Why Sidious Was Extremely Disappointed with the Empire - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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Young Sidious: Why don’t the Jedi take over the Republic and rule as they wish?
Old Sidious: *Oh.*


Ironic isn't it: he could tear down both the Republic and the Separatists but he couldn't mold his Empire as he saw fit


fear as a negative motivator has never been one that causes people to go above and beyond. As Office Space put it "the fear of losing my job(life) but that'll only motivate you just enough to not get fired".

There was never a chance for competence if being competent means Palpatine views you as a threat and guns you down hence why the Inquisitors all suck. Either you're going to be fair enough to make your underlings not hate/fear you or you'll have to accept that every single moment will require your direct micromanaging influence.


Palpatine pretty much bet everything on being able to live forever, but I feel most every Jedi, or anyone else familiar with Sith history would just tell him; "people smarter than you have tried."


"When the troops are undisciplined, the fault lies with their commander."

-Tywin Lannister.


It's like Sidious forgot that he forged his empire through deceit and trickery. He also elevated people who relied on those paths to rise up. Of course his empire is going to be full of people only in it for themselves that fight amongst each other while the enemy is breathing down their necks. That kind of atmosphere does not breed camaraderie or competence.


One of the biggest flaws in my mind has always been that he applied sith thought and teachings to everyone. While things like fear, anger and hatred are great motivators for the few individuals that can become sith, to non-force sensitives it’s a miserable existence and they will ultimately want to be free of it. Another irony is that bane decided there should only be two sith. Two to know the teachings and pass it on. Then sidious goes and starts applying them to everything, not realizing he’s making the army (symbolically the weaker apprentices that band together in banes mind) that will overthrow their master, the rebels that is.


Not taking accountability for the flaws of subordinates is a massive sign of personal weekness
You have 100% of the power to move/remove/replace/retrain
If they arent doing what is expected of them, palpi can deal with that problem... but it is *his* problem


So Darth Sidious got what he wanted only to be disappointed in the end. I think this should serve as a life lesson. Be careful what you wish for.


For all his brains and wits, Sheev Palpatine never changed.
He is and always was an entitled spoiled brat who thought he could get away with anything and looked down on everyone. He was taken down by a humble farm boy and that is of underrated poetic justice


The quotes from Nemik's manifesto come to mind: "Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear."

What Palpatine wanted was impossible. It goes in against basic human nature. His ideas were doomed to fail from the start - it was only a question of when, and at what cost, not if.


As Luke said to him Sidius, "You're over confidence is your weakness". But more importantly, The emporer was too wanting. No matter how much power he gained, it would never be enough.


I think it serves Sidious right to have his empire be as big of a failure as it was, Palpatine only got to be emperor on the backs(usually dead backs) of those he betrayed so much so that he gave up the perfect apprentice to help him run the empire, as Dooku would of been an ideal right hand man for the empire, as he was far too weak to be a threat to Palpatine but at the same time all those issues he had with Vader were on things Dooku himself excelled at you can look no further than the inquisitors, compared to Dooku's dark acolytes


"You may find that having a thing is much different than wanting a thing. It is not logical but it is often true."-Spock from that other SciFi series.

Also, Palpatine help increase the corruption in the that even a Sith Lord Emperor couldn't control.


Putting Tarkin in charge of the Outer Rim was a huge mistake. One of the first things the Empire should have done was go for an all out massive crackdown on the various criminal organizations; Golden Dawn, Pikes, Hutts, etc. That would've been the first steps to gain loyalty from the citizens of the Outer Rim but other worlds were organized crime had a strangle hold. Next would've been economic development


It's almost like ruling 3, 200, 000, 000 potentially habitable systems and all of the various sentient beings effectively is too much for one body to accomplish be they good or evil, dictatorship or republic. :)


To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised. Especially given how the empire ended up.


Palpatine killed his master Darth Plagueis too early. Plagueis’s monetary influence could’ve drastically helped with the Republic’s transition into the empire and his knowledge of the force could’ve taken a lot less stress off of Palpatine in discovering the secret to immortality while simultaneously also running the empire.

But Palpatine’s arrogance in believing he could have done it all without Plagueis is untimatelu what lead to the downfall of the empire and Sith.


LOL, poor Palpatine! I actually feel sorry for him. Unlimited Power is not what it's cracked up to be 😂...an Inquisitor drowned? 😂


Sidious, you made the Empire... if you want to know whose fault it is and who failed it, look in a mirror. In one of the books, it was said the King in chess would blame the rest of the pieces if he fell, but shouldn't he blame the player? That was how the dark side dumbed down Palpatine.
