iMedia l Short Film ' The Wait '

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This is so unfortunate such a great piece gets so little views. Please don't get discouraged. Great work by actors. Great script by producing team


What a wholesome dude the dad is. Even when he 'didn't know' the lady, he still gave her some optimistic responses.


The "Dad" killed all of us. He is really very good actor. "Less is more" one of the most true sentences of the world.


Her moment of confusion before realizing he's slipped away again, her angry responses, his unaware comforting, this is all so good. It's something that means even more on a second watch. I come back on occasion, but it always makes me want to cry


The part where the dad said " not too long to go" and her replying with "easy for you to say" is the most subtle of nods considering its initially seen as a wave away comment but in reality it really is easy for him to say considering he can't perceive time passing by as such anymore.


As someone who is currently taking care of my mother with Dementia, this hit so close to home.


Love the triple meaning of the title, the wait for the child to arrive and what that brings, the wait for the bus during which the story takes place, and the “weight” of all this on her.


Saw this on a meme channel and had to see it again. But it was cut to flow faster and it hit me hard.


Even when he’s unsure, he’s still a good dad.


I like the details of her letting her anger and frustration out in her responses because he won’t remember them, yet he doesn’t remember her but gives very fatherly and very kind and optimistic responses to this “stranger” a very real and very heart breaking short film


came here bcs i saw a GIF of this posted in a facebook group I'm in. this is heartbreaking


Amazing at the subtle nod to the fatherhood. This dude is shown as concerned about the well-being of this woman that he doesn't know, as if she were his own daughter. In some way, maybe he knows on a subconscious level that he is supposed to help and support her.


The ending reveal just... it felt like a punch to the gut. I felt myself actually gasp and start tearing up. Just the entire composition of the short was so very well done and emotional.


00:40 note how she responds "yeah" to his "are you allright?", assuming he knows who she is. Her "yeah" is the way you say that to someone you know and who knows you.
00:45 "How far along are you" - "What?!" - the surprise ("why is he asking that, he knows....")
00:54 The sigh ("Oh damn, he slipped away again...")
00:59 The faint smile.. ("Oh well, here we go again, I'll play the stranger and just answer...") - "21 weeks."

SUPERB acting.


I absolutely adore this film. As an amateur filmmaker myself, I take my hat off to the creator of this picture. Cinema is supposed to make the audience feel. That is the true goal of a filmmaker. Tell a story through imagery and dialog that illicits feelings from the audience. Well, in just under 4 minutes, you did just that. I love it!


This isn’t nearly as popular as this should be. This is an amazing piece of quick storytelling.


Back in the days I felt like I'm not afraid of dementia, at all. Because my family has generic dementia, and I knew that one day, just one day, it will eventually come to me. Years later, I went to the hospital. I have been diagnosed with dementia. All my "mental preparations" I have done, all my prays and hopes and dreams, they would shatter in a million pieces. It's hard to describe the feeling you had in that moment. When it finally comes to you, no matter what you've done, you just couldn't take it. I had tears up in my eyes. I never let them dropped. I didn't speak a word. I was in my car on the way home. All I had in my mind is, Why? Why me? Why does it has to come so early in my life? Suddenly, I was in my room. I don't know how, I don't know why. What's happening in the middle, I don't know, and I won't know. Anxiety struck. It struck hard. I put a camera recording my room. What I saw is truly heartbreaking. Whenever I suddenly lost my memory again, I would go ahead and check the videos. I felt like I was watching another person.

I didn't pick up that key on the floor.
I didn't fold that towel.
I didn't read that book.

Or did I?
The video tells me I did, but my brain just won't let me recall it. I just don't have the footage in my mind, no matter how hard I think. I am watching memories that doesn't belong to my memory. It's like a lost puzzle of my memory, but I just couldn't shove it back in where it was. It belongs to there but it don't.

I won't let that happen in my life. I won't let go of my life. I started training my memories and try to get them back. I'm starting to participate in speech competitions. When I'm memorising the texts, out of a surprise, I didn't forget them the next day. I would think that I saved myself. My heart was like released from a death sentence. But, that's when things struck hard. Real hard. The day of competition, I was in my class, rehearsal the speeches in my mind. I felt like I was ready. I went to the toilet, and the next second I was on stage. It's like you had a nightmare, and suddenly woke up to reality. How did I go from toilet to the stage, I don't know. I forgot what did I say on the stage and which part of the speech I am in. I tried to restart the whole script, read it all over again. And the feeling hit again. My head was empty. I spent so much time and effort perfectly memorising each and every word, and now I had zero image about any of it. I don't even remember the title of it. I was on the stage. Anxiety struck. It struck hard. I said, "I'm sorry, thank you." Then walked off the stage. Everybody is not looking, but staring at me. He was performing smooth and well a second ago, why did everything suddenly went down? My feelings were indescribable. Dementia, once again, like a katana, cleanly sliced through my hope. On the way home, I felt real, real down. I felt like I can see the world is gray. My anxiety and sadness built up to a level I can't comprehend anymore. I had a really bad headache, I passed out.

I woke up on the hospital, and tragedy struck again. I was told that I had brain cancer. Not the worse one but still, I can't speak a word. Why does all that have to happen on me?

I started writing lots and lots of really long texts about my good old times. I'm so, so, so, so, so afraid of losing any of them, but it's happening. It's painful. I really wanna keep them forever. I'm writing down each and every thing I can remember. My best buddies. My old times where you don't even know what depression is. I didn't know my writing skills are actually something, that's because I haven't tried, just like many other things I didn't got to do in my life. I woke up in my room. Starring at the ceiling. I asked myself, "Why was my room painted blue?" Then I burst into tears.

I have Trypophobia. Those tiny holes, they might just be what my decaying memory looks like. The day's still passing by, and my life would still go on. If you gave me a choice, I'd rather start a new life right now. But still, I have no regrets meeting you and Zack in my life. I might be forgetting what my room looks like, I might be forgetting what you looks like, And one day, I might finally forget how to breathe, in that moment, I hope I can went through all my lost memories, even in a split second. I will forget the years of pains. By that moment, I will be walking towards the end of me, smiling, if I didn't forget how to smile.

My friend had dementia. I asked him what it feels like to have dementia after watching this vid.

I thought I was a tough guy until I read this text he sent me.


Living through this with my husband, I find this short so spot on. From her glances at him, to how she responds. She is a wonderful actress. So spot on.


the way she reacts when he says "it'll be okay" is portrayed in such a realistic way. you can tell that it was exactly what she needed to hear from her father.


This short film is so well executed.
I hope it won many awards.
