Which Version of WoW Should You Play? | World of Wacraft

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Started classic era for the first time a couple of weeks ago, loving it so far


Great video, I’m a long time player and it’s nice to see someone making wow classic content that doesn’t just hate on other wow game modes. ❤❤❤


I be playin all of em except war within as I can’t afford the expansion at this time but eventually it’ll workout probs!
Awesome videos😎


Thanks for this video. All of these different versions were confusing for me!


This is the first I've heard of the Hardcore version. Very intersting! I normally play healers, so now I'm trying to imagine how I would level in such a situation. I am a weirdo who likes to level as a healing spec and mostly level through dungeon groups (I really love the lower level dungeons!).


This game needs a wotlk and tbc server. I refuse to come back without them.


I mostly play retail, but I dabble in classic era. My era mage recently hit level 40 and bought his mount. I have tried hardcore, but I'm not a good enough classic player to survive even to level 20. I made it to 17 on a mage before dying and haven't reached that level again on HC. I'm not interested in playing Cataclysm classic, but I could see it being fun if you have a community or guild to play with.


thx this vid helped me out soo much i was lost on whare to start but now i know thank you ❤


I know a bit of the lore, but I mostly enjoy playing the game. I started WoW during Legion, and at first, I wasn’t really interested in the lore. But over time, I got into it, so I went back and played Warcraft 3, and now I’m currently playing WoW Classic.

There are so many expansions to explore! Once I finish Classic, I’d love to hear your opinion—should I play through the expansions in order from TBC to Warlords of Draenor on Retail using Chromie Time, or would that be confusing? I know that even in Chromie Time, some characters appear in cities when they shouldn’t be there, which might break immersion.

What do you recommend for experiencing the lore in a way that makes the most sense, without too much ambiguity?


I’m still semi new, played retail for roughly a year before SoD released, got every class to 70(during dragonflight). Then I played SoD and classic. I’ve tried Retail and Cataclysm multiple times (got a Warlock and a Druid to 85) but they just don’t come close to the classic experience tbh. And I don’t exactly know why, it feels like the game lost any real immersion in the newer expansions.
In classic it takes so long to level, you just zone out and explore the world running around.
So from my personal limited experience I truly truly truly believe flying mounts ruined the game.
In retail and Cataclysm it feels like there’s a huge update and the game feels alive for a week or 2 then it feels dead.
I could go on longer and put more thought into it, but this is just a YouTube comment lol, this is just my outside perspective looking in with pretty minimal experience.


Will the World of Warcraft Classic Era stay classic or will it go to expansions eventually too? Thanks in advance!


To anyone reading this: don't stop yourself from playing SOD (the most fun version out there right now imo) just because it is seasonal and it will end eventually. These pixels won't last forever anyway so enjoy the game alongside everybody else while it is available! It also doesn't take all that much commitment to get to end game and raid with people so If you haven't raided before now is the time!


Yeah I am. Should be playing a dedicated TBC server


rolled a rogue on sod crusader strike, quite surprised how crowded it is


I’m looking for a Modest version, I don’t want to expose my son to any immodestly dressed characters, which version would you recommend?


I haven't played since Warlords... But I've got the itch to get back into it for a few.
Would I be able to get my account back? I used to have one of those authenticators... But I lost it between moving.


Hardcore Self Found is the hardest setting in wow, and the most rewarding trip to 60. Been playing wow almost 20 years, and I will not do retail again.


I just tried retail wow for the first time in several years and it's terrible. It's too cluttered, busy, cartoonified, fast paced, rushed, dumbed down gameplay, terrible quests... just awful!
Back to SOD, I'm enjoying that. Will go to a fresh Classic realm if we get one.


Turtle WoW is the only answer. Best version of WoW i have ever touched and ive been playing the game since 2005


I thought if you died in Hardcore you could transfer your character to Classic Era? Did they change that?
