When Should I Leave My Church?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 187
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Leaving my church was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. I'm still hurting about it, but it had to be done.#LordHelpMe😢


The number 1 reason should be when God tells you too. Often times it's easy to lean on our family and friends to make those decisions for us when we should trust God and ask him first if we need to be in a that church or if he calls us elsewhere.


I kept attending the church my late husband preferred which had changed pastors some time after he passed away. One Sunday the new pastor preached a sermon using Tom Hanks movie clips for an hour, pausing them to interject some life lesson. Just one scripture that day and no Biblical message. Only the movie clips. The pastor promised a Summer of Sunday movie sermons. I sat through that message on that morning knowing that I would never return. I heard that after I left they started serving popcorn during the Sunday movie clips services.


Thanks pastor John. I e got a few friends who have been asking this question and this was a great answer for those trying to navigate this question.


Thank you so much sir John.. I'm really longing to know our LORD JESUS CHRIST more and to effectively use my desire to share the Gospel for others. I'm really sad that there's a church name their denomination "Gospel Church" but the preaching and teaching diminishes the message of the cross. Sometimes, it is far more better to our soul to seek a congregation who also obeying and exercising the same passion of advancing the Gospel. Godbless you Sir John!


I begun to dread going to the place.almost afraid.


as a relatively new believer, I left my church during the "quarantine" times in 2020 when the church was only meeting on zoom and a mentor of mine took him and his family to a new church. I was not in a healthy place spiritually and blindly followed him.. It has been nothing but very painful and sorrowful times since. I say this as a warning to anyone listening to this video thinking about leaving your church.. For the love of Jesus, pray, pray and pray some more that your reasons are pure and that the Holy Spirit is leading you to leave, and that it is not for man, or from a place of bitterness or fear/cowardice to face or confront something that is difficult in your church..or things will not go well, you will grieve the Holy Spirit and it will be a very challenging/uphill journey forward


my last day was when the head of the church i was at starting talking about pride and how pride is a good thing to have


This was a good answer, confirmed some things for me. Thank you.


If a church is not consistently preaching and practicing the true gospel of Jesus Christ it may be advisable to leave. If you are not receiving good spiritual food you will feel empty and frustrated. Anyway, be led by the Holy Spirit on such a serious matter. God will not throw you under the bus, He chose you to be in His kingdom.


At my church the women always gossip among each other, as a 13 yr old girl, there was one time when I was a bit younger when I found they were talking behind my back.


A church I once called home (first church I was a member of and the only one I was a member of growing up & confirmed in) gave me the cold shoulder and I went to another church very late 2021 and now the "new" church I thought of calling home has decided to be more like a concert hall to where it's so unorganized to where they do full songs and the slides only have 1/2 of the song and that itself is pretty bad; requires kids to be in kids ministry and can't be involved during service along with mandatory name tag stickers with a 3 digit code...
I was once LCMS, then the local AG and now I'm back to the Church Search to where I can feel home to where I can agree with the pastor's (or priest's) sermons and viewpoints as there are small liberal/progressive churches that have a conservative congregation...I'm a theologically conservative confessional Christian. Still praying to help me find a new home church.


Going to church is very good for a Christian but not at all cost. The wrong church will do you more harm than good. I left the last church I attended at the beginning of this year. It had become evident that it was more toxic than useful for all areas of my life, especially my faith. I don't know any good Godly church in the city I live in so I will be on my own and trust God to show me the way but I won't let any man guilt trip me into becoming the slave of any human institution that instrumentalizes the name of Jesus to do business.


Thank you for the loving Doctrinally based answer!


My position at the moment is like
I feel like i don't see a real future me being part of my church & in turn i don't think my church see's a future in me....
Really struggling here!.


Interesting. The True church teaches the Scripture properly. False churches teach false doctrines and misrepresent the ONE TRUE GOD. You don't choose Christ, Christ chooses you.


What if ur a seasoned saint, and u wanna leave to a meatier church.


Our church didn’t outright teach cessationism… for 2 years. now leaders are teaching cessationism. My family and I are continuationists. I see this as an essential doctrine. I don’t want my children influenced by a doctrine that I adamantly oppose, and furthermore, cessationism is both spiritually AND physically dangerous. If a person goes to an elder for prayer for healing (James)- spiritually or physically - if the elder is a cessationist: HOW IS IT NOT A DOUBLE MINDED PRAYER? There is explicit doubt.


This response isn't exhaustive enough! I wish Pastor John you can write a book on this.


I am seeing red flags in my church I was going through a difficult season of homelessness and not one pastor or staff member supported me even when I cried out and ask . I feel ostracised and not appreciate. Yesterday a pastor revelled when another staff member got made redundant and one of the apps groups they send messages in Spanish when the majority of people can't speak Spanish. Should I leave? And can I get some support
