What Do I Think About Life Coaches?

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Today's video addresses life coaches and my thoughts on what they do. Here's the question I answer: Hi Kati! I think an interesting video would be your thoughts on life coaching. I'm seeing this sprout up more and more and I wonder how therapists feel about this trend.
I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
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Hello, a life coach who was not certified helped me immensely more than I could've dreamed of. A piece of paper means nothing, real life experience is more valuable


A couple weeks in with my life coach has helped me handle my mental illness more than 4 years with therapists. I feel like half of therapists are just inept, all they do is sit and listen and don't try to actively help.


I just started working with a life coach and she has a huge disclaimer in her documents that say she is not a therapist and does not provide those services. And I really appreciate that. She was actually recommended to me by my therapist and I have given both of them releases so they can speak to each other about what might be helpful for me. I'm working with her so she can help me on my career path, something my therapist can help with me only to a certain extent. I think life coaching is valuable but only if used appropriately :)


A good life coach will listen, acknowledge and question to allow their client to find their own answers, I don't think taking a course and getting accreditation means someone will be a better coach. I have seen plenty of experienced therapists who were useless.


I talk to a life coach online and she is SO SO INCREDIBLE. Far better than the one counsellor and another psychologist that i tried earlier.


The development of the life-coaching industry has several benefits for both individuals and companies. With the help of life coaching, you can improve your relationships, establish new professional ambitions, and reach your personal objectives.


I studied psychology and chose to become a life coach instead. It is precisely the diagnosing aspect of therapy that I find problematic. It creates more problems that it is supposed to fix.


I’m a certified life, relationship and dating coach (most of my clients are for dating) and I try to never keep a client more than 12 weeks. The max I will is 16. That is a value I hold for myself as a coach and my clients. Probably 60% of my clients are seeing a therapist as well and I hold strong boundaries about suggesting clients tackle something that comes up with their therapist if it’s not a coaching issue.


I am a certified life coach as well and I thank you for commenting on this. I am also getting my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy so I am getting the best of both worlds, in my opinion. I think that it is critically important for people to know the major difference between life coaches and therapists so that they can find the best person to suit their needs. You are awesome!


As a life coach, I really appreciate this video! I know I wouldn't have been at a place to receive coaching myself or study to be a coach/ offer coaching services without the inner reflection therapy has offered me. I love how you present the combo of coaching & therapy as a "team" - I find that my clients who do the best have this dual support and am blessed to work with both myself. One thing to mention, many coaches don't necessarily give 'advice' per se, but rather help clients wade through their own stories to uncover their own personal truths. Love your channel, thank you!


I always think of life coaches as people who set goals and encourage and therapists as people who diagnose, look at past behaviors, correlate them to their current situation and assist clients in making the changes they desire. I am a mental health therapist and it seems like that's often the difference between the two professions in my area <3


It's my birthday and this is the video I requested! Woo hoo! 😁 Thanks, Katie!


Hi. I've completed my psychology and then did life coaching through Australia. I consistently reminded everybody on the calls what the differences are between therapy and coaching. I've also had two clients who were 'stuck' and I asked them to make contact with a therapist. The biggest difference I have noticed is that therapy is about healing and coaching is about future movement. I love working with therapists, especially the kind like Katie.


Certified Professional Coach here. I have been certified by PhD Psychologist Sharon Livingston. I can honestly say, my coaching certification program ACTUALLY was my therapy, along with actual therapy for my childhood trauma. I learned so much. It all inspired me to get into the field and I am now working my way as a Clinical Psychology student to becoming Doctor of Psych in a Mental Institution. Coaching is about the present and the future helping HEALTHY individuals. Therapy is about the present and the past and healing. I want to be able to provide both.


I had a really sweet life coach for a few years of high school. she definitely helped get me through all the hoops i needed to graduate.


Life coaching is amazing, i love that it focuses on solutions and not so much dwelling on the problem. Thanks for the video


I am a certified life coach. I have combined my life coaching with other self-help strategies like mindfulness and brought that to my clients through experiential learning with horses and dogs. I have been doing this for a couple of years now and have seen incredible results. Most of my clients work with therapists or social workers as well and they find the combination to be extremely helpful for them. I love your videos!! Thank you for making them!


i had no idea life coaches existed. also my therapist said that i have BPD tendencies, maybe even BPD itself, and she told me to watch your videos on it bc i told her how much you’ve helped me. thank you for all that you do!!!


As a certified life coach, I completely agree with everything you said, with one small modification. Coaching, at least the style I believe works best, is much more question-focused than advice-focused. It's all about figuring out what the client wants and how to get there in a way that suits that individual.


Absolutely! Life coaching stops when there’s a sign of mental illness. Clients must be guided on to a therapist. Blessings to all!
