Elite: Dangerous Review

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Elite: Dangerous puts you in some amazing spaceships, but doesn't always give you a lot to do with them.
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"We want a real space sim"

*makes a real space sim*

"They're too far apart"


I laughed when he said "When Elite does a good job of making each ship distinctive, that immerses you in the seat of the pilot" when all their ships look like blocks.

Compare that to the "actually" distinctive ships of Star Citizen, where you can get up, walk around, use access panels around the ship that can have certain roles asigned to them. The ships are customizable, inside and out that have damn good effects on how you play in the ship..


You have to love these self proclaimed elite pro's, generic arguments about "make your own fun" and "you don't understand elite". The game is boring, it all boils down to hauling goods back and forth.

In before fan boys comments, take a step back and weigh up what you have done in the time you did it, there's far more dull moments than fun one, the balance is off and that's a fact. Most people (not these blind folded, unflinchingly dedicated "elite pro's") prefer to have fun all the time in a game, simulator or not, and I promise you this, you won't. Why would I wan't to LOOK for fun for hours, why doesn't FUN find me (oh lemme guess, I must MAKE my own fun, Frontier should pay me then I guess), aarrghh im done, ill sit back and wait for the "content" and then try this silly little game again.


Someone didn't know about bounty hunting, then - if you want to 'make money for your next ship' through easy combat, it's as simple as flying to a resource zone and killing wanted NPCs (which will spawn infinitely) until you have the cash you need... it's pretty lucrative


"Elite: Dangerous doesn't try to be a successor to classics like Freespace (1998) or Privateer (1993)..." Rofl, no it's a successor to the first original proper space sim ever called Elite from 1984..


>wants a space game
>complains about said space game being too much of a space game
Only at IGN


he seems to not understand how big space is


Why do people always complain about the fact that trading in ED is boring? You don't fucking have to trade! If you do bounty hunting, ED offers a lot of action and you can make a lot of money from it. And if you get into combat zones, you can even join huge space battles.
What bothers me about this video is, that you see the tester only flying around in the smallest spaceships which you can get within an hour. He obviously never tried a combat ship. Which means he never really tried real combat and therefor never even saw the fun parts of the game.


From the opening line you can tell this reviewer doesn't even know what type of game hes reviewing. Makes him sound ignorant and uninformed. You are playing an online space sim, of course the content you do will be inconsistent. It's not rocket science. 


You give this 7.2 and to call of duty an 9? Come on! This is way more revolutionary and better than any COD


Really IGN? You dislike that a simulator is simulating the vastness of space? Please pick people that know what they're getting into to review a game


Person that dosent like space games reviews a space game.... IGN


"Dozens of hours of gameplay"
*still flying Adder*
*fighting Anaconda with said Adder*


Looks like they didn't pay you enough to give a 9/10


It's not supposed to be an instant gratification, action packed all the time type of game. It's a relaxing game about exploring the unknown. It's not for everyone but it is great.


So a company produces a game with 100 BILLION (Yes, billion) star systems, and this isn't impressive enough. This is an exploration game, not an action game IGN.


"Elite Dangerous is definitely not trying to be a successor to classics like Freespace or Privateer..."

Really... Did you not even do a Google search?

The Elite franchise began the space simulator genre in 1984!

As for gameplay it sounds like you'd rather a simple match based combat experience rather than the world that Elite offers. Fair enough but Elite has to cater for those who want to trade or explore or are just out looking at their favorite star systems or nebulae. If it were to become what you want it to be (all combat all of the time) then half the target audience would be alienated.


So it's like Euro Truck Simulator but in space?


this guy might've coined the term vacuum filling the cockpit, because it doesn't make sense lol


Just a tiny one-sentence passing notice about the fact that the game world has 200 BILLION starsystems each with their own planets and asteroids, of which there are millions of asteroids in a single belt around a single planet.

You know, just the largest most expansive recreation of a complete galaxy that we have ever seen in the games industry since the original Elite (and Frontier).
No big deal,

THAT is the biggest draw of the game. That is why you buy or play Elite. The fact that combat and the other mechanics are good is a bonus. You dont buy or play elite to have 5 minute length matchmade 4 on 4 capture the flag match with unlockable attachments for your space rifles.

Yet another in the infinite lists of reasons why i never listen to reviews by so called game "journalists". They are just 4 minutes of nonsense babbling written together on a napkin to sound like it would fit in a multimedia setting. No real info, no real research, no real details. Just completely vague useless nonsense for 4 minutes. And then a score which means nothing.
Positive nonsense or negative nonsense, just useless words which dont say a lot with any meaning.
