myself that this is my first time and it’s all new to me. I keep showing up and am glad you do as well. You’re not alone.


Day 13 - DONE.
“There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask "What if I fall?"
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?”
― Erin Hanson


Day 13! Crow pose still isn’t in the cards for me yet but being able to lift one foot off the ground without panicking sounds like progress to me. ☺️


Dear person who is reading this, I wish you a life filled with love, joy, hope, and faith. And that’s something you can create. You have the power to feel any emotion you want right now while you read this. If you want your life to change remember that you have the power to do that by making internal shifts. Life is limitless as long as you believe it to be❤️


Well I am 70, practiced yoga for 50 years and thought I'd lost the ability to hold Crow. But I did it and held it and I am smiling. It's the way Adrine builds it up. I am so grateful.


It's 30°C here in South Africa, did the practice after coming home from the beach. That "smell your armpit" was a full body experience 😂.


DAY 13 (DAY 349 STRAIGHT) Flight: Yes, it's "Flying Friday" for non-feathered friends (and feathered ones, too) focused on flight! So sweet!!!


Been trying to do that hand stand, Crow's pose, since I was little.. I.m 5'10"... did Crows Pose, held about 5 seconds.. with a goofy smile... Felt Awesome! Thank you Adriene


OMG....Adriene is going to teach us to fly!


Felt all over the place during today's practice. Tying to give myself compassion for having an off day. Looking forward to starting over again tomorrow :(


Today I moved from “Gosh, aren’t we done yet?” to “Wow, we’re done already!”


Day thirteen!!!! I'm in love with the way my body prompted me to drop to the floor and get my practise in this morning. And I loved the stretch today. Couldn't do the crow pose, could only manage one foot off the floor at a time, but I'll keep practising. Excited for this week!


I recently moved to a new country, started a new job and it has been hard and lonely some days. However, these videos have been extremely helpful in bringing me a little bit of perspective and joy every day, and making me feel like I'm part of something bigger. Thank you Adriene for the kind and patient way of teaching and thank you lovely people in the comments for your encouragement. We got this!


Adriene, You show us that we can do hard things. Thank you for gently challenging us and always encouraging.


I’m taking care of my family because they sadly have COVID-19 but this journey has helped me kept focus on what’s important and even in focusing in school. I hope everyone joining this journey has found their purpose in it. And do not fear my friends, when Adrienne takes you to flight you never forget the amazing experience your body receives(I can say from past Journeys)
