Application of Mite-Away Quick Strips

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This video is simply the procedure of applying one form of acaracide, MAQS. I have had experience in the past of using different kinds of acaracides...Coumaphos (Checkmite +), Fluvalinate (Apistan) and I have used various forms of Thymol. For me the trade-offs weren't worth it in the end so I have changed to an all natural Formic Acid Acaracide only. In fact, I will never use any of the aforementioned treatments again, nor any of the harsh, or hard chemicals on my bees and would encourage you to do the same. However, Formic Acid is organic acid produced by ants, but used as an acaracide or varroacide by beekeepers for control of the Varroa Mite. It is considered a "soft" treatment because it disperses completely and is not absorbed by beeswax, and complete dissipation is achieved.
I will follow up with a video discussing other forms of treatment, other varroacides, IPM treatments, etc.
Рекомендации по теме

Keith, I really appreciate the videos you've put together and have certainly learned some good information. I also know its time consuming to prepare these videos, but I would love to see some updates on your apiaries, hear of anything you've learned or methodologies you've reconsidered. How are the hives doing this spring? I lost about 40% this winter and but I'm gearing up to add 15 more hives to my apiaries in April. Keep us all posted and thanks for everything.


Hi, I have a question...  In the application part of the video, you used a strip between the boxes and a strip on top of the upper box.  Then in the removal part, you removed just one strip, from the top of the upper box, and closed up the hive for the winter.  Do you find, then, that a single strip on the upper box of a double deep will do the job?  (I would rather not pry apart my two deep boxes if it's not necessary.)  Thanks!


Hi, does it get really cold in winter where you live, and if so, do you insulate your hives at all? Thanks friend.


Have you ever used apivar. What are your thoughts if you have?


Have you ever used oxalic acid to treat your hives for mites control? They say this is a natural treatment??


Hi, Great channel!! I don't recall which of your videos it was that you mentioned using drone foundation as a part of an overall IPM plan, but since this video is dealing with varroa mites I figure this would be as good a place as any to ask about that. I am very much a proponent of IPM and I think the drone foundation method is brilliant. However, what I don't have is information on the practical application of the drone frames, as in, where in the brood chamber should I locate the frame and if I have multiple brood boxes on each hive is it necessary to have additional frames in the other boxes? Keep the videos coming brother, good info that's well presented isn't in great supply. You're making great contributions with this.


Do you see any die off with this medication?


you do not use formic acid pads that way you are suppose to put both pads on one brood box not separate them between two brood boxes
